New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

i get bleaching happen when i move my young plants from cfls to the hid room, i also get light bleaching if i put my plants on my balcony in direct sun, so they need to be hardened with any strong light.
Re: New City Grower

i dont think i need a helmet for fishing, i think i need a body guard. or ill stand on the banks and use some grenades and use a long net to pull the fish out, last thing i need is a slap round the face from a fish,
Re: New City Grower

Dres Hit them with Question #4.
Re: New City Grower

I had a fan leaf leave a perfect picture of itself on a bigger fan leaf as it was touching. Looked very wierd

Had that happen with my White Panther last grow, too.
Re: New City Grower

Judges is there a winner for #3
Re: New City Grower

ok guys lol only a short stay for me today I gotta go help someone get some water
lots great grower doing lots of different things here
so many variables 10 people could do the exact same thing on the same strain and youd probably get 10 different results
doesn't mean any bad results but variables and differences
you guys are the shizzle finizzle
catch you guys later gotta help a friend out then ill get my ass home go through subs and shit
great skunkday to you all
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