New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Lmao... That was a peek.
Re: New City Grower

i got rid of my gnats by killing each one i saw and adding spiders to my area LOL. it took a little cause the soil has babies in it. oh yeah i did peroxide wash too for soil, not so sure it killed the larva though. but they're gone for good now. i microwave my soil before storing it inside anywhere or using it now :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

a plankter she is,

@BAR, your not having much luck with these clones are you buddy.
is the water temp ok, you dont want the water temp getting to hot my friend, that will cause the stem to rot and the clone will just wilt and die,

if also found i needed a dome even using the bubble cloner method, some growers say its not needed and they wont wilt but all mine did within a few hours, so i put a dome over them and they all perked up and rooted within 7 to 10 days.
also change the water out in the cup every couple of days to replenish oxygen or at least use a squirty bottle and give the water a blast to get some oxygen back it in,

high temps and low oxygen will stop the clones from rooting,

the easiest method ive ever used for cloning is the bubble cloner, but once you get the soil clone sorted you wil find that very easy, i only used the bubble cloner once and it worked first time so i can say the buble cloner is very easy to build and always seems to work for everyone who tries it.

you could try cloning in soil again but take much smaller clones so they cant wilt, some of my clones are only 1inch above soil level and 1.5 inch below soil level, so it dont have room to wilt as the stem is not to long, it also looks like you have a lot of leaf on your clone, you could remove at least half or at least cut the leaves in half so the fingers are a lot shorter, the less leaf on the clone the less water it needs to survive, so i take small clones knowing i will have 100% success, if i take big clones then they wilt and die.

worse case build a bubble cloner, get a cheap air pump for a fish tank and an air stone, they cost next to nothing to buy, then all you need is a sandwich box and your good to go,

we need to get you out of the dead clone society,
Re: New City Grower

i think BAR is trying the water clone method where you just have the clone sitting in a cup, or maybe he is trying something else since he tried that,

i grow in soil so i prefer to clone in soil but i had the equipment needed to build a bubble cloner so decided to give it a try, the only downside with cloning in water or bubble cloner is when you transplant to soil it can cause problems and even die unless its well rooted before planting. it took me a while to get clones to root but once you do it once or twice you will find it very easy, its just getting the kinks worked out and getting the conditions right,
Re: New City Grower

So reg I thought you were cloning in rooters or soil have you always been using the aero or bubbler or whatever that's from?
I've tried the rooters, soil, my ghetto clone dome; everything but a bubble cloner which is my next move.

That last attempt was the Flintstones Method.

New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

Kinks and conditions about nails it donp.p

I was as frustrated as Reg last summer till I got it down pat.

Now, like you say it seems easy. But I very much feel for members who still experience problems.

The flags will be out over here when our Reg gets a good 'un.
Re: New City Grower

I told yah reg I'd get you straightened out,..I gotta take another round to shut the seller up he's bugging me crazy and I haven't had time so i Will do shortly. You want my piece on it lemme know mate. I think you have seen my cloning stuff in my journal, I thought you were in on that one?
Re: New City Grower

i got rid of my gnats by killing each one i saw and adding spiders to my area LOL. it took a little cause the soil has babies in it. oh yeah i did peroxide wash too for soil, not so sure it killed the larva though. but they're gone for good now. i microwave my soil before storing it inside anywhere or using it now :thumb:

good share breal! what kind of spiders? where do I get them? thanks a lot!:goodjob:
Re: New City Grower

I've read, read, read & tried, tried, tried nearly every method disused amongst the threads I follow except the bubble cloner. I'm just jinxed when it comes to cloning.
I've been able to do everything else with success; Tap root, germinate, feed regimes, super-cropping, Fimming, topping, LST, & even re-vegged my harvested baby.
It's gotten to the point I don't even expect my clones to survive!
Re: New City Grower

Aero cloners are so simple it's crazy. I have roots so big I can barely pull them out the holes in the top within 10 days, tap water and light. It's so easy with an eazy cloner even I can do it. They are a lil pricey, and lots of people get good results for free. I was t able to do it, but with eazy cloner it just works.

Your plants are looking great man.
Re: New City Grower

I've read, read, read & tried, tried, tried nearly every method disused amongst the threads I follow except the bubble cloner. I'm just jinxed when it comes to cloning.

My cloning success was 20+ years ago, looks like a lot has changed. Very hard to root cuttings that are flowerring, cut thenm off a girl that is vegging, make cuts at a node. To prevent the possibilty of a bubble in the stem (deadly embolism prevention) You must cut the clone off with the branch UNDERWATER, with a brand new blade, dip into CLONEX GEL immediately, put in 1" rockwool cube, the cubes should sit in the containers that resemble egg carton bottom, keep under dome at 80-85 constant temp, keep under constant light, water by spraying mist, DON"T over water, you want the cutting to search for water (clone makes roots to find water), dome should always have moisture drops on the inside. You should never soak the cubes, after 7 days, you should check the clone that looks best for roots, leave the others alone and check another the next day. That's how I had no problems w 80-90% success. I know nothing about the new clone machines I've seen. Dome Clonex & rockwool will cost about 30 US dollars. I used one household 18" florescent tube, cool white.

that was exhausting, buy YOU are worth it!! :high-five:
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