New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

And the New City Saga continues. We'll be at 1000 pages in no time. I wonder what's the longest 420 thread/journal so far? If by chance Peyton Manning has that one too, I predict B A R will smash that very soon.
Re: New City Grower

Quote Originally Posted by RainStacks View Post
@Spimp - Please make a family tree, I am confused already
Im not 100% positive, I did just smoke some 'Snowcap'(??) and am pretty medicated. But I think its something like this:


P.S. That took like 45 mins :rofl::rofl:
Good gosh, that seems like nearly a year ago! It was only Oct 17, 2013. I was looking back at my original germination methods & seen it. We learn so much so fast here on 420 it's like a grow crash course with frills...
Re: New City Grower

it's been some time since we've seen those plants :)

I'm turning in right now though. night guys
Re: New City Grower

Wow, I had quit a scare guys. My computer wouldn't log on to 420 mag. I'm thinking they threw a block on our job network but couldn't be sure. You can't just walk up to your supervisor & say "I'm having problems logging onto my non-job related marijuana site. Can you send Ralph the Tech by my cube?"

You know the next step. Asking all your co-workers if they're experiencing any problems. What's really scary is a female co-worker says if you want to watch porn I can show you how to get in through the back door so upstairs isn't aware. I'll never look at her the same again. LOL

Anyway I'm on now...

Here's a history of THE REPS ARE RIGHT

Ep. 1 Pilot: Wait this my be something worth trying.

New City Grower 1.0

Ep. 2: This is after discussing the idea in depth with Dresney, we came up with a format. Little did we know it would be so much discussion on each question. The show ran almost all night.

New City Grower 1.0

Ep. 3: We somewhat got it running smoother with a time limit on each question, keeping the whole show under an hour & KJC joins the team.

New City Grower 1.0

Ep. 4: RicoRico sat in for Dresney & did quit a good job may I add

New City Grower 1.0

Ep. 5: The return of everyone's favorite hostess Dresney.

New City Grower 1.0

Ep. 6: Ran two weeks ago

New City Grower 1.0

This week is going to be an episode you should put forth your best efforts to participate in. We have a few surprises going on and as always we'll be giving out reps & prizes.
Re: New City Grower


thats a lovely set up an the way them girls are looking I would think a twelve inch cola is on the cards:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

So, this female colleague who offered to show you porn.......did she ACTUALLY have a computer ? lol :)
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