New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Damn, they're looking good, Reg!

What a good girl Laverne has been!

Re: New City Grower

I hope I didn't offend you when I talked about "throwing the plant in the trash" -- I forgot about harvesting the leaves and that you do tend to cook with them! Great idea, can't wait to see what you put together :)
Re: New City Grower

I hope I didn't offend you when I talked about "throwing the plant in the trash" -- I forgot about harvesting the leaves and that you do tend to cook with them! Great idea, can't wait to see what you put together :)

you said huck it I said burn it to the ground, I dunno which one is worse haha I have a feeling he knew what we meant.
Re: New City Grower

So, what's up with "the reps are right"? What is it? You hosting a game show or something?
That's right. You need to join us Sunday. Here's a re-run from the last episode. New City Grower 1.0

might I suggest spinach rolls... substitute spinach with your leaves :cheesygrinsmiley:
That sounds like a good one. I believe I'll try that.
Originally Posted by Relaxed Lester View Post
I hope I didn't offend you when I talked about "throwing the plant in the trash" -- I forgot about harvesting the leaves and that you do tend to cook with them! Great idea, can't wait to see what you put together
So Reg

What became of Rachel AKA 'Juan Carlos' ?
Please Lester; It takes a lot more than that to offend me! As long as you haven't stolen from me or jeopardized my family we're good :high-five:

Tonight my daughter wanted hamburgers & french fries for dinner so after preparing hers I made Canna Bacon Cheese Burgers for myself.

Re: New City Grower

I'll probably have a Canna Salad later...
Re: New City Grower

There's big juicy turkey burger patties under the leafs. They were delicious!
Re: New City Grower

i like how your bubble is looking after puberty. i copped a bag of chocolate and bubble once when i was at college. was this asian kid that got those green tupperware bins full of bud, i guess his family grew or he knew someone lol. shit was great. the bubble was named juciy fruit now that i recall it. didnt even get to smoke those bagged, middle manned them too quickly LOL

i would really like to grow bubble, pineapple, chocolate, ak. had a lot of skunk which is a killer. lots of og/chemd

i remember those bads i smelled them and i had to convince the kids they werent sprayed! i know bubble is gonna smell and taste crazy! ive (only) smelled it once before
Re: New City Grower

Everything looks good except for that red stuff. I know it's seasonal colours but ..yuk:)
You don't put ketchup on your burgers Mick? Well here's one with no red stuff!

This ones for you Buckshot...

The Cannabis


The Onions


The Bacon


The Cheeses


The Cream


Of Course The Garlic


Mix it & Wrap it




& Whala! 5 min. Cannabis Wraps

Re: New City Grower

The Bacon


Reg... Your my boy, but what the hell is that??
Please dont blaspheme 'BACON' Sir... at best thats precooked... please be pork...please be pork... :bitingnails:
Re: New City Grower

Reg... Your my boy, but what the hell is that??
Please dont blaspheme 'BACON' Sir... at best thats precooked... please be pork...please be pork... :bitingnails:
Nah Spimp, we don't do pork. That's turkey bacon.
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