New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

im hoping someone jumps in about why its best stop feeding N a week or 2 before taking the clones or why is best to take them in early flower,
to much N slows down root development,
Re: New City Grower

Question 3

When is the best time to a clone - during veg, during the stretch in the first week or two of flower or during actual flowering? Should the plant be dry or freshly watered or freshly fed before cutting? Please explain your answers.

During veg and freshly watered. Veg because cloning stresses the mother and could cause "H". Freshly watered because less chance of sucking in an air bubble :)
Re: New City Grower

I'm a member of the dead clone society. Cut them after they have been fed. The cutting can use that energy to sustain itself.
During vegging period. Just before going into flower. The clone will basically have all adult characteristics and can be flipped any time after rooting

durring veg, if for no other reason let's find out if she's a he or she's a he; oh, and not freshly fed w/ N at least; and actually makes little difference on whether watered or not if done meticulously and correctly
Re: New City Grower

im hoping someone jumps in about why its best stop feeding N a week or 2 before taking the clones or why is best to take them in early flower,
to much N slows down root development,

I was hoping Cronic would be here. I know he takes his during the first weeks of flower for this reason.
Re: New City Grower

What are we looking like on Question #3 judges
Re: New City Grower

oh, and not freshly fed w/ N at least; and actually makes little difference on whether watered or not if done meticulously and correctly
Re: New City Grower

clones will live no matter when you take them, veg, stretch or even late flower for monster cropped clones,
AG response is spot on but i was hoping someone would have some info on the N problem with clones,
Re: New City Grower

alex801. clones can be taken at any time you can take a 4" or longer cutting, it is important that there is at least 1 node in the medium or aeroponic cloner as this is usually the first area to develop roots. Clones taken during flower require a longer period of time to root and then longer time to re vegetate and begin growing again. Clones should be taken after the plant has been watered and stems are hydrated. Donpaul.P is correct about feeding a lower amount of nitrogen before the cutting is taken.
Re: New City Grower

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3

Pick a Curtain Ag. Hit em with question # 4 Dres...
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