New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx everyone but I don't really see what I've done to deserve it. I just try to be the best co-member I can be to the 420 community.
Good morning Ba. Just checking in as I have a busy day ahead. Gave my babies a final flush yesterday and found powdery mildew on one so a harvesting I will go. By the way congratulation on your first it's always the most memorable.
Actually LB, this is my second harvest. You're more than welcomed to post your harvest here.


QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand Feminized) Day 22

I started by using a new soil mixture. 2/3 Happy Frog, 1/6 Vermiculite, and 1/6 Scientific Soils. I'm also using a donated fabric pot from one of your gracious fellow members.



As you can see below Mommy's Special Tomato Soil does a pretty decent job on seedlings. Check out the root structure. It's the best I've seen out of all my transplants.




To finish it off I've begun the germination of a SLEESTACK X SKUNK #1 (Regular) . The technique I've found that works best for me is placing the seed in my little seed dish filled with PHed 6.5 tap, placing it on the heating mat, & then covering it with this Dole's juice top. Not only am I getting good results like this but my germination time has been cut in half. QUEEN THAI germinated in two days.



Took time to do this update but I'm still on Valentines lock down. Hopefully I'll catch up on all your journals soon. The circle of love continues
Re: New City Grower

Member of the month nominee huh? Look who's got all famous on us. Congrats Reg you deserve it.

Nice haul of bud ya got there too neighbor.
Re: New City Grower

Nice start on your next project BAR. As much MEDS as I consume can't remember first, second. You know what I mean. Wish I could say the same for me. Found out I had powdery mildew on both my CJH's but some one on LA's thread gave me a solution by J. Cervantes and am in the process of soaking them in 3% H. Peroxide. I've never used the Happy Frog but use Ocean Forest and add the Mycorrhizae when I make my mix. As for posting my harvest now that I don't have to throw it all away no problem. Give me till tomorrow as I will start to manicure and drench the second one after I take a toke and take a break.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx all. Don't worry partner, they're resilient.
Re: New City Grower

Can anyone tell me how much this plant might yield if I switched to 12/12 and how good it looks for 1 month and two days old it's about 5 1/2 inches tall
Re: New City Grower

Congrats on your harvest and nomination Reg, you deserve both!
Re: New City Grower

To finish it off I've begun the germination of a SLEESTACK X SKUNK #1 (Regular) . The technique I've found that works best for me is placing the seed in my little seed dish filled with PHed 6.5 tap, placing it on the heating mat, & then covering it with this Dole's juice top. Not only am I getting good results like this but my germination time has been cut in half. QUEEN THAI germinated in two days.

Cannabis is a type of plant whose female to male germination rate is determined by how warm the seed is. Higher temperatures when the seed is germinating lead to more male plants. If you can still germinate the seed without heat I would not use the heating pad.
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR as promised some Pics of two ladies who I hope will get me through the tough times. :goodjob::thumb::party: My bad BAR have to upload photos. LOL
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