New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

So, this female colleague who offered to show you porn.......did she ACTUALLY have a computer ? lol :)
Everyone on my floor works on a computer. The department I work in does nothing but make sure clients are eligible.


thats a lovely set up an the way them girls are looking I would think a twelve inch cola is on the cards:circle-of-love:

Another bean a poppin! Seems like its all the time over hear! Best of buds my friend
Yeah, let's just not see anymore dudes anytime soon.

Looking good Reg, you've really developed a green thumb, and in such a short time!
It's impossible not to with all the great growers here who's befriended & guided me through these grows. I must admit, it feels weird when I give advice because I still consider myself green. But if it's something that I've learned here & have had success with it's my duty & privilege to pass it forward.

Happy Freeweed day BAR and Chronic Weekend your way :thumb:
Cronic, make sure you tune in Sunday. We missed you last show.
Re: New City Grower

Good Morning all, poppin in to say hi :thumb:

I'm just popping in too! Go off line for 10 days and it takes 3 days to catch up Reg!:thumb:
Thanxx for stopping by guys. Trust me AJ, I know the feeling.

Here's looking at you Lady Dee...

Woke up this morning and to my surprise the Wild Thai had sprouted. I've decided to name her QUEEN THAI. I'm using a seedling close light method I got from PJ.

Regarding seedling stretch - I don't know about 18/6 or 24/0, but the amount of stretch is influenced by the height of the light source over the seedling. One of the advantages of CFL or T5 lights for seedlings is you can literally put them an inch or two above the seedling without burning it. Lightaddict advocates this method. So do I.
If you want a nice squat plant surrounding it with cfl's early is a great way to go.

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 1




Re: New City Grower

Great info and pics mate :) Pic 3 reminded me of Predator lol. :)
I'm going to try the "get in close" method next run too.....CFLs, 1" away...sounds like a real plan :)
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for stopping by guys. Trust me AJ, I know the feeling.

.....Here's looking at you Lady Dee...

Woke up this morning and to my surprise the Wild Thai had sprouted. I've decided to name her QUEEN THAI. I'm using a seedling close light method I got from PJ.

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 1





She's as beautiful as her new name......:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

I can second that, I've never had a seedling stretch, always squat, keep light close and also I believe if sprouting in essesive heat(95f+), it can make them stretch.
Re: New City Grower

I can second that, I've never had a seedling stretch, always squat, keep light close and also I believe if sprouting in essesive heat(95f+), it can make them stretch.
That's interesting Mr. Flint. Close to a "catch 22". The closer the light the less stretch, yet the more excessive the heat the greater the stretch. I believe we'll discuss seedling stretch during THE REPS ARE RIGHT this evening. The close light discussion has become a pretty hot topic this week.
Re: New City Grower

Hi Bar if you use T5 lights for your seedling and veg you can keep the light as close as 1 in from the baby's and not burn them.
Re: New City Grower

Hi Bar if you use T5 lights for your seedling and veg you can keep the light as close as 1 in from the baby's and not burn them.
Hello LB. That's what I've just started experimenting with little success. In the last day & 1/2 I had to raise the CFL light twice as the seedling was about to touch the light. I'm weary of keeping the light that close come Monday (a workday) when I might come home to a burnt seedling. There has to be more variables to it than just light distance & heat.

Re: New City Grower

Well Bar the thing is T5's and CFL's are two different type of lights. The T5 are like the florescence in most office buildings but smaller. CFL's burn too hot for me so I have them but don't use them because I burned some clones when I first got them.
Re: New City Grower

If you like I can take some Pic's of both and post them. It took me some time to understand the difference between all the different types if lights or lamps. You have T5, T8, CFL, MH and HPS which can be used thought out the whole grow but is best for flowering as it will stretch your baby's.
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