New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx so much Princess DIY. The methods described in that link are basically a watered down version of the way I was taught to Re-Veg by DP except we revert back to 18/6, not 24/0. That; I've already conquered with LAVERNE & if anyone would like to read what I consider a more descriptive Re-Veg How-to guide I'll link you to DP's.

What I'm trying to find out; Is it possible to Re-Flower (Re-Grow the plant without Re-Vegging).
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg

After harvest there won't be much of the plant left, so you'll have to lengthen the light hours to convince the plant it's not about to die.

You've done this already so you know the process. I've not read anywhere about leaving a plant on 12/12 for a successful second round.
We're on the same wave length Brit, that's the question I'm asking. I already know how to re-veg.


This is my 1st Re-veg.


Just for the whim. I took a 10" cutting on Monday and now it's still standing as attempt to get it rooted :)
I don't know if my clones will survive. I show you how they look we I get home this evening.
Re: New City Grower

Wow, hands down to you! My cloning skills are so suspect I'd look at that as a waste of a potential nice size bud. LOL
I don't think I'm cutting anything else until I get this Bubble cloner.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx so much Princess DIY. The methods described in that link are basically a watered down version of the way I was taught to Re-Veg by DP except we revert back to 18/6, not 24/0. That; I've already conquered with LAVERNE & if anyone would like to read what I consider a more descriptive Re-Veg How-to guide I'll link you to DP's.

What I'm trying to find out; Is it possible to Re-Flower (Re-Grow the plant without Re-Vegging).
Okay Reg, I understand. I don't think you can establish new shoots/leaves or new growth on the plant if you leave it at 12/12 schedule, I think it has to go back to a longer daylight schedule to do that. I don't know for sure though.
I will be quite interested in the answers to this also from those who know.
Re: New City Grower

I got ya question now Reg

In my understanding it would be highly unlikely you could promote growth of new bud sites straight from the little remainder of the plant.

So a proper re-veg is necessary for new branching and new bud sites. Also to allow the plant to go through its full hormonal cycles to achieve that.
Re: New City Grower

Even if you would leave a single branch on the reveg plant, leave it on 12/12 and that single branch will continue to flower until death, switch to 18/6 shuts off hormones and promotes growth, simple :)

Did I hear bubble cloner?
Re: New City Grower

I have a general question I'd like to throw up in the air. Any discussions or answers on the matter would be appreciated.
Is it necessary to Re-Veg a plant to start it over again? What I'm trying to ask is that after you harvest a plant would it grow & Re-Flower again if left in 12/12 or does it have to be sent back into a Veg cycle?

When I brought the plants into the bunker at the end of november,

they were only getting about 5 or 6 hrs of ambient light per day outside.

In the bunker, under 12/12, they revegged at the start,

because they were getting longer daytime light,

but they stopped revegging and finished flowering,

although the later plants revegged more and foxtailed rather than budded up.

I think any daytime longer than 12 hrs would enable the plant to stop flowering, recover and reveg.
Re: New City Grower

that plant looks great! can't wait to see them in full bloom. not sure about the 12/12 growth thing. I do know my outdoor tomato plant produced fruit, then died from blight, but started to "re-veg" itself even though it was becoming cold and the days were getting shorter :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Hi all,

some info on the reveg.
you need to harvest the plant and leave a couple of buds on the plant, only needs to be small popcorn buds, i have also found that putting the plant back under 12-12 until its go over its shock keeps it alive as i noticed some growers kept having plants die, then after 7 days of 12-12 you need to flip it back to veg then keep it in veg until you flip it back to flower,
this is usually what happens
after harvest you can put it back under 18-6 or 24-0
week 1 of veg schedule you will see no difference, the plant and buds will look the same
week 2 of veg schedule you will see some weird single bladed leaves that look nothing like mj, some are curly and very strange looking
week 3 onwards normal veg leaves start to appear and the plant is now back in veg, the plant is now monster cropped and grows like crazy and you end up with a huge bush,

how ever revegging a plant with no buds on it after harvest is still possible but you dont end up with a monster cropped plant you end up with a regular plant, for the massive growth and crazy growth you need to reveg a couple of bud sites, then you end up with a huge bush and yields will be easily double what you harvested first time round if you harvest at around the same size,

now i have experimented with revegges and theirs some pics in my journal that i posted a couple of weeks ago,
i tried to reveg a plant after harvest and all i left on the plant was 1 medium sized fan leaf, no buds or side shoots at all on the plant it was just 1 leaf, pics in my journal, this plant reveg with no problems and im currently growing it now, after harvest all it was was a stem with a fan leaf coming off it, no other growth could be seen and it reveg with no problems,

reveg experiment 2 was a complete harvest with no fan leaves on it but you could see very tiny green growth at the nodes, again this reveg with no problems,
reveg expermint 3, this again was just the main stem and near the top of the stem i left a tiny bud, no fan leaves, no side branches or anything else, this again reveg with no problems and its currently growing, only downside is i have a stem of 1.ft with nothing at all on it and at the top it has a side shoot with about 15 branches coming off it,

so its possible to reveg anything within reason,
after harvest i go strait back to veg schedule but i noticed a few growers having problems with plants dying so i tried something different, i harvested the plant and left a couple of small buds on it and instead of stressing it out strait away by going back to veg i put it back under 12-12 for about 7 to 10 days while my other plant finished then it got flipped to veg, this seemed to allow it time to recover after harvest.

now my theory on why it ends up monster cropped and why you end up with 5 to 10 times the amount of branches compared to the first time round is down to the root mass, when you harvest the plant and remove all the buds and side branches you are left with a plant with a huge root mass, now as the roots are still living they are still taking in the nutrients it needs to grow the plant, but as the plant has very little growth on it compared to the root mass then this is sort of like giving the plant steroids as its getting a lot more than it can actually use so it then gives you the crazy branch growth and you end up with a huge bush,

the last reveg i did i ended up cutting off around 40 to 60 side shoots as they was not getting light and the plant was a tangled mess, i cut off at least 2 carrier bags full of leaves, but the harvest was easily double what it was the first time round,
Re: New City Grower

you harvest the plant then it takes 3 weeks to get back into full veg, once your at this stage the plant is monster cropped and you have a crazy plant with crazy branch growth, i always do 1 or 2 reveg per grow and always have done, the yield is more than worth it compared with first time round,
so you harvest a 2.5ft plant and get 3 to 4oz off it then harvest it and reveg it and then put it in flower at the same size it was first time roudn then the monster cropped harvest will easily be 5 to 8oz depending on how you grow it, outdoors you would get huge yields but indooes a monster cropped plant gets huge and can easily take over the grow space if you dont train it,

in my journal theirs plenty of reveg plants, not sure what pages
let me dig some pics out, every time i search google for strains or monster cropped plants or reveg plants google images always shows my pics so will be easier to find them on their, i find it a bit weird that every pic i upload to this site gets posted on google images, if i search for ak47 x uk cherry cheese then the pics that pop up are mine, all the plants in brown pots are usually containing some of mine,
Re: New City Grower

Hey DP, I want to be clear on this myself. If the plants are left after harvesting under 12/12 light shedule, will they sprout any new growth or will only the small buds and leaves that you left there continue to grow and or flower. That is the question I can't seem to find an answer to. If the plant were stripped bare, but left in flower schedule would it start to get new growth anywhere?
I have 3 plants that have been taken from the harvest and put in to reveg leaving small buds and a few small leaves and have put them on 18/6. But I'm still wondering if they would continue to grow new leaves and shoots if I had left them in 12/12.
Re: New City Grower


let me answer the best i can, what i found happens is this, if i harvest a plant and put it back under 12-12 and leave no fan leaves on the plant and just leave a couple of buds then the plant will start to grow single bladed leaves out of the buds, but thats as far as it goes, the buds will not get bigger, they wont exactly die either they just sort of turn a grey colour if you leave the plant in flower to long, again its something ive tried, in fact let me go and take a picture of a plant that was harvested then placed under 12-12 just to see what would happen,

so it wont continue to flower, it may grow the odd single bladed leaf and thats about it, but eventually it will die but this will take a few weeks, mines been 4 weeks and the buds sort of lose their colour and turn a grey colour, so its worth doing for 7 to 10 days to limit the stress after harvest then flip it back to veg for the reveg, but it wont produce or grow anymore buds and you might get the odd leaf grow out the bud to replace the fan leaves it lost but it certainly wont do anymore than that,

let me go take a pic and ill show you what i mean,
Re: New City Grower

A basic explanation of google images, in a nutshell...not in depth. If your pictures are titled when uploaded or near a title in a post of what a person searches for on google images, the webcrawler finds them. Lots and lots of my images appear there too. It's just the way the webcrawlers work. No one is sending them there, it's the search engine's "detectives" that finds them according what the key words are that are typed in. Hope that helps explain it. LOL
Re: New City Grower


let me answer the best i can, what i found happens is this, if i harvest a plant and put it back under 12-12 and leave no fan leaves on the plant and just leave a couple of buds then the plant will start to grow single bladed leaves out of the buds, but thats as far as it goes, the buds will not get bigger, they wont exactly die either they just sort of turn a grey colour if you leave the plant in flower to long, again its something ive tried, in fact let me go and take a picture of a plant that was harvested then placed under 12-12 just to see what would happen,

so it wont continue to flower, it may grow the odd single bladed leaf and thats about it, but eventually it will die but this will take a few weeks, mines been 4 weeks and the buds sort of lose their colour and turn a grey colour, so its worth doing for 7 to 10 days to limit the stress after harvest then flip it back to veg for the reveg, but it wont produce or grow anymore buds and you might get the odd leaf grow out the bud to replace the fan leaves it lost but it certainly wont do anymore than that,

let me go take a pic and ill show you what i mean,
Okay, I gotcha. That's exactly what happened. I left 3 plants under 12/12 for a week after harvest. Nothing changed on them. They stayed the same, but alive. The buds turned a funny color. So, on the advice of another grower I put them in the veggie room under 18/6. Now I'm waiting to see if there is new growth.
Here's the plants: I left a few small buds and some very small leaves.

Re: New City Grower

i just find it strange that everything we post on any site gets accessed by google images, so nothing we post online is totally secure,

its not a problem but all it takes is someone to click on the pics then it brings them to this site.

you should be ok now you flipped them to veg, under 12-12 nothing happens, i find it cuts down the stress period after harvest so it is worth going 12-12 for a short period after harvest just to let the plant recover then go to a veg schedule, as yours are still alive after the 12-12 period then they should reveg with no problems,
ill show you how mine looked and also how the plant looked that i left very little on it, the only thing that i will add is the bigger the bud you reveg the more crazy branches you get growing, so if i leave just small buds on the plant then it dont seem to have as much branches as a plant thats revegged from a bigger bud, the pics below should show this as the one is the long stem reveg i did with a deccent sized bud.

first is the one i harvested then left under 12-12, the main difference i noticed was the pistils got a lot longer but this could be down to the bud starting to die and shring, mines under a veg schedule now but only the last few days


this plant below is the one with the really long stem, i expected it to die as the bud i left on it was near the top of the plant, i left nothing else on it apart from this one bud, so no fan leaves, no side branches but now im left with a long stem with a plant growing off the one side at the top

again below you can see the bud turned a grey colour while it was doing the reveg process


so as you can see this started off as a bud about the size of a big grape, it had nothing growing out of it, no fan leaves as i trimmed everything off just to see what happens, but it reveg with no problems, i was trying to find out why so many growers kept having reveg plants die on them so i tried to find out why, i had plants with 1 fan leaf on reveg, ive had plants with no fan leaves on reveg, so far ive not had a reveg die on me.
but you can see the amount of branch growth ive got off of this one bud, if the bud was smaller then i wouldnt of got this much growth, im thinking the pistils play a part in how much new growth you have, the more pistils you have the more growth sites you have, after taking a close look through the reveg process it looks like the branches grow out of the parts the pistils grow out of, so if all you leave on the plant is leaf and no bud then it will reveg but it will just be a regular plant when its in veg, if you reveg some buds then you end up with a monster cropped plant,
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