New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

cool, the dome looks the right size now, it was just a bit big before, plus leaving it off for 30min wont help as the humidity needs to be high all the time, without roots the plant is not taking in any moisture, so it needs to take it in through the leaves until the roots have grown, so letting it dry out just causes it to wilt and die, humidity needs to be as close to 100% as possible until it roots,

when i check my clones i check them twice a day, once when i get up, i dont spray them when i get up i just pull the dome off and 30seconds later i put it back on, then before i go to bed i check them again, i pull the dome off and let them have some fresh air for 1min to 2 min at the most, then give them clone a spray and also a gentle spray inside the dome,

you also dont want to water the soil, you want the roots to be looking for the water, the soil dont need to be dry but watering it will slow root development, you want the plant to go looking for the water, so just mist the leaves and inside the dome once or twice a day, go for twice a day for the first few days then once a day after that, i find that works well and ive not had any problems with rooting, sometimes it can take some strains longer than others, some root in 2 weeks some in 3 or more, it just dependent on strain,

ive also rooted without a dome but thats much harder and dont work every time, but when i have rooted without a dome i use very short clones and have no actual stem above ground level, i just have the leaves so their slightly above ground level and i find you can root clones that way, but i only did it to see if it was possible and it worked but its not a good method to use and you will lose clones trying it, this pot and dome method is as good as you can get without making a bubble cloner or some other water clone method, but as we are growing in soil it makes sense to start the clones in soil, with hydro you would need a bubble cloner or some other method but in soil you dont want to root the clones then stress them by planting them in soil, so its best to start them in soil and transplant them into a bigger pot once they outgrow the pot their cloned in
Re: New City Grower

I want to do something different than what i did with laverne & use all 5ft of that tent. Like we say here at :420:, every grow is a learning experience.

If you want a tall plants you can grow without topping. It's a good technique for limiting height, if you just want a clone you could take it from the bottom where it never would amount to much anyway. A four inch clone is good, I have had success with twos, but they take longer to grow once transplanted.
Re: New City Grower

If you want a tall plants you can grow without topping. It's a good technique for limiting height, if you just want a clone you could take it from the bottom where it never would amount to much anyway. A four inch clone is good, I have had success with twos, but they take longer to grow once transplanted.
Well it's done now. Happy Labor Day to everyone & Happy Monday to all of you on the other side of the pond & everywhere else this is not a holiday. But it's still monday & you know how we do on mondays
Re: New City Grower

Reg, can we get some pics and updates on Shirley? I wanna know how your topping turned out. Also, will you be topping more in the future? I should warn you, one noob to another, that topping is pretty addictive. It's like pushing the BAR as much as you can just to see what happens next, pun intended. All total, I think I topped my plant about 10 times and stunted growth for about 2 weeks, and even with the one light being left on for 31 hours, recovery and a growth boom has ensued regardless. I guess no pain means no gain. looking forward to an update brother!
Re: New City Grower



Now should there be this much browning in the flowers


This buds for you




Re: New City Grower

very nice

id say for the age of the flowering plant the pistils look about right, high temps can cause them to brown quicker so if temps are ok then it will just be normal
Re: New City Grower




Those look like male pollen sacs at the top most leaf/stem junction. I was thinking that plant looked male by its growth pattern, tall with little branching.

I am thinking, but not sure, that a pollen sac burst and maybe pollinated your other plant that was inside, hence the brown pistils. They turn brown after pollination or maturity without being pollinated.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think that what going on. Post a close up of what I am talking about, the 'ball like' structure, on 'Shirley' and can tell for sure, but I am 90% it a male.
Re: New City Grower

Is Shirley a sativa or sativa dominant? Looks like she's gonna be a tall one for sure. You might have to get another tent and tape the bottom of one to the top of the other just to fit her.
Re: New City Grower

Those look like male pollen sacs at the top most leaf/stem junction. I was thinking that plant looked male by its growth pattern, tall with little branching.

I am thinking, but not sure, that a pollen sac burst and maybe pollinated your other plant that was inside, hence the brown pistils. They turn brown after pollination or maturity without being pollinated.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think that what going on. Post a close up of what I am talking about, the 'ball like' structure, on 'Shirley' and can tell for sure, but I am 90% it a male.

I unfortunatly concur. That looks like a pollen sack my man. Close up needed asap sir...
Re: New City Grower

Yeah Shirley's definitely a DRAG QUEEN. I see that damn adams apple! But how could she pollenate Laverne When they haven't been next to each other since July 14 & Shirley was this young


Now here's the dude all grown up.

Re: New City Grower

Sorry for the bad news bro. Let me know if I can help.
Re: New City Grower

I should be good for some seeds now though. I have to look on the bright side.
Re: New City Grower

The clone Day 3

Re: New City Grower

Well I could be wrong on it pollinating your female, as donpaul said the pistils can turn due to high temp or other stress too. If you notice the calyxes swelling alot on just ones with brown pistils, they probably got seeds growing in them.

E.G. I have had to spray down my plants with SM-90 due to mites, and I have started to see some pistils turning brown, while buds are obviously at least 3-4 weeks from being ready.

And unless you planning on breeding your clone is worthless, but maybe good practice to see if can root it. Just keep an eye out for pollen sacs.
Re: New City Grower

But how could she pollenate Laverne When they haven't been next to each other since July 14 & Shirley was this young

Have you been around both? Theres your answer... If your clothes got pollen on them, then a fan blew, tons of pollen everywhere. Even if you dont see it.
Ive seen growers completly bleach clean an entire huge tent over one open pollen sack becasue they know that shit went everywhere.
Re: New City Grower

DAMN SPIMP! You just blew my whole high!!! & for Sure that clones a Dude TOO???
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