New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Happy Skunkday reg.:peace::circle-of-love:

:thumb:They look like they should do that Latin. :high-five:u
Sure you right Mick:thanks:. It's just that when I get to this stage I feel like an expectant father who doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl, if it will be smart or gifted (LOL), or a Fxxxing midget if you know what I mean. So I always have my fingers crossed until about 30 days of curing.
Re: New City Grower

Congratulations mate.

The sleestack skunk is good.strain. I've grown it once, it was a bunch.of free seeds after purchasing others. It would be great for hempy method, it's very large single colas are dense as u get. To get the best out of it top it 3 or 4 times. I didn't.see diff phenos out of the 30 I grew, they were all very.similar, i wish I'd kept cuts for mothers. Here's a pic of one of the.buds, grown in 6.5litre air pots under 600w hps bulbs.
Re: New City Grower

Congratulations mate.

The sleestack skunk is good.strain. I've grown it once, it was a bunch.of free seeds after purchasing others. It would be great for hempy method, it's very large single colas are dense as u get. To get the best out of it top it 3 or 4 times. I didn't.see diff phenos out of the 30 I grew, they were all very.similar, i wish I'd kept cuts for mothers. Here's a pic of one of the.buds, grown in 6.5litre air pots under 600w hps bulbs.

Re: New City Grower

Congrats on your harvest LB.

Cannabis is a type of plant whose female to male germination rate is determined by how warm the seed is. Higher temperatures when the seed is germinating lead to more male plants. If you can still germinate the seed without heat I would not use the heating pad.
Thanxx for that info Judge John The King. So for the future would it be safe to say that I should germinate all regular seeds using my oldest technique in which I just place the seed-dish in a dark drawer and/or the same method just without the heating mat. Also I figure it doesn't make a difference with feminized seeds, heat mat or not. I'm I correct in assuming that?

Happy Skunkday BAR Gameshow today? :thumb:
Nope Cronic. It's bi-weekly. The 9th and next episode of TRAR wont be until Feb. 23, 2014.

Congratulations mate.

The sleestack skunk is good.strain. I've grown it once, it was a bunch.of free seeds after purchasing others. It would be great for hempy method, it's very large single colas are dense as u get. To get the best out of it top it 3 or 4 times. I didn't.see diff phenos out of the 30 I grew, they were all very.similar, i wish I'd kept cuts for mothers. Here's a pic of one of the.buds, grown in 6.5litre air pots under 600w hps bulbs.
Thanxx for the grow report on Sleestack X Skunk coach. I'm pretty sure she'll be one of your players as my lighting system is being upgraded as we speak.

Hope all is well Broke Ass, thought I'd cheer you up by letting you know that

I killed a clone, :rip:

you're not alone!
It's never good news to hear one of my fellow members lost a clone Trichs. The Dead Clone Society has to be the only 420 club that doesn't want new members. LOL

Amazing job with little Stax REG! What a beautiful harvest! I am excited to see what you do with a stronger grow light. Congrats on the MOM nomination too. There are lots of ways that members help one another, you contribute in a big way by sharing your passion and love for growing. You deserve to be nominated just as much as anyone else!
Thanxx Stacks. Don't forget we still have the lower portion of your God-daughter, STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) to chop.

Feb. 17, 2014​

The Tent



The bean has tap-rooted in two days. She's been placed in "Mommy's Special Tomato Soil" to sprout.



QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand, Feminized) Day 24

No-more light burn issues as I've made it part of my morning routine to make sure it's not touching the CFL bulb. All in all she's looking good and appears to enjoy her new home




KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) Day 72 / Day 44 under 12/12

The mutant is still hanging in there. Let's hope she does something to surprise us soon.




LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 131 / Day 64 under 12/12

She's getting close. I'm starting to see quit a few cloudy trichs. Just waiting for a few ambers.






(Delicious Cotton Candy / Lower Portion) Day 142 / Day 64 under 12/12

The few buds left are starting to swell and show a few amber trichs. Any day now!

Re: New City Grower

ah the sweet smell that must be in there if there was some smell o vision or something
Happy Munchday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

cool looking plants. those buds are nice and fat. I'd say at least another 1-2 weeks on the plant to the left. what's going on with the one in the center? how long has she been flowering?
Re: New City Grower

cool looking plants. those buds are nice and fat. I'd say at least another 1-2 weeks on the plant to the left. what's going on with the one in the center? how long has she been flowering?
Yeah, I was thinking approximately the same time period left on LAVERNE (Re-Veg). The one in the middle is KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze). That's the only one out of a batch of 6 seeds with bad genetics that survived. She's the reason I stopped naming my plants until they're well on their way. She's been dubbed The Mutant Ninja Plant.

I also have a smoke report...

We partook in one of the medium sized buds today and I must admit it was some of the best weed I smoked in the last couple of months. That's without curing! It was a bit harsh as compared to what I'm accustomed to but not as bad as the "cough every other toke" stuff I some times run across. I believe I have my cloudy/amber ratio down pat for my preference; 60/40. The lady's out cold as has been for about 4 hrs. Good weed always puts her out.
I also made some Cannabis Sweet Ice Tea. "Here's" the recipe. It takes you by surprise. After a water glass or two you don't feel anything for about 5 or 10 mins. Then all of a sudden you're like "Damn did I just smoke a whole joint of some of that exclusive stuff?".
So there you have it. Delicious Cotton Candy is the SHISNICK!
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