New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

What is your light cycle set on right now?

I wonder if it would help to put the plants right into an all light on for like 48-72hrs to boost it back into a re-veggie stage? I was just thinking that it has been suggested for people who want to force the flowering stage to start to just go completely dark for 24-48 hours and then go straight into the 12/12. I wonder if doing that in reverse by leaving lights on for 48-72 hours would help push the plant back into a re-veggie state?

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience about doing something like what I just described?

I usually go with a dark period before flower.So to me,it make's perfect sense to give an extended light period if I were to re-veg.
I look at it in a pretty childish
I like to believe that going from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12 that it kind of tells the plant it can drag ass for a week or so before they get serious about flower.Going from 18/6 or 24/0 to complete darkness for 24 to 36 hr's tell's them ,We better get our shit together it's flower time and then when you do go 12/12,there ready.I would do complete opposite for re-veg.
Sound's stupid I know and is more then likely completely
I am sure there are studies out there.
Re: New City Grower

What is your light cycle set on right now?

I wonder if it would help to put the plants right into an all light on for like 48-72hrs to boost it back into a re-veggie stage? I was just thinking that it has been suggested for people who want to force the flowering stage to start to just go completely dark for 24-48 hours and then go straight into the 12/12. I wonder if doing that in reverse by leaving lights on for 48-72 hours would help push the plant back into a re-veggie state?

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience about doing something like what I just described?

My first attempt at re-vegging didn't go well as I lost patience. My second try has really worked out better than I had hoped so far (as long as I don't screw it up the last two weeks coming now.) I can only tell you the stumbling about I did last November. I needed to make room for some plants that I subsequently kinda messed up, lol, so I harvested probably 'bout 3-4 days earlier than planned so the pots were pretty wet still after chop-chop. I left them both out on the dining room table under cfl's in an overhead chandelier kinda thing for a week (nine days or so if you count the chop-chop time as I'm slow on trimming & hanging) with the lights on 24 hrs continuously to dry them out and then moved to veg room under a 600w MH timed for 18/6 feeding reg veg nute strength but with about half the water volume. Took like what seemed forever and I almost blew my stack & lost patience again; but this time I left what would've been like a teenth worth of small buds once dried on each of them so I said "what the heck, I'll let 'em ripen up fully if nothing else." About a month later I could see the weird leaves start to grow and slight "stretching" up of the buds. About two weeks after that had long, multiple shoots outa about 3/4's the buds I had left on and flipped a week or so later after grabbing lots of clones, trimming what was left of the "buds" of the shoots & setting them more or less how I wanted them for the duration. In other words, I pretty much lucked into success...whether it was truly just luck or will actually work again is yet to be seen; knowing me I'd place odds it was random luck, lol, but thought I'd share the week of 24 hrs lights on.
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR! Great journal- learned a lot in the 10 pages I've read so far. Love the Reps r Right! Definitely planning to follow along on the 23rd. Looks like a lot of fun!
Oh and congrats on the harvest!
Re: New City Grower

I usually go with a dark period before flower.So to me,it make's perfect sense to give an extended light period if I were to re-veg.
I look at it in a pretty childish
I like to believe that going from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12 that it kind of tells the plant it can drag ass for a week or so before they get serious about flower.Going from 18/6 or 24/0 to complete darkness for 24 to 36 hr's tell's them ,We better get our shit together it's flower time and then when you do go 12/12,there ready.I would do complete opposite for re-veg.
Sound's stupid I know and is more then likely completely
I am sure there are studies out there.

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx everyone. I think we've come a long way since LAVERNE's first harvest but I still consider myself stuck in the starters gate. Once I combine all the knowledge I've acquired in my first half year as a 420 member, some new equipment, my own personal coach, and the help & support of you all I think we're going to be in for a doozy this next round.
Well done Reg,

that was the last thing I was expecting.

:woohoo: Enjoy your harvest my friend.

Any thoughts on lighting as you go forward.

I'd love to do some side by sides with other members. Just for learning of course.

Would be great to be on board with you and the Cult.
Stay tuned Brit. I believe we're going to surprise you & myself alike shortly.

Hey BAR! Great journal- learned a lot in the 10 pages I've read so far. Love the Reps r Right! Definitely planning to follow along on the 23rd. Looks like a lot of fun!
Oh and congrats on the harvest!
Yeah I know what you mean Flo. This journal is so informative that I often have to step back and pinch myself to make sure it's mines. I believe what happen is once I decided to let it become an open forum members took it upon themselves to talk a little more grow related than chit-chat. Also I personally try to explain everything as if I were talking to my one month newbie self because I remember how hard it was to comprehend what I was reading back then. But don't get it twisted, we still have some of the most fun on 420 here. And you have to join us on TRAR.
Re: New City Grower

Happy Valentines day to you and yours Broke Ass.....:circle-of-love:
And the same to you Lady Dee & the rest of our 420 ladies..


Re: New City Grower

Good morning Ba. Just checking in as I have a busy day ahead. Gave my babies a final flush yesterday and found powdery mildew on one so a harvesting I will go. By the way congratulation on your first it's always the most memorable.
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