New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

This is serious stuff here. I need volunteers. Please refer to "DP's Latest" post# 949, 953
Re: New City Grower

If your not subbed to DP go to post# 840 here in this journal. Left click the purple writing in DP's signature (MY LATEST GROW AND BREEDING PROGRAM etc...) Then you'll find the referred to post# 949 & 953. Let's make it happen!
Re: New City Grower

Sept. 28 2013 DELICIOUS COTTON CANDY (feminised) Day 3

Soil 2/3 NYC Compost, 1/3 Vermiculite
Pot 12 inch width, 16 inch depth
Environment Outdoors
Temperatures (Day) Mid 70's F (Night) Mid to Low 60's F
(temps & conditions expected to remain mild & clear for the next week)

The seed was placed in a small pediatric dish with luke-warm water on Thur. evening at approximately 6pm.. The dish was then placed in a desk drawer until Sat. morning at approximately 11am. which by this time the seedling had tap rooted.


The soil was dampened & an approximately 1 1/2 inch deep hole was created in the center of the soil with a pointer.


The seedling was then placed in the hole & gently covered with dry soil.


OK darling, we're awaiting your arrival...:yahoo:
Re: New City Grower

LAVERNE Sept. 28 2013 Day 99 / Flower Day 74

The clone didn't make it. I guess carrying her around (IN MY POCKET) didn't help.

Re: New City Grower

Laverne is looking good and I see you have a new baby. Well I dont smoke cigars but I can find something here to burn in celebration of the new sprout.
Re: New City Grower

Well here's something else we can look forward to...
I figured what the heck, let's get everything started;

WHITE WIDOW X SKUNK #1 (regular)

Re: New City Grower

so you gone with the ww x sk#1 as well, ill find out what the strain is called when its released for sale as it will be good to know a bit of back ground on the strain and who the breeder is, it grows very quick though mate, i had to pull mine right over on its side as it grow much quicker than my other plants but its still growing like crazy, i could easily fill half of my grow room with it, i think it would be perfect for a huge scrog,
i tried everything to slow it down, i topped it and removed fan leaves and it kept on growing so i thought it was male, then it showed me it was female so i pulled it right over and now ive got between 15 and 20 shoots growing up towards the light so hopefully it produces as well as it grows, ill be taking clones in the next few days as its a very fast growing strong strain.

hopefully you got the same pheno type, its such an easy plant to grow and by far the quickest plant ive ever grown,
Re: New City Grower

3 strains in the works; 1 of everything I received. Now I feel like a grower! PS: WE ONLY NEED 6 MORE VOLUNTEERS... WHO'S NEXT?:clap:
Re: New City Grower

Volunteers for what? Perhaps I glazed over that when catching up, or was just too baked to comprehend.
Re: New City Grower

3 strains in the works; 1 of everything I received. Now I feel like a grower! PS: WE ONLY NEED 6 MORE VOLUNTEERS... WHO'S NEXT?:clap:
3 more volunteers WHO'S NEXT?:bravo:
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