New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

From the little bit that I read PeeJay has it going on and I will definitely check him out as I like the way he mixes his nuts into his soil. Back to the lights my opinion if you have T5's use them on your seedling. Bottom line less heat.
Re: New City Grower

I wanna say high humidity can cause seedlings to stretch as well.
Re: New City Grower

I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about Jaga......:confused:

:lot-o-toke: my misstake Im getting people an pic,s messed up sorry I got double green vision :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Please excuse an give me a nudge I think I am stoned:peace:
Re: New City Grower

:circle-of-love: Here's a nudge Jaga....:passitleft:
:passitleft:Phew thanks I got ta go to the thanks that was a very gentle nudge like a wakey wakey an not the SHOVE
speak soon 420 love an sorry I dont think Im gonna make it for the reps show
Re: New City Grower

I wanna say high humidity can cause seedlings to stretch as well.
That would make since as the side of the room the seedling is on is the same side the radiator is on.

:confused::confused::confused:What do you base that on MrFlinstone???????????????
We seen it on the Internet Lady Dee so it has to be true. LOL

Yes how does humidity stretch a plant? I had a fair bit of stretch with my diesel bio mass????

THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start in 2hrs & 15mins of this post & will be discussing this topic with some of the most respected growers here on 420.
Re: New City Grower

From the little bit that I read PeeJay has it going on and I will definitely check him out as I like the way he mixes his nuts into his soil. Back to the lights my opinion if you have T5's use them on your seedling. Bottom line less heat.

Mixes his NUTS into his soil....OUCHHHHHHH...that CAN'T be comfortable lol :)
Re: New City Grower

Lol Brit good catch!

I'm sure if you keep a cfl close enough you can work around it, from what I've read, keeping the soil too moist as well, more root mass, shorter the seedling stretches, roots need to grow and find water, so all in all don't over water seedlings.
Re: New City Grower

Hi BAR, any luck on them clones yet my friend,

the only things ive found that cause a plant to stretch is really high temps, my humidity is high in winter and low in summer and my plants grow the same at both time of year, so for me humidity plays no part in how the plant grows.
the only thing ive come across that humidity may affect is trichome production, ive not seen anything proven about this so i dont really pass comment or tell people to give it a try, for me i get good trich production with both high and low humidity, anyways the theory is that lowering the humidity throughout flower helps the plant produce more trichomes, im not sure how much truth their is in this though as i think it has more to do with strain and or pheno types.

high humidity in flower can cause pm issues and bud rot, so its best to be on the lower side but as long as you got good air flow then bud rot and pm wont be an issue, but i know growers with big setups who can control humidity lower it through flower.

high temps in flower can cause the buds to stretch, i let the temps get to high in my ww x sk and the buds ended up really skinny, it sort of made the buds foxtail but this gave me smaller yields as the buds did not fatten up as normal during flower, they just stretched like crazy.
Re: New City Grower

1/2 hour till the 7th THE REPS ARE RIGHT
Re: New City Grower

I'll be tuned it, BAR, but I don't know how attentive I'll be... I'm working on a very tedious project that must be done by tomorrow morning - have the journals on one monitor and the project on the other. It breaks up the monotony to bounce back and fourth a little. Now you know why I've been on such a posting jag the last couple of days. lol
Re: New City Grower

On the humidity talk here if no one has said it.. humidity is very important for clones and seedlings until a healthy root system is developed as humidity is what is allowing water to be taken into the stomata of the plant through its leaves. We all know that water is big part of photosynthesis so it is crucial for proper growth in new plants. I'm not sure at what point it is being thought to cause the stretch in seedlings but i believe that was not written correctly as it's most beneficial?
Re: New City Grower

Good Evening or Afternoon or Morning depending on what side of the universe your on. We'd like to welcome the whole :420: community to the 7th episode of the all new 420 Game Show


The rules are very simple: There are none

Just answer the questions to the best of your ability or even help someone else answer a question. This is an interactive cybermatic open forum and it's main purpose is useful info. Feel free to post at anytime. Just keep it clean. If you must use the f word use FLUX. We'll be giving away tons of prizes & reps; That's right I said REPS!

I'll be one of your Host for the show and for those of you who don't know me, my name is


I'll be accompanied by your Hostess & of course our panel of JUDGES who happen to all be seasoned Growers & by the way, one of our Guest judges for today's show specializes in hydro.

I'll let the rest of the team introduce their-selves.
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