New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Happy Freeweed day to you BAR and a highly Chronic weekend :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I have been using a 2 Ft T-5 to Veg and 600 Watt HPS for flower. A friend gave me two 4 Ft T-8's. I have never used them and would like some feedback. Is it a waste of time?
Re: New City Grower

I have been using a 2 Ft T-5 to Veg and 600 Watt HPS for flower. A friend gave me two 4 Ft T-8's. I have never used them and would like some feedback. Is it a waste of time?

ive used t-8 ive grown a whole plant with em I still use them to veg but
im not using bulbs you can go to the hardware store and get off the shelf
they are specialized just for growing called litro grow lights
its in my first grow under my sig
Re: New City Grower

BAR here is a dupe of a question I'd like to throw at you guys, today was the 1st day I ever had "gnats flying in my face" never saw one until I bought guano & molasses, they dig it.

What are your thoughts on a layer of sand on top of coco, to deter my new found common black GNATS?

I heard they will go through holes on the bottom too, I'll deal with that next. Thanks, I hit LA w this minutes ago.

Hope the trespassing is allowed here! in the :circle-of-love:

may all gnats, moths and other plantdwellers :rip:
Re: New City Grower

For soil insects I use diatomaceous earth on top of the soil as a barrier, it cuts them as they move through it. I bought my diatomaceous earth from an animal feed store, do not use the type meant for pool filters. Mosquito dunks can also be used as a soil drench for fungus gnats. Sierra Natural Sciences also makes a soil drench called SNS-203 for fungus gnats and other soil insects. earth mosquito dunks natural pesticides sns-203
Re: New City Grower

I agree I've used gnatrol, mosquito dunks, and mosquito bits, they all have the same thing I believe. I usually incorporate sticky traps for the fliers and D.E. for the ground. You got to get em fast and hard if you want to eradicate otherwise you can keep the population down with periodic use. It's easiest to also let you plants dry out as much as possible as rhe moisture keeps them in the soil. They feed on root matter usually when it dies as roots are always dying and growing so if you have conditions that are causing your roots to die off faster than normal it will be much harder to get rid of them. Over watering/poor drainage is the biggest cause of this. Covering the the top of your pot will really limit the amount of o2 your rootzone receives and is usually not recommended but I've heard alot of people do it. it's probably best for short periods of time.. hope this helps a little...GOOD LUCK!!
Re: New City Grower

BAR here is a dupe of a question I'd like to throw at you guys, today was the 1st day I ever had "gnats flying in my face" never saw one until I bought guano & molasses, they dig it.

What are your thoughts on a layer of sand on top of coco, to deter my new found common black GNATS?

I heard they will go through holes on the bottom too, I'll deal with that next. Thanks, I hit LA w this minutes ago.

Hope the trespassing is allowed here! in the :circle-of-love:

may all gnats, moths and other plantdwellers :rip:
And also Trichs, if you'd like to take a low budget approach that has worked for me on this one & my previous grow...

Quote Originally Posted by B A R View Post
One quart h2o (I use tap), One cap of Hydrogen Peroxide, & a small drop of liquid Dish detergent > put in a spray bottle > Shake well > Spray the leafs & medium generously once a day for 3 days > Gnats & Larva gone for good.

Looking good. Is the re veg a re gen?

Re: New City Grower

Thanks BAR, RelaxedLes:thumb: told me he likes that SNS to flush the soil. I asked him first, the other day, when I saw just one!

He is the bugmaster & he is (apparently) local.

I also like the idea of "cutting them" w diatomaceous earth.:thanks: to you & NotoriousBob!:thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Thanks CC. Finally didn't have to pay for equipment.

There's a DIY somewhere on mildly rewiring & adding one lights ballasts to another to double or whatnot the lumens emitted on the one fixture. I tried to find it for you but I stink @ searches...end up reading thread after thread that interests me. As an example, I actually opened another window to look for it almost an hour ago lmfao.
Re: New City Grower

Good Morning Reg :ciao:

I noticed your light was still on.

I'm just starting my new day. It's going to be a busy weekend.

Hopefully get my SCROG box built. Also some lighting upgrades to do.

Happy weekend to you.
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, Came home from a Sports Bar after watching the Knicks get their nuts handed to them on a platter. Figured why not try to get these subbed threads down to zero. You're getting up & I haven't been to sleep.
Re: New City Grower

Well both of you dig this! Your last posts made my thread the last subbed thread to knock down. Came home to 42 subbed threads.

Re: New City Grower

Ha I guess i do rhe same as you guys...except I'm catching up and ill see a post from a member I haven't seen before and then I look at their grows and so on and so on and by the time I'm done I've lost about 3hrs of sleep time..
Re: New City Grower

I'm doing the same thing Reg...I've got really behind on my subbed threads...playing a little middle of the night catch up

Good green to you :)
Me too. And I'm having a joint while I'm doing it. :) Good weed to you Reg and Jay. Nothing wrong with the middle of the night when you're retired and don't have to get up in the am. Oh, wait. It's the weekend. :)
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