New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Reg! Had to stop by and check on you
Looks like your doing great
Thanxx my hero:green_heart: Nothing but luv for you...
Re: New City Grower

It looks perky & healthy. I may take it out of the Zip-Lock bag & see how well the humidity holds up. If it stays high I wont use the bag.
Re: New City Grower

So is that author saying that electricity can be used to raise pH only? If so, one could theoretically start with a highly acidic base and turn on the juice to raise it to the optimal level, then slightly decrease to allow for a minor dip to feed off nutes in the lower ranges..

In a word, no. Once the Bond is broken and it is replaced, it would take another 'outside force' to cause an opposite reaction. So you could, in theory, dial it up, but once its there thats it. Its not dropping by dropping the voltage. Its a one time shot kinda deal from what I understand.

Good Weed Reg. Sorry to science jack your thread sir. :geek:
Re: New City Grower

GHETTO CLONE DOME: Sept. 16 2013 DAY 7

I removed the Zip-Lock bag this morning & she seems to be retaining humidity on her own a little better now.


The soil is a little moist but not really wet. The leaves are curling but not wilting.
Re: New City Grower

Well, it doesnt look like she has lost any color so I assume shes getting plenty of light. I have never cloned Mj, but Id say shes still kicking and that the first step to successful clones! :)
Re: New City Grower

I hope she roots for ya Reg. 30 damn degrees up north tonight so the girls get to sleep indoors. Lugging 7 foot plants threw a dark house walking backwards (You have to go backwards or risk damaging them) to my back room is no fun.
Re: New City Grower

Nah Spimp, you've never cloned? you have got to be pulling my leg, a seasoned grower such as yourself. Yeah, it's suppose to hit the 40's tonight here. The super has already started sending up heat. Damn of course that's why the humidity in the clone dome has improved. As my daughter would say "DAH DADDY"
Re: New City Grower

I hope she roots for ya Reg. 30 damn degrees up north tonight so the girls get to sleep indoors. Lugging 7 foot plants threw a dark house walking backwards (You have to go backwards or risk damaging them) to my back room is no fun.
What we do for the women we love.
Re: New City Grower

the zip lock bag method is something i hadnt come across till i seen it on this journal, as we are getting into winter now it might be something ill try if i cant keep humidity up in the domes, when i was growing under cfls and the temps dropped keeping humidity up high was pretty tough and i had to spray the plants a few times a day to keep it high, so the bag method might be a good option for producing clones in cooler climates or under lights that dont produce much heat,

as long as i see condensation on the inside of the dome then i know the clone is ok, if their is no condensation then its either because the seal has broken at the bottom of the dome so you may have it raised off the soil slightly on the one end and this then lowers the humidity or its usually because the temps have been to cool to turn the water to condensate, so a very interesting idea with the zip lock bag, im sure others will be interested if they had problems rooting clones.

some cuttings will root in 7 days and some can take 2 weeks or more, so just keep an eye on the top of the cutting and when its rooted you will see you got some new growth, then take the dome off and just keep checking the clone every hour or 2 and if it still looks fine after 12 plus hours then you know its got enough roots to collect water, if you see the leaves starting to droop then the dome needs to go back on, i cant see you having any problems though, as long as humidity is high they will grow roots, when i first grew i used to take clones without rooting hormones and they still rooted ok, they might take a day or 2 extra but as long as humidity is high you should do just fine
Re: New City Grower

The bag only made common sense to me when I noticed the humidity level starting to drop. But when you explained the difficulties it might cause I figured if I don't need it I wont use it.
Re: New City Grower

as long as the dome is misting up then the bag is not needed as it will cause problems if the soil is kept to moist, it will cause mould and make the soil rot and make the roots rot, so as long as the dome is doing the job then you wont need the bag,

but if the temps where low then the bag could be added but only if you cant keep humidity up using the dome, as long as the lights are giving off heat then humidity wont be a problem, i just thought the bag might be an option for winter cloning or growers who are struggling to keep humidity up, i found the main problem was having the dome to big or not having it sealed properly at soil level, so when you cut the dome make sure it sits flat then when you put it over the clone just give it a gentle push into the soil, not a hard push but just enough so the dome is touching the soil all the way around, if theirs any gaps then humidity will lower and can cause the plant to wilt,

the soil really needs to breath as the roots need oxygen, so the bag method might be an option in cold temps, but with the lights we use the dome should be fine, or if night time temps was cool then place the bag over the pot and dome to keep temps up, i would use the bag with the lights on as it would just make the soil swet,

i just thought it might be an option for growers who have cold nights or if they cant keep temps up in the grow space, but even if the dome dont mist up to much as long as its just a few water droplets on it then the humidity is around 100% still, so the dome should be all you need and its all i have used,
Re: New City Grower

Actually the dome is on the outside of the pot portion not into the soil.
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg...I use a ZIP-lock bag for humidity over my small cloner...if I don't the clones wither...I usually use it for 3-4 days then when I see small roots forming I remove it for short intervals and slowly increase the time the dome is off until the roots are large enough to support the plant

...good to weed to you reg
Re: New City Grower

She's actually looking a little perkier since I've back off the nutes. Maybe I'll just feed her PHed tap for the rest of the run. Received a little goodie box today.


Now I can get a GOOD look at her SEXY butt.
Re: New City Grower

She's actually looking a little perkier since I've back off the nutes. Maybe I'll just feed her PHed tap for the rest of the run. Received a little goodie box today.


Now I can get a GOOD look at her SEXY butt.

Reg the proctologist... Nice. :)
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