New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Very nice pics Reg, I really enjoyed the fluxed skyscraper you made. I hope to see sooner toppings on your future grows as you can push that energy outwards instead of letting it only focus on up. Also nice to know that the new shoots each produce their own branches which makes many more flowering tops.

High Denise, I've done that too. You end up with a mutated cutting that looks nothing like an MJ plant. Sooner or later it straightens out and you end up with a massively branch bushy plant. It does take longer as the clone has to reveg. And I'm undecided either way if this way is good or not. No disaster. Just took a lot of extra time.:peace::circle-of-love:

I am currently sampling this technique, I cut about a dozen lower branches with buds on them on day 21/22 of 12/12 and picked the best 4 that I thought had the best chance for survival and the rest were trashed. Within a week all 4 rooted (2 in rockwool and 2 bubble cloner) and I am currently waiting for the vegging to begin. I believe it's been since Christmas night or the night after when they were taken. I have some pics that I will add to my journal once I clean out my inbox. 2 clones have been earmarked for 2 friends and I'm gonna try to rerun the best DWC clone in the same system.
Re: New City Grower

Nice update Reg :thumb:

I was wanting more info on it but Doc hasn't reached out to me yet. It is what it is...
High Brix

You can also get some good High Brix advice from BID. I was in contact with him a few moths back, and he does have quite a bit of useful knowledge with his amendments. If you fancy coco coir, he is also the man.
Re: New City Grower

DonPaul I need to give you a disclaimer with anything I say. I am so a newbie and know not of anything I speak so please take anything I say with a grain of salt and perhaps a shot of tequila :winkyface:

If DP doesn't want the tequila can I have it :circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

Hi Dennise! Its a kit that consists of various proprietary nutrients and sprays thats made exclusively for mj. Its called high brix. Its gonna become the standard by which all mj will be compared. Its simplicity is mind blowing (and so will the buds it produces). If you google doc buds high brix you can learn a lot more. Doc bud is a writer for 420 magazine and he is a great man :)

Is that the same doctor bud that does ytube videos???
Re: New City Grower

Reg my man looks like your thread is still alive and kickin! Glad everything is still going good for you! Hope you have a good new year!
Yep, I'm still here BP420. Missed you during your absence. I've grown addicted to this place; It's my Cyber home.

Nice update Reg...plants look the supercropped cotton candy...Nice work :)
Her structure just boggles my mind now.

Great update, Reg.

I'm so happy a Kumiko is finally going to give up the goods. :winkyface:

Your humidity is all over the place. Were you traveling from the desert to the jungle yesterday with your monitor in your pocket? :laughtwo:
LMAO... It's bounces like that everyday. I keep a window in the room cracked. When the radiator is releasing steam the humidity fly's up. Once the steam stops all the humidity exits through the cracked window. Our building still uses the old school hot water radiators.

Is that the same doctor bud that does ytube videos???
I'm not sure Jaga but he has reached out to me.

Looking good Reg.
WHATS UUPP! Long time no hear from neighbor. Merry Xmas, Happy New Year & all that good stuff...

Thank you all for your kind words...
Re: New City Grower

Looks like you will backing out of the Dead Clone Society sooner than later :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Thanks and right back at ya with a happy New Year. Still working out of town and have a long commute so no time for my cyber world lately. I finally took some clones from my re-veg, 28 of them to be exact. Hopefully I have some success and wont have to join your Dead Clone Society. Its been a week and a half so I should know soon. Im hoping to get enough for a sea of green grow.
Re: New City Grower

Looks like you will backing out of the Dead Clone Society sooner than later :thumb:
Let me ask you a question Mr. Flint, did your leafs start to yellow b4 you had roots with the Flintstone Method?

Thanks and right back at ya with a happy New Year. Still working out of town and have a long commute so no time for my cyber world lately. I finally took some clones from my re-veg, 28 of them to be exact. Hopefully I have some success and wont have to join your Dead Clone Society. Its been a week and a half so I should know soon. Im hoping to get enough for a sea of green grow.
They better survive because we're about to stop giving out memberships... :laughtwo:
Re: New City Grower

Yep they tend to yellow from pulling the nutes out of the leaves to survive and make roots, they yellow with any cloning method, it's a good sign :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

You're right. I don't think I've seen yellow b4. Mines usually go from green to tan to rot. I can't wait to get home!
Re: New City Grower

Great to hear MrFlintstone many of mine are yellowing. I thought I had read that somewhere before but nice to have it confirmed.
Re: New City Grower

:byebye::byebye: High Broke Ass. This fella is looking for some help and obviously does not know just how much... He asked me!! LOL :thedoubletake::thedoubletake::thedoubletake: I gave him all I got but fear it is not enough.. Would you please see if you can give him a hand?? This thread is located at:
What are light cycles and how do I use them?
:sorry: This is the only way I know how to do it and I copy and pasted it from my email..
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