New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Removing the leaf depends on the age of the plant. Obviously with a very young plant with few leaves, leave it on if it has some green to it. The youngin' needs whatever energy it can get. Removing leaves from the under canopy of a more mature plant will not hurt anything. One a leaf is damaged (scarred is a good way to think of it) the damage will not go away.
Re: New City Grower

Sorry I'm late...issues at home lol :)
I'd remove them to stop the risk of any disease spreading :)
Re: New City Grower

What do you think Judges.
Re: New City Grower

all leaves should be left on the plant unless they have turned yellow, if the leaves are showing any green then their still doing their job, once they turn yellow they need removing as they can fall off and cause mold or pm issues if your in flower,
Re: New City Grower

all leaves should be left on the plant unless they have turned yellow, if the leaves are showing any green then their still doing their job, once they turn yellow they need removing as they can fall off and cause mold or pm issues if your in flower,

Does that also apply to Autos DP?
Re: New City Grower


I leave damaged leaves on the plant until they have faded to yellow unless it is shading a better leaf. A leaf can still provide energy to the plant with as little as 20% of the surface intact. A plant can not repair a damaged leaf only compartmentalize the damage.
Re: New City Grower

While we're waiting hit em with Question # 2 Dresney
Re: New City Grower

If the leaves are pinched off and the issue isn't corrected, will the damage then spread to previously undamaged leaves, where it would have continued to eat at the damaged ones if they were still there?

If it is a nutrient issue simple removeing affected leaves will not fix the problem. You must address the deficency/lockout. With pests or disease, the same is true really. Pulling off leaves does not get to the root of the problem.
Re: New City Grower

yep it applies to autos, if the leaves have turned yellow their not benefiting the plant at all, pinch them off, how ever if the leaf is showing any signs of still being green or light green then they can recover, but once they turn yellow they will not recover so the plant is not gaining anything from the leaves

@Dresney, it depends on the problem, if its bugs then it can spread, if its a nute issue then pulling off the yellow leaves wont stop the rest of the leaves turning yellow unless you solved the nute problem, so the leaf problem will only spread if you let it,
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