New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

from my own experience i find the more light the quicker they root, 12-12 would get them rooted but its a flowering schedule so would not be ideal for rooting but it would work, pretty much any schedule will work for rooting clones but from my own experience it happens quicker under 20-4 compared with 12-12 or left on a window ledge

most clone using the soil clone method, i only had 1 strain that wouldnt clone no matter how many times i tried,
as long as temps are stable then moving it around wont cause any problems, ive moved mine a few times moving it from cfls then having it under the hps when the hps was on, at the minute im cloning under the hps on 18-6 as temps are more stable for the whole lights on period,

you can clone under 12-12 but the clone will start flowering depending on age, im sure miwa had something like this happen with his clones, ill see if it was him or not,
but as long as the humidity is high then the clones will root under any schedule, i just find 20-4 the quickest schedule to use and my clones usually root within 7 days under that schedule, under 18-6 im looking at 10 to 14 days,
Yes, I heard about that; He grew 1 bud straight up with nothing but fan leaves. So I guess I'll stick with what I'm doing.

What I've been doing as far as light cycle with the clone is leaving her in the tent (12/12) during lights on then as soon as the timer switches I place her on the night stand with the lamp on for 8hrs more after which is when my morn. alarm goes off. I wake up... she goes to sleep in an emptied drawer. 4hrs later when the tent timer switches, she joins Laverne again. Thus 20/4... 12hrs cfl, 8hrs night stand lamp & 4hrs dark.
If I can get this clone back into veg then I'll try Rico Suavay's method & this one simultaneously.

Also I purchased beans last night. After the conversion those things are expensive. The US Dollar isn't worth diddly anymore.
Re: New City Grower

What are you doing here. I thought you stepped off the A train.:welcome:
Re: New City Grower

We're not rude, there's just too many people to talk to people you don't know or have no reason to talk to. It bugs me out when I go out of town & all morning long people I don't know keep saying good morning. That crap makes me nervous!!:trance:
Re: New City Grower

When I first got out of the can, I felt like that, but that just meant I was institutionalized. People generally socialize with one another in a neighborly fashion, but over crowding the planet by 600% will have this effect on us. My city is comparable to not more than maybe a dozen of your city blocks in population, and I also do not regularly socialize with my neighbors. It's messed up I know, but like BAR said, I'm nervous. there's too many people trying to get over on ya and if ya let your guard down too much, one of those bad ones will sneak in.

Sorry for going out into left field with that, I'll throw the ball back to home. Reg, where ya at with your monster cropped clone? I'd like to see pics of it in the dome.
Re: New City Grower

Nothing worth talking about yet.I'll post some pics tomorrow.:smokin: We can look through each others coloring books.
Re: New City Grower

We're not rude, there's just too many people to talk to people you don't know or have no reason to talk to. It bugs me out when I go out of town & all morning long people I don't know keep saying good morning. That crap makes me nervous!!:trance:

Im sorry. I was just making a joke. I like that your a litte rude. :rofl:
Re: New City Grower

When I first got out of the can, I felt like that, but that just meant I was institutionalized. People generally socialize with one another in a neighborly fashion, but over crowding the planet by 600% will have this effect on us. My city is comparable to not more than maybe a dozen of your city blocks in population, and I also do not regularly socialize with my neighbors. It's messed up I know, but like BAR said, I'm nervous. there's too many people trying to get over on ya and if ya let your guard down too much, one of those bad ones will sneak in.

Sorry for going out into left field with that, I'll throw the ball back to home. Reg, where ya at with your monster cropped clone? I'd like to see pics of it in the dome.
I grew up in the city so it's normal to me that when someone you don't know speaks to you there's a reason "be it positive or negative". But the funny thing about us is when we go somewhere else & see another new yorker (we can always spot each other) we speak just to speak.
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, but that's like going to China and finding that guy that speaks English. Always good to link up with a local.
Re: New City Grower

Happy Stonerday BAR
Wheres the new pics? did I miss em? :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

Happy Stonerday BAR
Wheres the new pics? did I miss em? :high-five:

Today I took Laverne, the clone & all the other miscellaneous garbage (spare bulbs, humidity water bowl, etc.) out of the tent. I gave it a thorough wipe down with a new sponge using water & hydrogen peroxide for mold preventive maintenance.

Laverne: Sept. 14 2013 Day 85/Flower Day 60
She's been flowering for a long time. Is this normal?


I've added a twist to the Ghetto Clone Dome. I put it in a zip-lock bag half way sealed to help keep the humidity at 100 percent. As Rico pointed out, it doesn't need too much light as far as brightness goes so it shouldn't make a difference. (It beat's keeping it in my pocket)

Re: New City Grower

Laverne's leaves look really dark like a deficiency of some kind. Any chance you can get a ph reading of her soil?
Re: New City Grower

Uh Oh, No, I don't have a tester.
Re: New City Grower

If you can get your hands on one of the liquid tester kits (they might have'em @ Wally's), you can mix some dirt with water and filter out the dirt with a coffee filter then test the filtered water to get an idea.


Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Sky, I have the liquid ph kit but I drink instant coffee. Could I use a paper towel?
Re: New City Grower


Maybe he don't want to waste the paper towel?
Re: New City Grower

Lookin good bar, the darkness could be genetic, or they are crammed with N, they look real healthy to me, you could give em like a 3 week flush at the end...they look like they have a ways to go. The funny thing about flowering times is that there are so many variables......just let the plants tell you when they're gonna finish and plan the flush accordingly.........I would flush these plants good though........let em use up that N.
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