New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

She's actually looking a little perkier since I've back off the nutes. Maybe I'll just feed her PHed tap for the rest of the run. Received a little goodie box today.


Now I can get a GOOD look at her SEXY butt.

Nice Reg!!!!
Re: New City Grower

Hey Buddy, good weed to ya! I don't know if I ever told you this, but I lived in Brooklyn from 3-7 years old. I remembered these really "happy" guys always on the street corner together. I recently heard my dad tell a story about moving a couch, he mentioned the guys on the corner, being quite funny and also into drugs. It had never occurred to me that they were druggies until he told the story.

The soil in the cloner looks too wet to me. I have already taken out several clones (herbs but not herb) and put them in soil. They seemed to acclimate within 12 hours. At first the top of the stem and leaves hung a bit, but with in hours all the leaves were happily facing straight up. The next day the plants actually looked noticeably better than they had in the cloner; they were a darker shade of green.

Keep up the great work :thumb: I am looking forward to seeing some pics through those glasses!+reps for all your hard work
Re: New City Grower

Morning Reg...chilly in NYC this morning huh?
Yes s-i-i-i-r! Had to pull the leather out of the closet for the 1st time this morning.

What power are the glasses brokey? The bud clone......moist soil....not wet.....wet=no oxygen.
I'm not sure. I haven't even played with them yet, but I'll check when I get home. They were recommended by Suavay Rico. (I like saying that name, it's so cool)
Re: New City Grower

How can you tell if the clone's soil is too moist & if so how would you go about dehydrating it yet still maintaining high humidity levels? Right now it's not muddy but it's pretty damp. I haven't been watering it but I have been misting the clone with one squeeze a day from the sprayer.
Re: New City Grower

Sup Reg? Dont know the answer on the clone bit. My instincts are to water it one time then mist mist mist. Bu dont re water it. But You should go to one of the clone guru's for that one.
I want to see if you can rig a tric pic thru ur phone and Weed Goggles. :)
Re: New City Grower

Get a syringe, bigger the better. Put a length of 1/4" tubing on the end and push the tubing down to the bottom most point, then draw the syringe. Suction will collect any pooled water from the bottom as that's where the max concentration will be.
Re: New City Grower

Tell'em Reg, they're Versaces, right?
Re: New City Grower

Get a syringe, bigger the better. Put a length of 1/4" tubing on the end and push the tubing down to the bottom most point, then draw the syringe. Suction will collect any pooled water from the bottom as that's where the max concentration will be.

If you poke about in the soil with a fork, Reg, that would loosen it up abit and let air in.

Just be gentle.

Firm, but gentle :)
You do know the GHETTO CLONE DOME has a drainage try on the bottom, right? I thought that was worth mentioning with your answers. I should have stated that while questioning about the moistness.
Re: New City Grower

Tell'em Reg, they're Versaces, right?
Nah' They're Rico Suavay's, the hottest new designer in eye-wear:cool::smokin::rocker::riskybusiness::geek: All the cool smokers & growers are wearing them.
Re: New City Grower

3 parts, the pot & the drainage pan.
Re: New City Grower

So unless the soil being used has poor drainage, I don't get why you'd want to suck more moisture off? Since the cloner has it's own drainage holes (unless clogged somehow) there's no way you can have excess water buildup. Am I missing something BAR?
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