New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

damn that is a chunky bitch!

As you all know by now this thread is an open forum & I only ask two things. One's not to offend anyone & you know the second one B.

Lady Dee, the Mailman left something in my mailbox yesterday:

One Canvas Air Pot

A pair of Wild Thailand beans

A pair of Sleestack X Skunk beans

I dropped one of Wild Thai beans into my seed dish with tap water & it tap-rooted over night. I'll plant it when I get home this evening.


Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Jimmy
Short Veg and tied her down and kinda lollopped her. Thanks OB BRIT. I've been scarred to post pic's so I guess I'm coming out of my shell.
LB, when you say a short veg, how long was it? I let KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) veg for 28 days & that was my shortest veg cycle to date. I can't really use her as a real test in veg time because she's deformed and whatnot with her bad genetics.
Re: New City Grower

Hey Bar I forgot how long I let it veg but couldn't of been longer than three weeks because I have time restrictions on the room where they live. End of the next month I will shut it down as I have enough Meds to last 4 to 6 months. Beach here I come.
Re: New City Grower

Hi BAR, I hope all is well. Stacks and the girls are looking lovely. They are turning into lovely ladies :thumbs:
(Broke B. got mites really bad, but is still fighting the good fight)

I noticed on your last cloning attempt that the cuttings had a lot of leaves on them. The cutting likely used up its energy and moisture to keep those big leaves up. Next time try leaving only a few small leaves at the top and maybe half of a fan leaf and see if that helps.
Re: New City Grower

(Broke B. got mites really bad, but is still fighting the good fight)
Now Stacks, you know I have to keep an eye on Broke B. Clona! I don't really do the "HI, How are you thing" but if you see me "likes" I was there.
Re: New City Grower

LMAO!!! Mick and Denise, please explain how you can "like" a post in less than 3 seconds after I click "post" !!??

Lmao. Denise and I are very quick Trichy. It actually took me 1.47 seconds to read and decide. The physical activity of reaching for the like button, pressing it, and speed of electrons accounts for the rest. I'm beginning to suspect you're NSA or CISIS or GCHQ or some such alphabet agency, scooping up trivial data because you have nothing more important to do with your time. :) SD, (shit disturber).
Re: New City Grower

Keep it clean.
Re: New City Grower

As promised, the Wild Thailand (Feminized) has been planted in a cup of Mommy's Special Tomato Soil. That's the name I gave to the shopping bag of soil my lady brought over that her mother uses to grow tomatoes in. It was the only thing that any of the 6 defected beans of Honey Haze made it in "KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze)" so it must be pretty good.

She's under a 1600 lumens CFL... 18/6

Wild Thailand (Feminized)



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