New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Yeah I had a few come and go in the beginning, green to tan to rot, cloning is the only time yellowing is a good thing :)
Re: New City Grower

:byebye::byebye: High Broke Ass. This fella is looking for some help and obviously does not know just how much... He asked me!! LOL :thedoubletake::thedoubletake::thedoubletake: I gave him all I got but fear it is not enough.. Would you please see if you can give him a hand?? This thread is located at:
What are light cycles and how do I use them?
:sorry: This is the only way I know how to do it and I copy and pasted it from my email..
I went through his posts Lady Dee, he appears to be looking for something else that I can't help him with.
Re: New City Grower

What is he asking?
Re: New City Grower

Just for the record; If that word is what I thought it was suppose to be in spanish, I don't play like that!

I have no idea what you mean, Reg.


Ohhhhhhh, I got it.


It's really 'emoticonning'.... like... you used an emoticon. :laughtwo:

Rico once used 'motacon' in my journal and it stuck with me.

Double edit:

You definitely play the 'motaconning way!

All the cool kids do it!


Triple edit:

As an interesting side note, I think 'mota' is slang for cannabis in Spanish, no?

Quadruple edit:

Re: New City Grower

So if my clones have yellowing when should I start to water them and move them out of the humid tote I have them in? There are many levels of yellow with 28 of them...
Re: New City Grower

@ Dres yes mota or however you spell it is Spanish for marijuana!
@ Jet, if they are perked up and still lively looking, wait to water, when you notice a slight droop then lightly water, do not soak them, roots need to search for water, wait til you notice definite roots then remove the dome.
I use a bubble cloner maybe someone with rockwool/soil cloning abilities can chime in.
Re: New City Grower

How do they look? (I know the camera sucks)

Re: New City Grower

I think for the most part they look great. If it has been a week and a half I would pull one of them up and see if I had roots. They are not wilting, at least they don't look it to me so I would wait on water. Biggest Noobie mistake is over-watering. You need to make the roots look for water so they will grow stronger....... imo..:peace:
Re: New City Grower

Your clones look great JB! Remember, with no roots to support the canopy, some of the canopy must be ingested to produce some roots, so some yellowing is good news that this process is happening.
Re: New City Grower

Thanks folks and thanks Reg for the platform so I can learn. Ive never cloned before nor have I ever flowered indoors. If I have enough survivors for a sea of green I may do a journal....
Re: New City Grower

If it's been a week and a half I would like to think they have roots by now :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Thanks folks and thanks Reg for the platform so I can learn. Ive never cloned before nor have I ever flowered indoors. If I have enough survivors for a sea of green I may do a journal....
I told you b4 neighbor, you're always welcomed to post your pics here. Matter of fact I wish you would do it more often.

I have a general question I'd like to throw up in the air. Any discussions or answers on the matter would be appreciated.
Is it necessary to Re-Veg a plant to start it over again? What I'm trying to ask is that after you harvest a plant would it grow & Re-Flower again if left in 12/12 or does it have to be sent back into a Veg cycle?
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg :ciao:

Had to take a little break for a few days, this place was becoming an OCD for me.

So what's the latest on your clones?

I've got nothing I can call a root yet. I think it's down to light leakage and the strain.

However the clones all look perky and some have yellowing leaves (a good sign). So I'm not giving up just yet.

I am going to modify the set up and give it another week.
Re: New City Grower

I have a general question I'd like to throw up in the air. Any discussions or answers on the matter would be appreciated.
Is it necessary to Re-Veg a plant to start it over again? What I'm trying to ask is that after you harvest a plant would it grow & Re-Flower again if left in 12/12 or does it have to be sent back into a Veg cycle?
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg

After harvest there won't be much of the plant left, so you'll have to lengthen the light hours to convince the plant it's not about to die.

You've done this already so you know the process. I've not read anywhere about leaving a plant on 12/12 for a successful second round.

Just for the whim. I took a 10" cutting on Monday and now it's still standing as I attempt to get it rooted :)
Re: New City Grower

I told you b4 neighbor, you're always welcomed to post your pics here. Matter of fact I wish you would do it more often.

I have a general question I'd like to throw up in the air. Any discussions or answers on the matter would be appreciated.
Is it necessary to Re-Veg a plant to start it over again? What I'm trying to ask is that after you harvest a plant would it grow & Re-Flower again if left in 12/12 or does it have to be sent back into a Veg cycle?
From my limited experience with reveging you have to up the light hours to kill the flowering hormones then it will look like this
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