New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

What is it with the clone thing?

Oh and thank you Rico @ #4126

I throw down the gauntlet, I will attempt to put roots on a 10" clone from a one year old plant.

Anyone up for the challenge?

I've got some 8" shoots on a revegged Blue Rhino grand daughter clone from a seed planted 'bout 10 months ago. I'm game to try that if you'd like.
Re: New City Grower

air layering trees does take years AG, they grow much much slower and root much much slower,

air layering MJ takes no longer than regular cloning methods,
soil layering is another method that works well,

soil layering all you do is place another pot on top of the pot your plant is growing in, then you pull down a branch you want to clone and make sure it can be pushed down into the new pot, you need the new pot raised enough so a branch can sit in the soil or medium in the new pot, then scrape the stem back and apply hormone then push it under the growing medium in the new pot, 2 weeks later remove the branch from the mother plant and you can then move the new pot away with the new clone in it, just gently dig down before removing it form the mother plant to check its rooted and if it has it can be cut free,

air layering trees takes much longer AG, i came across that vid and similar ones ages ago, so your spot on with your info mate and i can see why it put you off trying it, but mj grows and roots so damn quick that it takes no longer to root than any other clone does,

@Dres, ill come over and have a look, sounds like he either got bunk hemp seeds as they have no side branching at all they grow strait up or his temps are way to high, topping would promote sideways branching
Re: New City Grower

@rico, lol.

AG or OZ brit for 5,

anyways let me go dig this air layering link out,

air layering what is it?
air layering is the process where you grow the roots on the plant before you take the cutting, so while your growing roots the plant is still growing as normal, this means the clone your going to take is still growing so growth does not slow while the roots are growing, once you have a root mass you just cut it from the mother plant and plant it into the pot you want the clone in, you will now get some slow down in growth while the plant takes its nutrients in only from the roots it has got instead of being fed as normal by the mother plant,

air layering works if you keep the area totally dark,
1, choose the part of the plant your going to cut off and the part you want roots to grow from
2, scrape away the outer layer of the skin on the stem you want roots from, only scrape away the outer skin using a sharp clean knife,
3, rush rooting hormone over the exposed part of the stem making sure you cover it with rooting powder/gel, the part you scrape the skin back on needs to be about 1inch long on the stem and the skin removed all the way around the stem, so you should have a 1inch pice of skin missing all the way around the stem/branch you want to grow roots from.
4, get soil or other growing medium and push this all around the stem forming a sort of ball around the stem, this is what the roots will grow into, so squash growing medium or soil around the part you put hormones on, make sure its pressed onto the stem,
5, using cling film or foil wrap this around the growing medium making sure you leave a gap at the highest point so you can spray some water into it to keep the growing medium slightly moist, not soaking wet but slightly moist.
6, makes sure the area your growing roots is totally dark, so if you cover with cling film then make sure you cover that area with card so no light is leaking into the area you want roots,

now sit back and wait for the roots to grow, if the growing medium dries out then squirt some water into the top where you left a small hole and get it moist again, then leave it, after 7 to 14 days keep checking and you will soon so the roots growing into the growing medium, leave it on the plant until you have a good mass of roots,

once you have a good mass of roots use a sharp knife and cut the cutting away from the parent plant just below the part where you had it covered, carefully undo the cling film or foil then plant as normal in another pot, growth will slow for a couple of days while the roots grow into their new pot,

using this method means the hardest plants to clone can clone with ease, clones can be any size you like so if you was doing a sog style grow you could just veg out a huge mother plant and take huge clones and flip 12-12 once they have settled into their new pots,

the biggest clone i have taken using air layering was a lower branch and the stem had several side branches on it, once it was rooted and removed from the parent plant it was a plant on its own, ready to go 12-12 with once it had settled into its new pot,

ill try and find the link to jons journal where he used the method, he was pretty pleased with it as he had a strain that would not clone at all, he tried it once and it worked,

ill go dig the link out
Awesome Post!! +reps DP!!!
Re: New City Grower

Thank you for selecting me as a judge tonight for The Reps Are Right. I have had a good time this evening and hope everyone also has enjoyed another episode of The Reps Are Right!
Re: New City Grower

i agree, great answers everyone,

but please just all remember we are growing weeds, they will put up with what ever we throw at them, we top them, fim them, lst or hst them and they still bounce back, so just enjoy growing and enjoy the end results,
we all have different growing conditions/strains/lights/mediums etc etc so what works for one might not work for someone else.

we abuse these plants to benefit our yields or growth rates and after some recovery time the plants forgive us and reward us, but 1 person might say his method produces the best most potent results and someone might argue that its wrong and would be lucky to produce anything, but each to their own and if what your doing works then carry on, if it dont work take a step back and have a look at what you can change,
get the growing conditions right and your plants will grow and produce well, get them wrong and they will still grow but not to their best,
we all learn along the way and if we make a mistake we know not to do it again.
what works for me in my country might not work for someone else in another part of the world, we all face different problems and we all find a solution,
its not hard growing a plant and they will grow with very little help, getting perfect results 100% of the time is never going to happen, even the best and most experienced growers have problems so as long as we learn along the way its all good.
if we get some bud at harvest then its all good.

put it this way if one method was the best then we would all be using it, look at lighting schedules, for years growers have grown indoors and even now their is no clear proof what lighting schedule is best. ive tried them all and even im not sure which gives fastest growth or healtheist plants, i know which i think im wasting money using but others argue the total opposite,

just enjoy your hobby and enjoy the end results, if you find something that works for you then its all good.
Re: New City Grower

This was an absolute blast...can't wait to go back and actually read all that input! I had a really good time today and had alot of fun; if I offended anyone w/my humor (or lack of [except Jay ;P]) I apologize; and if Dres is hiding behind curtain #2 with a baseball bat & burly was all Oz's idea.

Re: New City Grower

Good Evening or Afternoon or Morning depending on what side of the universe your on. We'd like to welcome the whole :420: community to the 5th episode of the all new 420 Game Show


The rules are very simple: There are none

Just answer the questions to the best of your ability or even help someone else answer a question. This is an interactive cybermatic open forum. Feel free to post at anytime. Just keep it clean. If you must use the f word use FLUX. We'll be giving away tons of prizes & reps; That's right I said REPS!

I'll be your Host for the show and for those of you who don't know me, my name is


I'll be accompanied by your Hostess & of course our panel of JUDGES who happen to all be seasoned Growers.

I'll let the rest of the team introduce their-selves.

Thanks and here's some reps back to you and the 3 on time judges who introduced themselves below...I'll track down & Rep Rico later
Re: New City Grower

alex801. clones can be taken at any time you can take a 4" or longer cutting, it is important that there is at least 1 node in the medium or aeroponic cloner as this is usually the first area to develop roots. Clones taken during flower require a longer period of time to root and then longer time to re vegetate and begin growing again. Clones should be taken after the plant has been watered and stems are hydrated. Donpaul.P is correct about feeding a lower amount of nitrogen before the cutting is taken.

I am very happy to read about the cloning. The node thing I did not know. I will be sure to leave at least one node on my clones now!
This may be part of my problem. I've never had a node in the medium or even removed the lowest node for that matter.

letting the soil totally dry out before transplanting reduces the stress in soil grown plants, transplanting bubble clones or any other water clone method into soil can and will cause stress
And also I've found it makes it much easier to transplant as dry medium crumbles away from the roots.

I think it may be best to think the questions through a shade more? It's a game and I really enjoy it :) but many answers may be right. A lot is personal preference with some questions. Kj and AG like transplants. I and others like 1 transplant. We all do kinda good. Who's to say what's right?
I understand but we're on a time schedule per question. The game is secondary, The information is first.
It's nice to read and understand why other people do things differently though. It's a learning game for sure.

I think I've found this to be true with almost all of the questions, honestly. At this point I just hope people explain/discuss why they choose to grow the way they do, so that others will see alternatives that may work for them. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' in most of these cases... just different ways.

I aim to please, Reg ;)

I was only 20 mins late,

I just didn't feel the need to comment as the other Judges were doing a fantastic job :thumb:
But nonetheless, still late. LOL

Top show Sir Reg...... learn, learn and learn did I lol :)

Good job reg, Dres. And all fine show.:thumb::thumb:

Lot's of fun and learning!
thanks for the entertainment BAR and all.
Great show. Thanks BAR and Dresney for hosting. And thank you judges for judging :high-five:

Done...or rather, at least did my best. Rico & DonPaul are both on it also, so I'm sure it will work itself out. Thx for the show; I was thoroughly impressed.

Thanxx everyone. Spread the word.

:sorry: Sorry I missed the show. Better 3/4 had to go back to work so had to get him packed and loaded and I forgot..........:bigblush::bigblush::bigblush:
No problem Lady Dee. There's always the re-run: New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

LOL... The snow is down the sewer; It's been raining.
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