New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Stop being so negative Reg lol
Back when I did that clone I set it and forget it, shockingly it was very little and very yellowed but did not flinch as far as looks for the 5 days then bam I lifted it up and seen three roots protruding(about an inch long) by day 7 it was ready to be put in a jiffy puck, ended up growing it as a donar for more clones, and down the line you see where my Hawaiian in my journal came from, that fragile little clone :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Ok Mr. Flint, but you must understand. After so many failed attempts you get a little discouraged. I do feel pretty good about this one though. Maybe even I can't flux this method up!

Re: New City Grower

Stop being so negative Reg lol
Back when I did that clone I set it and forget it, shockingly it was very little and very yellowed but did not flinch as far as looks for the 5 days then bam I lifted it up and seen three roots protruding(about an inch long) by day 7 it was ready to be put in a jiffy puck, ended up growing it as a donar for more clones, and down the line you see where my Hawaiian in my journal came from, that fragile little clone :thumb:

Well said Mr. F

It's a great idea, I've thrown 8 clones at it as I'm sure you seen. Thank you Sir.
Re: New City Grower

Well I hope it works out for ya!
I got discouraged growing in soil, was nearly about to give up and said flux it I'm gonna try dwc after all the great things I've heard and not to mention faster and better results and seeing the proof, always fun to learn new things.

Btw Laverne's looking mighty sexy her 2nd time round :)
Re: New City Grower

Well I hope it works out for ya!
I got discouraged growing in soil, was nearly about to give up and said fuck it I'm gonna try dwc after all the great things I've heard and not to mention faster and better results and seeing the proof, always fun to learn new things.

Btw Laverne's looking mighty sexy here 2nd time round :)
She says Thanxx
Re: New City Grower

happy new year

good luck with the clone, this is the most basic way to clone. it should work just try not to let the water temp get to warm, keep out of direct sunlight or heat from lights. apart from that you should be ok,

we need to get this dead clone society closed down, their setting a bad example. we need to take back all the members and make sure they dont get any new ones. the dead clone society will be a thing of the past, it wont be long until we walk down the street and find wripped up membership cards.

all the best for the new year,
Re: New City Grower

happy new year

good luck with the clone, this is the most basic way to clone. it should work just try not to let the water temp get to warm, keep out of direct sunlight or heat from lights. apart from that you should be ok,

we need to get this dead clone society closed down, their setting a bad example. we need to take back all the members and make sure they dont get any new ones. the dead clone society will be a thing of the past, it wont be long until we walk down the street and find wripped up membership cards.

all the best for the new year,
Re: New City Grower

Hey Dennise! eBay is your best friend! :thumb:

Oh my! You were so right! I just ordered 2 of them for less than $65 with free shipping!! Thank you so much for the info. I have a full spectrum in my closet for flower and just needed 2 small ones for veg in my cabinet!!!:thanks:
Re: New City Grower








Today: Day 26

She's starting to grow out of her weirdness. Who knows what her future brings. Herb has offered to replace the 6 Honey Haze beans with another feminized strain so if she works her way through her ugliness she'll be a New Years bonus!



Also this morning the last of the Honey Haze beans, (the one that tap-rooted but didn't sprout) I gently pulled it out of the Rapid Rooter block & I'm now attempting to tap root it again. This is just an experiment of the vitality of seeds. I have it on the heat mat & covered for darkness.

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