New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I love this Journal. Soooo much stuff a guy can do for under a buck. If you're gonna scrap the ghetto cloner, definitely make one of those bubblers. I spent $10 for a clone dome with tray from the hydro shop and it's utterly worthless unless maybe I actually cloned 96 cuttings, but that's far from my ability to take care of 96 plants. My mom gave me a cake container with a hemispherical dome that would fit nice on bucket lid for when I make a bubbler. But to be really honest, I'm really liking the 2ltr cloner you got from DonPaul.P. You can really isolate the needs of a single cutting rather than apply a general method with hopes that everyone will flourish. These plants (IMO) have individualized needs and some times what's being given to the next plant might not be good for this one. Damn, now I see another loop hole in the sky Grower, it has 6 sites, not 1.

Good weed Reg, can't wait to see the amount of shoots you get to pop out of that bud! +REPs
Re: New City Grower

I love this Journal. Soooo much stuff a guy can do for under a buck. If you're gonna scrap the ghetto cloner, definitely make one of those bubblers. I spent $10 for a clone dome with tray from the hydro shop and it's utterly worthless unless maybe I actually cloned 96 cuttings, but that's far from my ability to take care of 96 plants. My mom gave me a cake container with a hemispherical dome that would fit nice on bucket lid for when I make a bubbler. But to be really honest, I'm really liking the 2ltr cloner you got from DonPaul.P. You can really isolate the needs of a single cutting rather than apply a general method with hopes that everyone will flourish. These plants (IMO) have individualized needs and some times what's being given to the next plant might not be good for this one. Damn, now I see another loop hole in the sky Grower, it has 6 sites, not 1.

Good weed Reg, can't wait to see the amount of shoots you get to pop out of that bud! +REPs
Thanxx & good day to you Cronic
Re: New City Grower

Im very interested in the cloning info here as I plan to re-veg and then clone one in a few weeks. Good stuff guys Im just soaking it all in.
Re: New City Grower

thanxx Carl
Re: New City Grower

hows the clone coming along, with the bubble cloner some climates do need a dome, i know i do where i am, the stems just wilt if their is no dome so id run a test and have a dome ready if you do go with the bubble cloner, with the bubble cloner you want the bottom of the clone just above the level of the water so the bubble are splashing on it, that encourages the roots to grow, but bubble cloners are best used for hydro or dwc type grows, soil grows its best to clone in soil so you dont stress the roots when you try planting the clones.

i grow in soil so use the soil clone method and it works every time, if i was growing in hydro or dwc then i would build a basic bubble cloner as i got tropical fish so got plenty of air pumps and air stones lying around so would cost me nothing to make one, but i grow in soil so need to clone direct into soil so it causes less stress when i transplant,

soil cloning works well as long as the dome keeps humidity up, the last clones i took rooted in 10 days and the domes was off, one is a reveg clone and the other is a regular clone, i can clearly see the reveg clone is now back in veg and has got the crazy growth, the regular clone is growing like a regular plant but the reveg clone has got about 6 branches coming out of the one bud site, so looks like ive got another nice reveg plant, i try and reveg a plant or clone each time i grow so when i find a nice strain in flower ill reveg or take a cutting low down then reveg it for the next grow,

as for temps keep the clones under same temps the plants are under, you can go much cooler and they will still root but takes a few days longer, when i take my clones if my hps is on veg schedule i just put the clones in the outer corner of one of the outer pots then that keeps the humidity high in the dome and they root a bit quicker, some take 2 weeks but under the hps anything from 7 days is possible to root, if i was taking lots of clones id take them in veg but if im just taking one or 2 then ill take them after day 21 of 12-12 so the mother plant has stopped its stretch and it wont affect the mother plant, then the clone is also in flower and needs to reveg so once it has it gives me a nice monster cropped plant

ill take some pics of my clones tomorroew and show you my reveg clone, both the reveg clone and the regular clone rooted at the same time, both from different plants so id say around 10 days old they both had the dome removed and started growing with no dome,

so with cloning id use bubble cloner with hydro or dwc setups but if growing in soil then its best to clone in soil so its easier to transplant and it causes less shock to the roots,
Re: New City Grower

hows the clone coming along, with the bubble cloner some climates do need a dome, i know i do where i am, the stems just wilt if their is no dome so id run a test and have a dome ready if you do go with the bubble cloner, with the bubble cloner you want the bottom of the clone just above the level of the water so the bubble are splashing on it, that encourages the roots to grow, but bubble cloners are best used for hydro or dwc type grows, soil grows its best to clone in soil so you dont stress the roots when you try planting the clones.
Good to know.

What I've been doing as far as light cycle with the clone is leaving her in the tent (12/12) during lights on then as soon as the timer switches I place her on the night stand with the lamp on for 8hrs more after which is when my morn. alarm goes off. I wake up... she goes to sleep in an emptied drawer. 4hrs later when the tent timer switches, she joins Laverne again. Thus 20/4... 12hrs cfl, 8hrs night stand lamp & 4hrs dark.
Re: New City Grower

Life would be much easier if you left her alone on the ground at peace near a south window, Reg :)
But that wouldn't be 20/4 as DP instructed.
Re: New City Grower

Whatever, Reg.

It doesn't have any roots. if it gets 12, 13 hrs of subdued daylight, cool.

That's a better way to get roots than shaking it all over the place every coupla hours

and carrying it round in your pocket, or whatever man...


It's up to you. She just needs a bit of peace.

Think more newborn clone-baby.

Except she can do "Eat, Shit, Sleep"

without you being there the whole time,

poking at her and shaking her.


Re: New City Grower

Whatever, Reg.

It doesn't have any roots. if it gets 12, 13 hrs of subdued daylight, cool.

That's a better way to get roots than shaking it all over the place every coupla hours

and carrying it round in your pocket, or whatever man...


It's up to you. She just needs a bit of peace.

Think more newborn clone-baby.

Except she can do "eat, shit sleep"

without you being there the whole time,

poking at her and shaking her.



:rofl: that made me laugh
Re: New City Grower

So your saying !5/9 would be alright for cloning? That's about the count on the window seal plus the dark period wouldn't be pitch black.
Re: New City Grower

Yes, Reg. Whatever. It's a baby clone-plant.

It likes subdued sunlight, room temperature and humidity.

Place it on the floor underneath, not at, a south facing window.

Just keep her humid and safe and let God do the rest.

I hear he gives great light ;)
Re: New City Grower

If you carry them around in your pocket, I'm gonna start calling you Lenny from Of Mice and Men. B.A.L.!
Re: New City Grower

from my own experience i find the more light the quicker they root, 12-12 would get them rooted but its a flowering schedule so would not be ideal for rooting but it would work, pretty much any schedule will work for rooting clones but from my own experience it happens quicker under 20-4 compared with 12-12 or left on a window ledge, the temps need to be ok so humidity is high inside the dome, if i leave the dome of my clones they wilt within a couple of hours and fall over, humidity is high here a lot of the time but if i leave my domes off on soil clones for more than an hour or 2 then they wilt and die and cant be recovered even after putting the dome back on

i thought i had rooted clones a while back and left the dome off and 2 hours later they leaves had wilted and was touching the soil so put dome back on and they never recovered, so now the dome stays on until i see new growth which is anything between 1 week and up to 3 weeks depending on strain as some take longer than others and some just wont root at all as jon found it with one of his strains so i explained about air layering or cloning which is the method of rooting clones while the cutting is still on the mother plant, you cut it off only after its got enough roots to support itself, air layering means you can take huge clones, i only use it for hard to clone plants,

most clone using the soil clone method, i only had 1 strain that wouldnt clone no matter how many times i tried,
as long as temps are stable then moving it around wont cause any problems, ive moved mine a few times moving it from cfls then having it under the hps when the hps was on, at the minute im cloning under the hps on 18-6 as temps are more stable for the whole lights on period,

you can clone under 12-12 but the clone will start flowering depending on age, im sure miwa had something like this happen with his clones, ill see if it was him or not,
but as long as the humidity is high then the clones will root under any schedule, i just find 20-4 the quickest schedule to use and my clones usually root within 7 days under that schedule, under 18-6 im looking at 10 to 14 days,

but i have to use a dome even when humidity is 60% or more, maybe aero clones would do better with no dome but even then i use a dome as i know it works and i got 100% success with clones, i dont take lots i just take 1 or 2 off the plant i want to keep around, last time i took 1 clone off each plant and both rooted, ive just done the same again and took 1 clone off each plantand within 14 days i should have them rooted, but with no dome they would wilt and die within an hour or 2.
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