New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Lookin good bar, the darkness could be genetic, or they are crammed with N, they look real healthy to me, you could give em like a 3 week flush at the end...they look like they have a ways to go. The funny thing about flowering times is that there are so many variables......just let the plants tell you when they're gonna finish and plan the flush accordingly.........I would flush these plants good though........let em use up that N.
Thanxx; The PH of the run off water seems to be within range. My next step was to refer to the deficiency chart via (FIRST TIMER-POST #6) & came up with the same conclusion. Would A nitrogen abundancey problem effect vertical growth? In the last 3 wks it's maybe grown 2 inches. Would it be wise to flush at this point or wait? I've also decided to feed them straight PHed tap water (no nutes) for the time being on every 3rd day. After referring to the time periods more carefully on some of the journals I've been subscribed to I realize how much flower time varies from one harvest to the next.
Re: New City Grower

Is it in ur budget to get distilled water? It's in every grocery store and has way less PPMs in it. If you've been using tap, this might be why, possible salt buildups. Just a thought...
Re: New City Grower

Is it in ur budget to get distilled water? It's in every grocery store and has way less PPMs in it. If you've been using tap, this might be why, possible salt buildups. Just a thought...

excellent point sky, I have often considered this. I don't flush my plants til the end.....unless it was a drastic measure. What I am finding is that my plants like the magnesium in the form of Epsom, so with the calmag out of the picture there is still a ca reqmnt., that I hope to be meeting with the portion of tap water that I mix with my r/o. I'm fine tuning my theory and it seems to be working to an extent...I will know fo sho at harvest time. I hate to flush cuz I try to be as organic as I can, but I have been known to pop em with a fast acting non organic nute if I think it's going to take to long organically to fix the problem, I don't want to have my plants in a less than optimal health during critical flowering times...........I'm more apt to use organic fixes in veg, then the syns during flower. I also do the final flush like 3 weeks before harvest......when the plants system should be directing all it's energy to the buds...........draining everything they can from the soil and the energy reserves stored in the plant. When I think of washing the nutes out of my 22$ a bag soil I cringe!
Re: New City Grower

Is it in ur budget to get distilled water? It's in every grocery store and has way less PPMs in it. If you've been using tap, this might be why, possible salt buildups. Just a thought...
Partially budget mostly on principal. I refuse to pay for water. Free tap water was good enough for my grandparents, my parents & myself. If my daughter wants to buy water she can purchase it out of her allowance so she drinks tap water too. They don't even have water fountains in office buildings anymore, just coolers. Now their even starting to charge us for air with these oxygen bars that have started popping up & idiots are actually patronizing these things. NO SIR-YE BOB! You've got to get up pretty damn early in the morning if you want to scam a dime from me for AIR & WATER.
Re: New City Grower

They purify the Hudson, right?
But seriouslyI hear what your saying.

Partially budget mostly ethics. I refuse to pay for water. Free tap water was good enough for my grandparents, my parents & myself. If my daughter wants to buy water she can purchase it out of her allowance so she drinks tap water too. They don't even have water fountains in office buildings anymore, just coolers. Now their even starting to charge us for air with these oxygen bars that have started popping up & idiots are actually patronizing these things. NO SIR-YE BOB! You've got to get up pretty damn early in the morning if you want to scam a dime from me for AIR & WATER.
Re: New City Grower

Nixing the cal/ mag replacing with Epsom and mixing tap with r/o.....Brilliant my friend.

The exchange of ideas here is superb.

excellent point sky, I have often considered this. I don't flush my plants til the end.....unless it was a drastic measure. What I am finding is that my plants like the magnesium in the form of Epsom, so with the calmag out of the picture there is still a ca reqmnt., that I hope to be meeting with the portion of tap water that I mix with my r/o. I'm fine tuning my theory and it seems to be working to an extent...I will know fo sho at harvest time. I hate to flush cuz I try to be as organic as I can, but I have been known to pop em with a fast acting non organic nute if I think it's going to take to long organically to fix the problem, I don't want to have my plants in a less than optimal health during critical flowering times...........I'm more apt to use organic fixes in veg, then the syns during flower. I also do the final flush like 3 weeks before harvest......when the plants system should be directing all it's energy to the buds...........draining everything they can from the soil and the energy reserves stored in the plant. When I think of washing the nutes out of my 22$ a bag soil I cringe!
Re: New City Grower

Maybe I'm too baked, but a thought popped in my head when reading the posts. I'm trying to search Louggle to see if electricity would adjust pH but can't find the right wording. Sorry that this has little to do with the topic at hand, but wouldn't this be a great way to literally focus a plant's ability to absorb a specific nutrient in the medium? Like to cure a deficiency or something. I know it seems awfully cruel, but if electrolysis in micro wattage would have any affect on pH values, this could be applied at times to control the pH of a medium and hold it there for a time.

This is another reason why I rarely get stoned, over think stuff a lot! Sorry BAR
Re: New City Grower

Maybe I'm too baked, but a thought popped in my head when reading the posts. I'm trying to search Louggle to see if electricity would adjust pH but can't find the right wording. Sorry that this has little to do with the topic at hand, but wouldn't this be a great way to literally focus a plant's ability to absorb a specific nutrient in the medium? Like to cure a deficiency or something. I know it seems awfully cruel, but if electrolysis in micro wattage would have any affect on pH values, this could be applied at times to control the pH of a medium and hold it there for a time.

This is another reason why I rarely get stoned, over think stuff a lot! Sorry BAR

There is research on altering the cation exchange in plants with electricity, I read a lot of scientific stuff, but can't remember where I saw it at. It may have been during my brief look at brix.
Re: New City Grower

There is research on altering the cation exchange in plants with electricity, I read a lot of scientific stuff, but can't remember where I saw it at. It may have been during my brief look at brix.

Then this topic probably has already been researched
Re: New City Grower

Then this topic probably has already been researched

Heres an interwebs example I stole ;)

Electricity has electron which is negative charge. pH is the concentration of hydrogen ion and hydrogen ion has positive charge. So electricity can change hydrogen ion chargeless. If so then you will loose the hydrogen ion's concentration and you will get higher pH.
Re: New City Grower

So is that author saying that electricity can be used to raise pH only? If so, one could theoretically start with a highly acidic base and turn on the juice to raise it to the optimal level, then slightly decrease to allow for a minor dip to feed off nutes in the lower ranges.

I was thinking this b/c in the hydroponic nutrient availability chart, the Ca, Mg and Mn are all available at different sub ranges within 5.8 Acidic. Then I got to thinking it may possibly be controlled how far into the Acid the pH was allowed to sway to make the lower nutrients available. If this has any scientific truth to it, I think this may be something that can be exponentially beneficial to the grower.
Re: New City Grower

hows the clone coming along, just remember that bag will be keeping everything moist including the soil, this might cause the soil to rot and mould might form, you dont want the soil to wet as you want the roots to grow so they find the water, so when i take clones i make sure the soil is moist before i put the clone in then when i put the clone in all i do is mist the clone once or twice a day, if the dome is not condensationing up then i give that a spray inside, but take the dome off once or twice a day only for 1min just to exchange the air,

ive not needed to use a bag and i got 100% success, as long as the dome is misting up then the humidity is around 100%, if it wasnt misting up then temps are to low or the soil is to dry, just be careful the bag dont stop the soil breathing as this can cause mould and can cause the clone to rot, you dont want the soil temp getting to high, its just the top of the clone that needs high humidity and not the roots, the roots just need moist soil but not soaking wet,

dont leave the dome off for to long, just 1 min at a time but long enough to let the plant breath, then place the dome back on, as long as the dome mists up then the bag shouldnt be needed, i would use a bag if the dome was not misting up as it would help keep temps up, but high moisture in the soil can cause the clone to rot so if the bag is misting up as well then it might be a tad to much for the plant and would be a breeding ground for microbes,
Re: New City Grower

when we check how much nutrients we give the plants we are testing the ec or eletric current or what ever its called, when i poked the probes of my mulit meter into the soil in my pots i was getting a low volt reading out of the soil, so this is the ec reading, so electric may play a part to some extent but finding out what does what would take a long time.

the quickest way to grow is dwc or hydro, the dwc plants grow twice as quick if not 3 times as quick as soil grown plants,

but at the minute ive got a ww x skunk growing and its outgrowing all the other plants in the same soil, ive not fed nutrients as its new soil so all the plants are getting the exact same water amounts and temps etc etc, but this ww x sk is 3 or 4 times bigger than plants of the same age grown in identical conditions,
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