New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Hi, Calyx Hunter :ciao:

If you are going to use a unique style of growing then you should probably do the necessary research and apply whatever adaptations you need to facilitate it. I hope that helps answer your rather derogatory question.

Please don't take offense. I don't think Cajun meant any disrespect; he was just throwing out another factor to consider. He's one of the nicest, most welcoming people on the forum, and I will vouch for him any day :kiss:

Because we have some very experienced, caring growers who have mastered advanced training techniques and have made simple, easy-to-follow, how-to guides, we actually do have first-time growers who end up with beastly 30+ top plants. They may not have the experience that the guide-writer did, so echoing this knowledge and pointing out aspects to keep in consideration will help build their "knowledge toolbox."

The Reps Are Right is all about sharing information, and if anyone has a point to be considered, Reg and I absolutely want it to be shared. Sometimes we may not all agree, but that is not important. If we don't share our ideas and considerations, we're not teaching and learning from each other.

Re: New City Grower

Ok I see whose side you're on. In my post I said, "It depends on plant size which takes many factors into account mostly genetics. I stick to 1 gallon per foot of plant height. "

cajuncelt question is antagonizing because I clearly state "It depends on plant size" and I say what I do. His question of "What if you have 1 foot high plant, but 40+ tops?" is obviously trying to negate what I said thus it is derogatory, antagonizing and off topic.

I do take offense to his question and to your blind support.

Sitting in the corner but still making comments guess you're a :cheer:
Re: New City Grower

On this thread we voice and listen to all ideas and questions. I honestly think Cajun was making a joke with his friend Reg (BAR) and it was taken the wrong way. I'm not on anybodies side because I just want to learn and with that said there are no sides to choose. I personally grow in 5 gallon pots for final planting.......:peace:
Re: New City Grower

I'm at 41 days sober from alcohol. I have a short fuse lately.
I really did learn a lot last night and was glad to be a part of it.

Congrats my friend. It is a hard journey with a great pay off. That is what this place is all about "learning".......:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

I'm at 41 days sober from alcohol. I have a short fuse lately.
I really did learn a lot last night and was glad to be a part of it.

Better to short fuse on the intenets than do something like smashing that crazy bulb you showed off in your journal and using it to stab someone - lol. You have a nice journal going CH. I appreciate anything you share!
Re: New City Grower

I'm at 41 days sober from alcohol. I have a short fuse lately.
I really did learn a lot last night and was glad to be a part of it.
Not trying to but in or nothing but been there done that so one day at a time and :goodjob: just don't let it win. As for :420: it's all about sharing and learning.
Re: New City Grower

If you want to follow the thread of a New sponsored grow that features Intelligent-Gro LED lights that you can adjust the power level of three individual channels, grow, vegetative and bloom. You can also set the controller to adjust these channels automatically every hour for 24 hours of the day. No need to use a timer because the Intelligent-Gro Controller will automatically bring the lights on and dim them to off at the time you program. Save electricity by giving your plants only the light they can use and at the correct time of day and season.

Follow this journal and check it out for yourself here is a sponsored grow that is about to start:
B.I.D.'s Mysterious 8.0 Featuring? Come See If You Dare!

I am still looking to sponsor someone who lives in the state of Connecticut/ Please PM me for terms and agreement if your interested or have someone you would like to suggest.

Check out my website:
I will be offering a 20% discount to 420mag customers and 25% discount + a free Intelligent-Gro LED controller($75 value) when two or more units are purchased.

Our store will be open by March 1st for purchases and we will be certain to provide you all with the two different discount codes when it is time.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for the great info on light upgrading Brit. If anyone else has any ideas on inexpensive ways to upgrade to decent flowering light please do tell. I'm not called Broke Ass Reg for nothing.

Just dropping in to say hello neighbor and 420 friends. MMJ is making some progress in NY so keep on growing and supporting. Oh, and be careful in all that snow Reg you could lost easily would a good buzz on.
Hey neighbor, long time no hear from. Anything good you want to show us?

Good morning weed to ya BAR and Happy Munchday. I read through the REPS last night and it was a good as always. I was gone for the weekend so missed the nonstop action. :goodjob:

Last nights Reps are Right was fun and informative. I was at HR Block getting my taxes done during it. I wanted to give more detailed answers but couldn't. The Molasses flush is very interesting and I'm thinking about trying it out on one of my girls thats going into flowering right now.
I hope I catch wind of the next Reps are Right. I don't want to miss out on that action.

That's why we had the "The Re-Cap" Bill. We were thinking of you.

We do the shows bi-weekly Hunter so the next TRAR will be Feb. 23.

Hi, Calyx Hunter :ciao:

Please don't take offense. I don't think Cajun meant any disrespect; he was just throwing out another factor to consider. He's one of the nicest, most welcoming people on the forum, and I will vouch for him any day :kiss:

The Reps Are Right is all about sharing information, and if anyone has a point to be considered, Reg and I absolutely want it to be shared. Sometimes we may not all agree, but that is not important. If we don't share our ideas and considerations, we're not teaching and learning from each other.

Agreed 100% partner.


I'm at 41 days sober from alcohol. I have a short fuse lately.
I really did learn a lot last night and was glad to be a part of it.
I don't allow sad & moping faces here. LOL... Don't worry... Be happy ;)...
Congrats on sobriety. The longer you hang in there the longer the fuse gets. If you ever need some words of encouragement and/or support I'll be right here. You can just PM me. The circle of love continues :circle-of-love:

:oops: I gave D sobriety reps, I'll try to comprehend more before future repping, forgive me D!! congrats CalyxHunter!!:bravo:
He deserves them.
Re: New City Grower

I'm tellin' you guys, look into interns. Then you can smoke yourselves into oblivion AND do the show. Just sayin' ;)

Sorry I missed it this week. It was the GF's Dirty 30!

I will be around for the next one though!
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