New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Question, how long is pollen good for in open air? If say BAR's entire apt was covered, how long would it be. before he could safely bring home another lady w/o having fear of her getting knocked up?

Reg, people clone to preserve the sexual characteristic and also to identify it on plants still in veg. I've read a good amount about this practice. It's when you have a plant in veg that you really want to know the gender of, so you take a clone, root it, and bring it right into flower just so that it will show it's gender. Once the gender of the clone is known, it is discarded and the grower now knows mom is mom. So if you took the cutting from Shirley, then yes it is too a male. If you didn't have another in flower, it might be good to play around with it and experiment a little to craft your green thumb, but with Laverne, why take the chance?
Re: New City Grower

DAMN SPIMP! You just blew my whole high!!! & for Sure that clones a Dude TOO???

I apoligize sir. Did not intend for that at all. :sorry:

Dont ditch the grow, Im just saying it could have happened and was answering how. I am not sure she is pollinated until you swuezze the buds and see if you feel anything. Did you takea close up of the area and do any other ndes look the same? or clustersanywhere?
Re: New City Grower

Question, how long is pollen good for in open air? If say BAR's entire apt was covered, how long would it be. before he could safely bring home another lady w/o having fear of her getting knocked up?

Im not sure. I meant to just answer how and not IF but I didnt communicate myself well. I think without cleaning or doing anything, maybe a few months. If yu were a breeder you could probably keep it alive longer though. Id guess the percent of pollination would be on the severe decline after the first few days, but there would still be a chance. But thats if yuo didnt clean it.
The chances are probably pretty slim for it to happen in Reg's case. like really slim. im just saying it could happen.;)
Re: New City Grower

the cutting you have taken will also be male, I would discard it. how fast pistils mature and brown is strain dependent but other factors such as heat or chemical sprays can pre maturely cause pistils to die off.
Re: New City Grower

Happy Tokerday BAR:thumb:
More like doomsday & we don't even feel like doing how we do on DOOMSDAY. Why couldn't it be August again, I think this is going to be a BAD month. Today was definitely a bad day.
Re: New City Grower

Don't worry, Reg.

I think shirley is too young to pollinate anything.

We would have seen mature male flowers.
you got him in time, I think.
The best news I've heard on this side of my daughter's !st day of school. Your not just saying that to make me feel better are you, because if you are it's working.:high-five:
Re: New City Grower

Maybe after Laverne is harvested, she could be reveged and cloned to keep her immortalized. Mine is on the verge of flipping and when I lollipop, I will get more clones from it in the event it turns out to be a good plant. at any rate, our expectations can't be too high with bag seed or seedlings found on the street in your case. The way I see it, you got a 50% success rate on your first go around. Out of 4 seedlings, I see 2 maybe 3 different types of weed, indica, sativa and something called duck's foot. It's all a pot luck this way!
Re: New City Grower

I have a bad habit of always expecting the best out of a situation. Right now I'm thinking of pulling Shirley up & throwing away the clone to prevent any pollen from spreading anywhere & just order some seeds.
Re: New City Grower

I like pulling dad up and chucking his ass, but you can learn a lot from the clones before they produce any pollen sacks. Maybe keep them going till they start to develop and toss them as well when that happens. Not sure about you, but growing is fun and I'm learning new stuff every day. Maybe get some practice topping, FIM, LST, taking clones, adjusting feedings, flushing, creating deficiencies and lockouts just to familiarize yourself with what everything looks like. Just because a drag queen suckered you into taking him home with you, don't mean you can't torture that mofo before you throw his ass back to the curb? You can greatly improve your pimp game for when the mail order brides arrive.
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

The best news I've heard on this side of my daughter's !st day of school. Your not just saying that to make me feel better are you, because if you are it's working.:high-five:

Last year I had 11 bagseed plants in a Greenhouse.

9 males and 1 hermie on my first complete grow :straightface:

some I found were much more advanced than Shirley is.

Those balls grow out like that overnight,

but they take a while to mature and open.

My 1 female had no seeds at all.

Laverne is 50 days into flowering.

Only 2 odd weeks of bulking up left :)

It's normal for the earlier pistils to turn brown,

Especially if the temps are high.

Don't worry.

It's rarely worth it.

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Rico, you've really lifted my spirits. I hadn't realized I've gotten this attached to my plants. I'm at work all depressed & stuff. As soon as I get home I'm throwing those dudes out & ordering some beans. Ordering from this computer would be pushing it a little.:thanks:
Re: New City Grower

I doubt LEO is that hard up to spend that many hours waiting for small growers to order some beans. If you feel more comfortable using another device to order, do you, but I don't think it's necessary. I will be using my main PC to make my order in a cpl weeks. You got your eyes on anything in particular? I'm probably gonna do the pick and mix option so I can get a 10 pack of 5 or 6 strains.
Re: New City Grower

What I was referring to was ordering using that pc at work. I'm at home on my own pc now.

On this 4th day of September, The year Two Thousand and Thirteen, We gather here to lay to rest our beloved Cannabis Plant, Shirley. His short life of 61 days will forever be embedded in our memories.:headbanger:


Thank you all for attending..... R.I.P.
Re: New City Grower

whah whaaah wh whaaaah waaaah wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, PTSSSSSS

I knew a guy in the can named Shirley.
Re: New City Grower

Shirley Herb Salad...

Re: New City Grower

I saw a youtube vid where a patient and a doctor (wife and husband) were juicing an entire plant every day for oral consumption. Not to get high or anything, but that the cannabinoids were extremely healthy and help with cell regeneration or something like that.
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