New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Now DP you can't receive anymore prizes as you were a judge that wasn't sure if you'd make it tonight. LOL
Re: New City Grower

high temps in seedling stage will cause huge amounts of stretch, the plants stretch to reach cooler air which indoors is just not possible, outdoors they stretch so they are the tallest and can easily catch the wind easier, high temps in flower cause the buds to stretch and be skinny, so keeping the temps in the correct range is needed to prevent stretch during all stages of growth,
Re: New City Grower

Thanks again DP :) These are VERY light green but get zero light...only a week or so till chop :)
Re: New City Grower

@BAR, im not here for the prizes my friend, just here to see the questions and what answers we get, seems we got some very knowledgeable growers reading these as the answers are spot on,
Re: New City Grower

Hit em with Question # 3 Dres & PJ Pick a Curtain​

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3

Judge John, are you OK?
Re: New City Grower

This current OG seedling has consistently lived in roughly 20-25% rh.






Last two pictures are from today - 10 days since she popped her lil' head up.

I had already posted this in the thread here. Humidity is good, sure but not key. It is hard to match this kind of seedling development in 10 days. This was done at 20-25% rh
Re: New City Grower

@BAR, im not here for the prizes my friend, just here to see the questions and what answers we get, seems we got some very knowledgeable growers reading these as the answers are spot on,
Well pick a curtain anyway. You already received the reps.
Re: New City Grower

should be according to the manufacturer that produces the light mine suppose to be 18-24 inches suppose to be lol
Re: New City Grower

one thing you can do with seedlings is put them in more soil, you dont need to keep a long stem, once the seedling has grown you can plant it as deeps as the bottom set of leaves or seedleaves, when i transplant i sometimes bury the stem an inch or 2 deeper if the stem is to long, roots will then grow from the stem you have just planted below the soil, so i you start off in a real small pot with the seedlings you can then transplant into a deeper pot and bury most of the stem on the seedling leaving just a small stem above ground, it will end up looking like the pics pee jay posted above,
Re: New City Grower

Question 3

How far should LEDs be from the canopy? Close, similar to CFL/fluorescent positioning (6 inches or less) or further away, similar to HID (8-10 inches, sometimes more)? What is your reasoning?

LEDs can get in REAL close. A) to help cut down stretch as in Q2 B) because the closer they are the more efficient they are and c) because they're temps are low :)
Re: New City Grower

honestly I have had them inches away even touching the only downside is the burn looking from touching the light and transpiring the other one would be being so close blocks out more light from getting around other than that honestly it can be an inch away FOR ME and it doesn't matter
Re: New City Grower

ive not used led's but plan on using them a some point, i know they need to be much higher then hids and cfls, 2 to 3 ft or more above the plants is ideal for most leds, often the higher you can get them the better, so you can have them as high in the grow room as you can go,
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