New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I won't. LOL...
Re: New City Grower

Exciting times just at the moment.

I was really looking forward to now, as lots of the peeps over here

started flipping 12/12 in December. It's been awesome this last week

or so. Still waiting on that juicy little titbit you've not thrown us yet Reg.

Congrats and well done on everything so far.
Re: New City Grower

When the upgrade is complete I'll post everything Brit.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for that info Judge John The King. So for the future would it be safe to say that I should germinate all regular seeds using my oldest technique in which I just place the seed-dish in a dark drawer and/or the same method just without the heating mat. Also I figure it doesn't make a difference with feminized seeds, heat mat or not. I'm I correct in assuming that?

I would use the same method you are currently using without adding heat. I do not believe adding heat would make any difference with feminized seeds.
Re: New City Grower


I'm not diabetic, and I thought the same thing. :laughtwo:

I drink all my tea unsweetened.

My mom puts a cup of sugar in a gallon of tea at her house. It's her go-to... ick, I can't drink it.

I might try the recipe with 1/4 cup of sugar first.

Reg has a sweet-tooth ;)
Re: New City Grower

Originally Posted by B A R View Post
Thanxx for that info Judge John The King. So for the future would it be safe to say that I should germinate all regular seeds using my oldest technique in which I just place the seed-dish in a dark drawer and/or the same method just without the heating mat. Also I figure it doesn't make a difference with feminized seeds, heat mat or not. I'm I correct in assuming that?
I would use the same method you are currently using without adding heat. I do not believe adding heat would make any difference with feminized seeds.
Thanxx Judge John.

Quick Update

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy)

Wet Weight: 99.3 grams


Dry Weight: (minus the test bud) 43.4 grams



The complete harvest weight wont be available until after I chop the lower portion of this plant.
Re: New City Grower

Careful there Reg

Fully dried bud usually comes in about 25% of the wet weight.

If there is still too much moisture when you jar it, mold could strike when you're not looking.
Re: New City Grower

Careful there Reg

Fully dried bud usually comes in about 25% of the wet weight.

If there is still too much moisture when you jar it, mold could strike when you're not looking.
Thanxx for the heads up Brit. It's 6 days and the stems started to snap instead of bend. I'll keep a close eye while I'm burping them.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for the heads up Brit. It's 6 days and the stems started to snap instead of bend. I'll keep a close eye while I'm burping them.

Just a suggestion clip the nugs and discard the stems if they are snapping. That means the stem has dried and the nug is ready to cure.
Re: New City Grower

yeah 43g from 99g doesnt seem right, theres prob still alot moisture in there. unless its already been drying a little before u weighed it? i only wish my dry weight was half of my wet weight i'd double my yield! theres likely still moisture in the stem inside the bud. it can appear dry on the outside but a day in a jar and it will be quite wet again. be careful putting in the jars just yet, u want minimum 7 days drying before u do that but 14 days would be better mate.
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