New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

@cajun, i totally agree with you mate, the mites spread so quick, within days they have taken over the place, i just hope the sns products work when the time comes, they worked perfect for the fungus gnat problem i had, i used the sns products twice and not seen a fungus gnat or since, not even seen anything crawling around in the soil.

hopefully the product you got works, just remember you need to break the life cycle so more than one treatment will be necesarry, it also depends how the product works as some kill the mites but not the eggs so you need to keep using it until all the eggs have hatched then you should be ok,

I would suggest LadyBugs. They are your best defense, and works as a VERY effective 'first blow', then knock 'em with the SNS. Here is a fellow grower that I recommended the use of LB's to defeat his red mites infestation. Within the day he saw little to no mites, and by a few days later he had a hard time trying to spot the mites. HERE is a link to his journal

:ciao: Reg, the ladies are looking wonderful. You seem to have left out Rachel in this weeks update though :hmmmm:
Re: New City Grower

I would suggest LadyBugs. They are your best defense, and works as a VERY effective 'first blow', then knock 'em with the SNS. Here is a fellow grower that I recommended the use of LB's to defeat his red mites infestation. Within the day he saw little to no mites, and by a few days later he had a hard time trying to spot the mites. HERE is a link to his journal

:ciao: Reg, the ladies are looking wonderful. You seem to have left out Rachel in this weeks update though :hmmmm:

Lady Bugs ROCK!
Re: New City Grower

I would suggest LadyBugs. They are your best defense, and works as a VERY effective 'first blow', then knock 'em with the SNS. Here is a fellow grower that I recommended the use of LB's to defeat his red mites infestation. Within the day he saw little to no mites, and by a few days later he had a hard time trying to spot the mites. HERE is a link to his journal

:ciao: Reg, the ladies are looking wonderful. You seem to have left out Rachel in this weeks update though :hmmmm:
Here's what happened to RACHEL AG. New City Grower 1.0 & New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

sorry i missed your gameshow man
had to go help a friend
Happy skunkday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Great gameshow again Reg, sorry I wasn't around but its a bit late for me. It is midnight here at 6 there. I was planning to stay up late, but I had the wink from the misses if you know what I mean:). Maybe next time.
Re: New City Grower

Great gameshow again Reg, sorry I wasn't around but its a bit late for me. It is midnight here at 6 there. I was planning to stay up late, but I had the wink from the misses if you know what I mean:). Maybe next time.

One can not dismiss the wink ;)
Re: New City Grower

For all of those who participated in THE REPS ARE RIGHT 4th episode :thanks:

For those who couldn't make it, here's the Re-Run... New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

Me too. Sorry Reg. Too many family demands. Thought when I was old and retired I could avoid some of this, but oh no. It's worse.
You should be happy so many enjoy your company Mick.
Re: New City Grower

You know reg my first attempt at cloning, I took a cut and placed it in a cup of water in the window, styrofoam insert to keep it floating, didn't think it would work without O2 but sure enough within 5 days it had roots!
You need to throw you a bubble cloner together dood!
Mr. Flint, did you use any type of dome with that?
Re: New City Grower

Sorry I missed the show REG the missus wanted to cuddle last night so of course I couldnt make it lol but on the bright side my seedling broke the soil while we were cuddling so alls well I guess.

You gotta be careful about breaking the soil with your seedling while your cuddling, I think you can get spider mites that way.
Re: New City Grower

O I checked the seed this morning after a hot shower I never handle anything near my plant while Im not clean germs are bad.

Yep, you should never handle your seedling with dirty hands, and if your seedling dribbles on your fingers, you better wash it before you eat! :laughtwo:
Re: New City Grower

Just read through the reps, got my laugh for the day!
Sorry I missed it, maybe I can put my 2cents in next time :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I sure do Princess DIY. Is anyone else having problems uploading Pics?
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