New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I've read, read, read & tried, tried, tried nearly every method disused amongst the threads I follow except the bubble cloner. I'm just jinxed when it comes to cloning.
I've been able to do everything else with success; Tap root, germinate, feed regimes, super-cropping, Fimming, topping, LST, & even re-vegged my harvested baby.
It's gotten to the point I don't even expect my clones to survive!

Re: New City Grower

Good Evening or Afternoon or Morning depending on what side of the universe your on. We'd like to welcome the whole:420: community to the 4th episode of the all new 420 Game Show


The rules are very simple: There are none

Just answer the questions to the best of your ability or even help someone else answer a question. This is an interactive cybermatic open forum. Feel free to post at anytime. Just keep it clean. If you must use the f word use FLUX. We'll be giving away tons of prizes & reps; That's right I said REPS!

I'll be your Host for the show and for those of you who don't know me, my name is


I'll be accompanied by a Surprise Co-Host who's decided to bless us with their presence & our panel of JUDGES who all happen to be seasoned Growers.

I'll let the rest of the team introduce their-selves.

Awesome, can't wait, I had no idea what you guys were doing last time, I'm going back to see the previous rep-party q & a
Re: New City Grower

I was thinking the same thing. Here are some pictures of my Critical Cali Mist. they are not the best but I'm learning.
Re: New City Grower

dresney is spot on, thats what produces the most oxygen, plants and trees give us very little, chances are over the whole of the planet trees are using more oxygen than they are producing, only young trees produce more oxygen than they use.

not that im suggesting deforestation is a good thing, just thought id see if anyone knew what produced the planets oxygen as a lot of info we are taught at school is a load of made up crap and the teachers keep teaching from out of date text books full of false information. they was teaching my daughter about it at school and she had some homework sent home so i thought id ask her teacher what she thought and she told me trees produce the planets oxygen and without the trees their would be no oxygen, so she was pretty shocked when i told her she needs to read up on where oxygen actually comes from, she wouldnt believe me that trees and plants only produce about 1% of the total oxygen,

I like this discussion...I haven't read everything yet but Im trying to get caught up...good point DP...the main benefit of trees to humans (besides their beauty) is not oxygen production but rather providing clean air...trees are highly efficient super-filters mature tree can provide enough clean air for a family of five for their lifetime.

Keep it up with the clones Reg...your almost there my friend :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Short Veg and tied her down and kinda lollopped her. Thanks OB BRIT. I've been scarred to post pic's so I guess I'm coming out of my shell.
Re: New City Grower

Hey my friend....never be afraid to post pics on this awesome site. Especially when the "subject" is as photogenic as yours :)
Re: New City Grower

Short Veg and tied her down and kinda lollopped her. Thanks OB BRIT. I've been scarred to post pic's so I guess I'm coming out of my shell.
I was too, until I hit the 1,000 mark, and realized I don't have that many pictures of my kids! LOL!!:loopy::woohoo:
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