New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Do the judges mind if we go 5 or 8 extra minutes. this is Rico's 1st time & he's done a good job but I want to get these prizes out
Re: New City Grower

As time has expired Well leave the last two questions for open debate
Re: New City Grower

Thank you all for participating & for your pleasure here are some lovely pictures from some of our 420 members.

Good Night...


















Re: New City Grower

i never seen a journal move so quick, my f5 button has wore out, my pointing finger is an inch shorter, can i claim compensation for repetative f5 injury, my finger is damged for life
Re: New City Grower

>>> How is it possible for PM to flourish even in low humidity environments?

Fungus spores are almost always present in most homes. The reason they start to develop is by providing optimal environments for them to strive and multiply. High humidity and high tempretures are two key factors for rapid PM development. For them to flourish in low humidity envrionments means that YOU already have the spores present in your grow room.


White powdery fungus grows on the upper leaf surface of the lower leaves.
Leaves may be twisted, distorted, then wilt and die.
On some plants such as kalanchöe, infected leaves have dry, corky, scab-like spots and fungal growth is not obvious.

Conditions Favoring Powdery Mildew

1 High relative humidity at night
2 Low relative humidity during day
3 70-80F (22-27C) temperatures (These conditions prevail in spring and fall)

The spores are carried by air currents and germinate on the leaf surface. Liquid water on leaves inhibits spore germination. The fungus grows on the leaf surface but sends fine threads (haustoria) into the cells to obtain nutrients. From the time a spore germinates to the time new spores form may require only 48 hr. High humidity favors spore formation while low humidity favors spore dispersal.

Some powdery mildew are inhibited by free moisture on leaves while others are favored by wetness on leaf surfaces.

>>>Which HID light has the most efficient watts-to-lumen ratio?
(400, 600, 1000)

Why is one more efficient than the others?

I say 600 and that's all with a bit of math. The 600watt has the highest lumen per watt output (146.6 Lumens per watt) in comparison to the others. Now it all depends on the size of the grow space to consider which one to be more efficient than the others.
Re: New City Grower

OK give Cajun the last prize & lets discuss Ridding the grow area of Spidermites during open discussion.
Rico you did great with only a couple of hours of prep. Reps to you also.
Re: New City Grower

@king, are you sure, i was always under the impression the 600watt hid gave the highest watt to lumin ration, but hps is different to mh and bulb brands can vary by 10,000 lumins, i can buy 55,000 lumin hps bulbs and 65,000 lumin hps bulbs for my 400 watt, so if i used 2x 400 watt 65,00 lumin bulbs id be using 800watts and getting 130,000lumins but thats with hps bulbs
Re: New City Grower

the main course for pm issues is stagnent air around the plants and grow medium, if you dont have good air exchange or good movement of air then this is ideal conditions for pm issues, if you have good air flow at plant level and between plants then you shouldnt have pm issues unless the humidity is way to high
Re: New City Grower

@king, are you sure, i was always under the impression the 600watt hid gave the highest watt to lumin ration, but hps is different to mh and bulb brands can vary by 10,000 lumins, i can buy 55,000 lumin hps bulbs and 65,000 lumin hps bulbs for my 400 watt, so if i used 2x 400 watt 65,00 lumin bulbs id be using 800watts and getting 130,000lumins but thats with hps bulbs

Well going by the average lumen output of each bulb the 600w is the most efficient.

400 watt:
Initial Lumens: 55,000

600 watt:
Initial Lumens: 88,000

1000 watt:
Initial Lumens: 145,000
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