New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Possibly Dennise. I read (when I was getting ready for my grow) that 85f was "optimum". I've read it a few times since too. I had this discussion with a few guys on LAs thread a week or two back and Mick researched and found an interesting piece that backed the 85f up :)

I ran across the same number, maybe not exact, but 85 is about the point where temps stop being useful, unless you have CO2. Up to 85, warmer is generally better = faster growth, depending, yadda yadda. Humidity can't be low at that temp, for instance.
Re: New City Grower

Not that I'm dis-agreeing with you Oz, but I've read plenty more saying the ideal temps are between 75-80 F than I have that say 80-85 F. Though I've read both I don't recall reading that the ideal indoor temp is 85 F. I've read on numerous occasions that 77 f was what we should strive for in indoor grows.

If you think about it like this: As many of the well seasoned growers (4yrs or better) here would agree, 85 F is only 5 degrees shy of what would be considered hot for an indoor plant yet 15 degrees from what would be considered cool.

I would find your ideal temp to be more in accordance with an outdoor grow with free flowing natural air as outdoor plants can withstand much higher temps without issues. (90's, 100's)

I'll look deeper into this as to not give any incorrect info.
Re: New City Grower

Mick researched and found an interesting piece that backed the 85f up
Oz, Can you bless us with a link?
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Princess DIY. So there you have it. If you're using Co2 Oz is 100% right dead on point.

More input on this subject is encouraged.
Re: New City Grower

It barely hits 70f in here guys and I killed the night time heating also.

Re: New City Grower

Hi Reg....thanks for the clarification :) That's what 420 is all about for minded people with a shared aim, growing the best green we can. I love the freedom of info on here, the sharing without ulterior motive is awesome :Namaste:
Re: New City Grower

:thanks: trichomes
Re: New City Grower

This is from the "How to Grow Marijuana" thread here on 420 mag.
70-80 degrees optimum without co2 and 80-90 with co2
I know for a fact Oz was using Co2 at one point, though I'm not sure if I've heard him mention it since b4 the new year.
Re: New City Grower

Good info.. There are alot of factors though that will determine what the best environment of your room will be most people don't have enough co2, as well as o2 and airflow for 85 to be ideal. Also a plant has the ability to adjust the temperature of its shoot(areas above ground) through transpiration so it can handle higher temps and fluctuations without great deal of stress but the rootzone does not have the ability to regulate temp at all and is better suited to a cooler environment than the above ground parts and shouldn't have significant fluctuations. Figured I'd toss that in while we're at it.
Re: New City Grower

Next time I visit him I'll stop by Follow The Sun. I'm sure there's Cannabis friendly grow stores in the city but how would I search for them?

Yes, you should:thumb: Now stores in the city; I'm not sure about. You get ask for a 'point in the right direction' from those street vendors that sell glass pieces. That's my best guess into finding one, as I have a feeling there is an 'inner circle' of members who go to basement hydro outlets

Did you hear about the green 'Weed World' vans that were selling fake weed pops in the city some time ago? Now that was funny...maybe you could ask them :rofl: All my mates below 42nd weren't having the BS, however the gullible ones uptown probably made them the most money :laughtwo:!

As for the mark up, there is a big difference so try to buy online when I can which has it's own perils.

I agree, that is with everything 'online VS. in-store retail'.

I ran across the same number, maybe not exact, but 85 is about the point where temps stop being useful, unless you have CO2. Up to 85, warmer is generally better = faster growth, depending, yadda yadda. Humidity can't be low at that temp, for instance.

Possibly Dennise. I read (when I was getting ready for my grow) that 85f was "optimum". I've read it a few times since too. I had this discussion with a few guys on LAs thread a week or two back and Mick researched and found an interesting piece that backed the 85f up :)

Not that I'm dis-agreeing with you Oz, but I've read plenty more saying the ideal temps are between 75-80 F than I have that say 80-85 F. Though I've read both I don't recall reading that the ideal indoor temp is 85 F. I've read on numerous occasions that 77 f was what we should strive for in indoor grows.

If you think about it like this: As many of the well seasoned growers (4yrs or better) here would agree, 85 F is only 5 degrees shy of what would be considered hot for an indoor plant yet 15 degrees from what would be considered cool.

I would find your ideal temp to be more in accordance with an outdoor grow with free flowing natural air as outdoor plants can withstand much higher temps without issues. (90's, 100's)

I'll look deeper into this as to not give any incorrect info.

I hope you don't mind if I give my 2 cents into the discussion?

In my opinion I feel that everyone here is in that 'cloud of correctness', however 1 ideal temperature for ALL cannabis plants (all photosynthetic plants in general) is an inappropriate way of approaching the matter.

As we all know, Indica plants are grown most frequently in areas nearer the poles, while Sativa plants are known to be grown around the equator. Knowing this, we can assume that each species (going further by saying each pheno) of cannabis has its own 'ideal' temperature in which it grown. I say this because each of the 4 hemispheres have VERY different temperature ranges, therefore each phenotype might be genetically adjusted to that specific environment.

Now to finish of my opinion, I think the ranges of 75F-85F are the most 'optimal' in best sense of the word. I feel that heat, more than cold propagates any kind of life to grow. However, unlike light intensity and CO2 concentration (where an excess amount of either will neither add or subtract to the benefit of the plant), when there is too much heat the excess does deteriorate the speed at which photosynthesis takes place. Not too mention that most cellular vascular activity starts to lose function above certain temps, causing little absorption and respiration of moisture in leaves (curling, clawing, kayaking, etc...)

Note the pictures.

This graph focuses on the maximum value at which increasing light lintensity will increase the the rate of photosynthesis. Once light intensity reaches approximately 38%, the rate of photosynthesis will not increase anymore. Values of light intensity that are tested after 38% will remain at one constant peak value.



So since we will never really KNOW exactly what each genetic prefers as an optimal temp range, we can just take the average of the the ideal ranges of most plants and you get 79-80F. <----Now that is what I think the optimal temp range for any foreign plant that enters into my grow room should be.

Anyway, plants are looking good Reg, I myself had now idea how much (different types) light you had in the tent before you did inventory! I hope your wiring is up to check ;)

EDIT: The last graph shows an optimum temp of 77F (25C), but as I said, I prefer more warmth than cold to stimulate growth

Re: New City Grower

What's going on Mick? Hope everything's good.

Great info AG & all these lights is the reason I paid attention when Crazycarl mentioned the fire extinguisher. Even put it in my Sig.


Remember all auto fire extinguisher save your house. Last thing you want is your weed burning everything down. Environment is key I always suggest mapping out a plan and slowly work toward a end product. There is a ton of stuff to help you produce a great place for plants to grow I have seen the rewards from great environmental controls
Re: New City Grower

From experience with indoor grow with pumping fresh air into room with a window fan low to mid 70's works for me. Good growth, no bugs or time consuming issues, my children look happy and last but not least great out comes. If u know what I mean.
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