New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Happy New Year BAR
And a Prosperous Bountiful New Year to you :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Happy Tokerday BAR. I was just reading your last The Reps are Right and there was a lot of good info put out. I hope I don't miss it again. Just an after thought on the pebbles in the bottom of the pot question. Water permeation through soil is very important and to put any kind of layer at the bottom be it a different soil or pebbles will stop the permeation. When the water gets to the different layer it will build up until all air has been displaced from the soil and perch before going into the next layer. This hinders the drying out process also and air permeation. Also with the water perching the nutes build up at this point and the salts will build there more than any other. When I was in college one of the professors in my Horticulture class would give you a really hard time and insist that you put nothing at the bottom of the pot except more soil. I hope this makes sense.
Re: New City Grower

The New Year is very close, lets hope it will be a good one. Happy New Year BAR :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

How long is it till your knew years happy ( I hope ) day)
It's almost 5:00 pm here

Happy New Year BAR
And a Prosperous Bountiful New Year to you :thumb:

:cheer::cheer:Happy New Year reg.:party::party::party:

The New Year is very close, lets hope it will be a good one. Happy New Year BAR :high-five:
& the same to all of you. Thanxx for stopping by Bill. That was great info on what not to put in the bottom of the pot.
Re: New City Grower

I got a set of two for a little bit over $60.00
Do you have a post # where you have them hooked up? I would like to see if the pattern of the lights is the same. Don't go to a bunch of trouble, just curious. I'm not really sure whether to just stick with these for vegging or to try a flowering with them. Although they advertised being good for flowering plants....we are dealing with cannabis. LOL
You got 2 for a bit over $60??? Where do you shop cause I need to go there!!!
Re: New City Grower

Hey Dennise! eBay is your best friend! :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I'm right with ya now Reg,

here's my 8 clone version :cheesygrinsmiley:

Re: New City Grower

Happy New Year To each & everyone of you...
Happy New Year Reg.I hope you did not cause too much
I was good, I was toasted, I was highly medicated, & most importantly I was with good company.

I'm right with ya now Reg,

here's my 8 clone version :cheesygrinsmiley:

Looks nice but at the rate I kill them I can't afford to try more than one at a time. Watch yours work & mines wont. LOL

Happy New Year Reg. My pledge for the year Is to get out of the Dead Clone Society. Sorry Pres. I resign.
Yep, mines too.

Last night before I got too FLUxxed up I started fiddling with LAVERNE (Re-Veg). I'm really starting to adapt to this super-cropping. When you're right you're right Cronic. Reps to you...

LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 84 / Flower Day 17

Yesterday right after super-cropping.



Today: You can see how everything immediately starts searching & reaching for the light.








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