New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Good day Reg. Hope the weed gods are smiling on you today.:cheer::cheer: I have two living clones that are growing well but now I have no where to put them. No more "Dead Clone Society". :peace::circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

Ok Mick. As I'm not just a member but also the president of The Dead Clone Society, I'm proud to announce that your membership has been officially revoked.

Just so you all know, that's a good thing not a bad thing.
Re: New City Grower

Congrats Lady Dee...
Re: New City Grower

Ok I see whose side you're on. In my post I said, "It depends on plant size which takes many factors into account mostly genetics. I stick to 1 gallon per foot of plant height. "

cajuncelt question is antagonizing because I clearly state "It depends on plant size" and I say what I do. His question of "What if you have 1 foot high plant, but 40+ tops?" is obviously trying to negate what I said thus it is derogatory, antagonizing and off topic.

I do take offense to his question and to your blind support.

Sitting in the corner but still making comments guess you're a :cheer:

So, after you PM'd me with your apology, I thought hard how & even where to respond.
My response: I got over the initial emotions & thought about what impressions & hints about yourself that you're wanting ppl in a public forum to see.
Immaturity masked by hostility & belligerence. Why I wonder. Your alcoholism? Because that's what you stated later to crawfish oughtta this.

My new friend, you came on a public forum that you are new to, participated in a free entertaining content by those same people, publicly bash a regular member and say sorry, don't hold me accountable though for being such a lil b!tch cause I'm quiting alcohol.

I don't ask you be miserable about your mistakes, but I do ask you be responsible for them.
Do I excuse your behavior because of alcohol? No.
If you wanna man up & take responsibility for it....Yes, absolutely.

You see new friend, I am here personally because I am dying of Stage 4 colon cancer & wanted to find a way of staying alive for my wife, 2 beautiful kids & 4 wonderful grandkids.
If I seem to be harsh, it's because after Desert Storm, I thought my wars were over. I won't bore you with the details of my lil war, you have your own.
BUT...I have never been insulting to anyone & blamed cancer for it. You were looking for attention, compassion & a group to belong to. WELCOME, now pull your big boy pants up & party with us.
Re: New City Grower

So, after you PM'd me with your apology, I thought hard how & even where to respond.
My response: I got over the initial emotions & thought about what impressions & hints about yourself that you're wanting ppl in a public forum to see.
Immaturity masked by hostility & belligerence. Why I wonder. Your alcoholism? Because that's what you stated later to crawfish oughtta this.

My new friend, you came on a public forum that you are new to, participated in a free entertaining content by those same people, publicly bash a regular member and say sorry, don't hold me accountable though for being such a lil b!tch cause I'm quiting alcohol.

I don't ask you be miserable about your mistakes, but I do ask you be responsible for them.
Do I excuse your behavior because of alcohol? No.
If you wanna man up & take responsibility for it....Yes, absolutely.

You see new friend, I am here personally because I am dying of Stage 4 colon cancer & wanted to find a way of staying alive for my wife, 2 beautiful kids & 4 wonderful grandkids.
If I seem to be harsh, it's because after Desert Storm, I thought my wars were over. I won't bore you with the details of my lil war, you have your own.
BUT...I have never been insulting to anyone & blamed cancer for it. You were looking for attention, compassion & a group to belong to. WELCOME, now pull your big boy pants up & party with us.

Just re-read and.....I'm so high right now! Lol. Seriously, because I have cancer, I always have oil so I've got into dabbing. Jeez, man. This stuff is great. The more AK47 I dab & sip, the more I'm pissed at ya, so I'll set the Micro G :0 pen down. But, I realized how you talked to the gals in the corner as well?
Wanna cheer up when your disease is affecting your life?
>>>>>Be glad you don't take chemo for it!

Da ragin' Cajun. Not pretty, but always necessary.
Re: New City Grower

So, after you PM'd me with your apology, I thought hard how & even where to respond.
My response: I got over the initial emotions & thought about what impressions & hints about yourself that you're wanting ppl in a public forum to see.
Immaturity masked by hostility & belligerence. Why I wonder. Your alcoholism? Because that's what you stated later to crawfish oughtta this.

My new friend, you came on a public forum that you are new to, participated in a free entertaining content by those same people, publicly bash a regular member and say sorry, don't hold me accountable though for being such a lil b!tch cause I'm quiting alcohol.

I don't ask you be miserable about your mistakes, but I do ask you be responsible for them.
Do I excuse your behavior because of alcohol? No.
If you wanna man up & take responsibility for it....Yes, absolutely.

You see new friend, I am here personally because I am dying of Stage 4 colon cancer & wanted to find a way of staying alive for my wife, 2 beautiful kids & 4 wonderful grandkids.
If I seem to be harsh, it's because after Desert Storm, I thought my wars were over. I won't bore you with the details of my lil war, you have your own.
BUT...I have never been insulting to anyone & blamed cancer for it. You were looking for attention, compassion & a group to belong to. WELCOME, now pull your big boy pants up & party with us.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't apologizing for something (respectfully I might add) taking responsibility for it? I retract my apology as my initial opinion of Ragin is confirmed. Ragin obviously has some issues and if it helps him to let that anger out on innocent members of an online forum then I guess we're here to help.

It's funny how you continually try to discredit me but are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of. Go ahead and blame Desert Storm for your emotional issues. Maybe one day you'll learn to be responsible for them. Lead by example.

Peace, health, and a long life to you and your family
Re: New City Grower

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't apologizing for something (respectfully I might add) taking responsibility for it? I retract my apology as my initial opinion of Ragin is confirmed. Ragin obviously has some issues and if it helps him to let that anger out on innocent members of an online forum then I guess we're here to help.

It's funny how you continually try to discredit me but are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of. Go ahead and blame Desert Storm for your emotional issues. Maybe one day you'll learn to be responsible for them. Lead by example.

Peace, health, and a long life to you and your family

That path is closed too I bet. See, I've never had this problem with anyone on here before. Matter of fact, I've never seen anyone before you come here & act like that.

You're a drama queen friend, point blank. "Continually try & discredit you" ?! Are you a nut job? I've never even knew you existed until you posted rubbish about me & freaked out.

I'll bet my entire grow, you have this problem everywhere you go.

Innocent member? So were Dres & I before you came along with your precious lil feelings hurt, slinging mud at everyone.
The rest of us were innocent until you came along pleading for attention of any kind.

Do you live near high lines?
Re: New City Grower

OK kids, it's time to take our dirty laundry inside behind closed doors. With respect to the both of you finish your beef via PM.
Thanxx Cajun & Hunter.

(Honey Haze) Day 67 / Day 39 under 12/12

The mutant that I refuse to give up on is looking more and more like marijuana everyday. She's showing pistols and the even numbered fingered leafs are almost ancient history. Just a quick update to lighten the tone here. I'll do a full Photo Shoot tomorrow.




Re: New City Grower

Thanxx a million Brit and to the rest of the 420 community, you don't have to be a member to flop on the virtual couch. Just hit the link below in my Signature. Your my guest now that I'm a member. LOL

Nice pic of the Mutant. Plus, kudos for not giving up on it + reps hella.:Namaste:
Thanxx Two Jays...
Re: New City Grower

Yep, as Reg has just stated,

cards are not required for the Club,

but anyone who wants one just for the fun,

please pop a request on my thread.

I will be more than happy to oblige. :thanks:
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