New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

@dresney, what you say is inteeresting, when the plant is wilting its more like rubber and it wont snap when you lst it, its hard to even pinch leaves off a wilted plant as its just like a piece of rubber, so would of been interesting to hear that side of it,

That is true as well, however when dealing with overall plant well-being, a de-hydrated cell wall is prone to long-term damage from any HST or bending of stems. It's ability to repair itself would be hindered I would think.
Re: New City Grower

im devided on question 2, its either AG or beemerbill as ive never found it makes any different, i lst and hst every grow i do and it makes no difference when i do it,

i also find that when i plant is nearly dry the plant is more supple and less likely to snap, how ever if you do hst on a dry plant then it tends to bounce back when you water unless you tie it down after manipulating it,
Re: New City Grower

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3

Agreed, pick a curtain Princess DIY
Re: New City Grower

Do you mean you feed nutrients with every 4th water :hmmmm:

No AG.....I feed, every other day then on the 4th (due feed) I just water so its Feed, nothing, feed, nothing, feed, nothing, water, nothing, fed, nothing etc.
Re: New City Grower

During full veg. And I don't no the rest would assume best to cut clones just after being fed so it's got goodness in it to carry it through the torture that is being cut off from its plant and food supply
Re: New City Grower

Question 3

When is the best time to a clone - during veg, during the stretch in the first week or two of flower or during actual flowering? Should the plant be dry or freshly watered or freshly fed before cutting? Please explain your answers.

I'm a member of the dead clone society. Cut them after they have been fed. The cutting can use that energy to sustain itself.
During vegging period. Just before going into flower. The clone will basically have all adult characteristics and can be flipped any time after rooting
Re: New City Grower

Question 3

When is the best time to a clone - during veg, during the stretch in the first week or two of flower or during actual flowering? Should the plant be dry or freshly watered or freshly fed before cutting? Please explain your answers.

From my research, you can clone at any time of the growing process and come out successful. Not the most 'optimal' time would be just before you go into flower. I believe this is when your cutting would be the most mature and developed when talking about healthy clones.

I have never heard of a difference of when to take cuttings when considering watering schedules. If I had to make an educated guess, I would say after a nutrient feed as the cutting will more than likely have the most amount of auxins running through its cellular structure at that point.
Re: New City Grower

This is a question you KNOW I'm paying attention to!
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