New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanks Dresney, I picked 2....don't know what was behind it, lol, but I'll take the smokin' buddy...I'm always willing to share ;) Yay! My 50th post!!! I have arrived, finally!
Re: New City Grower

Just walked to the store & couldn't believe how much it snowed today.
Re: New City Grower

Hell has finally froze over!
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg,


Rico caught me the other week for posting off topic, I'm going to include
a cannabis reference in any future 'off topic' stuff LOL.

I notice you were over at Cultivators thread last night discussing a lighting upgrade.
You may have wondered why I have suddenly upgraded to HPS. Well, as grow box 1
had approached the 250 watt cfl mark, I could not see a way forward to improving yield
in that kind of space without maybe doubling the wattage of lamps. Heat alone was starting
to become an issue, then lamp efficiency, initial cost (good quality in UK is expensive).
Life expectancy not nearly as long as we might think and electricity cost all compound to
making a cfl grow top out at about 250 watts (just my opinion everyone).

So the logical step was to move on to a baseline 250 watt HID setup. Purely for more light per watt and now
I've found out amazingly, less heat than 250 watts of cfl's to deal with.
Now the cost for me in the UK was about US $180. Not pocket change I admit, and that only purchased
the electronic ballast (it is capable of driving 400 watts plus 10% overdrive), the cooltube fixture and 1 lamp.

The ventilation upgrade would have been required anyway with more cfl's so I see that as a necessary cost I've had to absorb.

I'm convinced it's the way to go for now. Hopefully I'll be posting some better yields on here in future.

Without a doubt though I think LED is the default lighting of the future. I'm not yet convinced of who makes the
best kit or prepared to spend mega bucks on what is still a technology in it's early stages.

So summing up then HID might be right for you for the next few years if you can cover the investment.
As you are using a 2' x 4' tent maybe you could start in the same ballpark as me regards wattage.
Realistically you need to add ventilation costs to the setup. Just my 2 cents :cheesygrinsmiley:

Edit: When I think back to what I used to spend on street weed. The cost of new kit
is a no-brainer.
Re: New City Grower

Just dropping in to say hello neighbor and 420 friends. MMJ is making some progress in NY so keep on growing and supporting. Oh, and be careful in all that snow Reg you could lost easily would a good buzz on.
Re: New City Grower

Good morning weed to ya BAR and Happy Munchday. I read through the REPS last night and it was a good as always. I was gone for the weekend so missed the nonstop action. :goodjob:
Re: New City Grower

Last nights Reps are Right was fun and informative. I was at HR Block getting my taxes done during it. I wanted to give more detailed answers but couldn't. The Molasses flush is very interesting and I'm thinking about trying it out on one of my girls thats going into flowering right now.
I hope I catch wind of the next Reps are Right. I don't want to miss out on that action.
Re: New City Grower

What if you have 1 foot high plant, but 40+ tops?

Obviously then a bigger pot would be needed. To get a 1 foot tall plant to have 40+ tops you'd have to do some serious training. If you know you are going to train a plant into a squatty beast then you also should plan for enough soil. If you can train a 1' tall plant to have 40+ tops you should already have enough expereince and/or knowledge to know what size container you'd need. There are many styles of growing out there. Rules of thumb are for generalizations. If you are going to use a unique style of growing then you should probably do the necessary research and apply whatever adaptations you need to facilitate it. I hope that helps answer your rather derogatory question.
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