New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

What kit would that be?
Re: New City Grower

oh shit i missed it lol
Happy skunkday BAR :thumb:

I know and I was bummed, Cronic!

I was particularly interested in seeing your input for this question:

Question 3

When is the best time to a clone - during veg, during the stretch in the first week or two of flower or during actual flowering? Should the plant be dry or freshly watered or freshly fed before cutting? Please explain your answers.

All our contestants chose veg, but I know you have another method. I was hoping you could share 'the whys' with us. :)
Re: New City Grower

I was wanting more info on it but Doc hasn't reached out to me yet. It is what it is...
What's a Doc bud kit????
High Brix
Re: New City Grower

What's a Doc bud kit????:popcorn: guess I should take a pic of a plant in my window then. It is snowing it's butt off here...............

Hi Dennise! Its a kit that consists of various proprietary nutrients and sprays thats made exclusively for mj. Its called high brix. Its gonna become the standard by which all mj will be compared. Its simplicity is mind blowing (and so will the buds it produces). If you google doc buds high brix you can learn a lot more. Doc bud is a writer for 420 magazine and he is a great man :)
Re: New City Grower

I know and I was bummed, Cronic!

I was particularly interested in seeing your input for this question:

All our contestants chose veg, but I know you have another method. I was hoping you could share 'the whys' with us. :)

yea ill do it in veg but ill also do it 1-2 weeks into 12/12 I wont do the explaining now but if enough people ask I will
Happy Munchday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

yea ill do it in veg but ill also do it 1-2 weeks into 12/12 I wont do the explaining now but if enough people ask I will
Happy Munchday BAR :thumb:
Yeah, I'm asking also.
Re: New City Grower

Jan. 6, 2014​


Let's start with the clone attempts:

I see little bumps on the stem of the LAVERNE cutting & a couple tiny strings that may be baby roots. For her it's Day 7.
There's nothing happening with the Cotton Candy cutting. It's at Day 4





STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 100 / Flower Day 22

She's looking healthy & the bud sites are taking off. With the super-cropping from earlier last week she almost looks like a Flux skyscraper.







LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 89 / Flower Day 22

I never worry about her. She's from the streets... She can handle herself. LOL




KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) Day 30 / Flower Day 2

I'm sure she's going to be OK now.



She's finally has a leaf with an odd number of fingers. A five fingered leaf.


Until today it was two & four fingered leafs. Spimp, your God-daughter is normal.



FOOTNOTE: I count the flower day from the date I flip to 12/12.
Re: New City Grower

Very nice. Do you feed often?
I check the weight of the pots everyday. LAVERNE (Re-Veg) pot gets light about every 3 or 4 days. She doesn't take to nutes too much so it's PHed tap once then 1/4 strength Tiger Bloom the next feeding but I already knew she didn't care for nutes from her first run. I wish I knew her strain.
Now STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy), that's a whole different ballgame. The pot is getting light every 2 or 3 days now & she :love: nutes! She's been at full strength the last two feedings with Tiger Bloom & Big Bud. It's like the more I give her the more she wants. She doesn't even get plain tap anymore.
KUMIKO (Honey Haze) Is strictly PHed tap.
Re: New City Grower

Hey Cronic... How come you would take it up to 2 weeks into flower???? :hmmmm:

High Denise, I've done that too. You end up with a mutated cutting that looks nothing like an MJ plant. Sooner or later it straightens out and you end up with a massively branch bushy plant. It does take longer as the clone has to reveg. And I'm undecided either way if this way is good or not. No disaster. Just took a lot of extra time.:peace::circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

:thanks: Mick and beautiful girls Broke Ass :circle-of-love: The middle closet girl that is so tall does the same thing. I gave her 32 oz of H2o today just to sustain her till regular water day but she has stretched the most and her bud sites are much bigger and there are more on her than the other 2. So drink up girls........:party:
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