New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze)

Last night we decided to do a little LST on her. Here's before she adjusted herself / after she adjusted herself photos




Re: New City Grower

:laughtwo: Not quit yet. Just a little Low Stress Training. Maybe on the next run.
Re: New City Grower

LA's got SO much to answer for lol. I love the Flux way of training. There is so little space (height) needed and carrying out the training is simple once you throw away the mole grips, hammer etc LOL :)
Re: New City Grower

Slow down Ozzy, we're still just doing the basics around these parts. Super-cropping, LSTing, Topping, etc.
But your right; LA sure does have a lot to answer to.
At one point we thought about Fluxxing KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze).
Re: New City Grower

No-one. I'm still following Spimp's 5 beginners rules;

Heres my top 5 beginers hints:
1. Dont love her to death. Too much water, too much nutes, too much anything shes dead. Water every time the pot feels light.
2. Dont tell anyone. When those buds look nice, even your best friend will steal from you.
3. READ READ READ. completed journals, how to's, whatever.
4. Provide lots on USEFULL info in the journal. If the good growers (not me) have to ask 50 q's to figure out a problem, they wll pass and move on.
5. TAKE IT SLOW. Any stress-defoliation,ph issues, nute issues, take a week to overcome. So too much too fast = dead.

I wish you good luck and I will help you if I can but Im just a noob. I read alot on here :nomo: and can point you in the right direction.If you use the resources here wisely, you will be a grower before you know it!
Re: New City Grower

No-one. I'm still following Spimp's 5 beginners rules;

:laughtwo:Is the reason for the use of the pronoun 'we' in your updates indicate you trying to digress those writing habits?
Re: New City Grower

Hi BAR :goodjob: on Lavern and great story line as well.

I've and have found myself endlessly reading :nomo: about her since this morning and learning so much along the way. Unfortunately there isn't enough time in one day to read it all but I didn't stop until you harvested her.

I live in north Jersey and will be doing my first grow after moving sometime in May. It is very cool to see so many peeps here giving a lot of valuable info. Can't wait until I can get mine started.

:thanks: for posting it certainly was a pleasure to read. with many laughs along the way as well.

Many REPs man. :headbanger: :peace:
Re: New City Grower

Nice training Reg! Pretty goils that's for sure!

Will the Reps be Right this week? I've been trapped at work for the last few and I want to hit that refresh button again and again!! :)
Re: New City Grower

Nice training Reg! Pretty goils that's for sure!

Will the Reps be Right this week? I've been trapped at work for the last few and I want to hit that refresh button again and again!! :)

There will not be a new episode of
THE REPS ARE RIGHT this weekend. The next one will be the following Sunday, Jan. 26. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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