New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

4 states would be a nice start. We're chasing the American Dream here. :idea:
It is over 20 states now Brassic and Colorado just passed recreational use for over age 21. You can go to a dispensary a purchase up to 1 ounce for personal use......... It's only a matter of time till it will be legal every where here.......:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Re: New City Grower

OMG!!! That blasphemy!! Pig fat rules!!!!!!:thedoubletake::thedoubletake::thedoubletake:
Yes it does, if you like heart disease & don't come from a family with a history of High blood pressure.
Re: New City Grower

The peanuts... not so much. They are a protein and help to maintain your sugars with less of a spike and for a longer period of time than say a cookie. The cookie is a simple carb and breaks down quickly causing spikes but have nothing to do with helping on a splurge. Now the vinegar I have no idea if that would work or not but I will investigate. Thanks for the info but also, diabetes is so much better than other things you can have. If you respect it.. you can live with it. It just is what it is.........:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

Wow, I am sorry to hear that. Someone once told me they drink a couple teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, or pop of few peanuts before they splurge. I have no idea if it helps...:circle-of-love:

I will say that in my experience...being close to the medical community for many years, that most cholesterol issues come from heredity. Myself for example; I was raised meat and potatoes......absolutely no regard for cholesterol or health at all for that matter. When I have the tests they say that my levels are absolutely lovely! My father had cholesterol issues, but my mother did not....however she was diabetic and a lot of issues came out of that. I love bacon! I once gave a false positive cholesterol test.... I was tested and it was so high that I was put on meds immediately, that was back a few years. So, I went back to the dr two weeks later and he about shit because my cholesterol was at unhealthy low levels. He scratched his head and told me that I gave a false positive...and asked me this; " did you eat any nuts before you came in for the initial test"? I had eaten a whole bag of smoked almonds on the way to be tested......which he said was the reason for the false positive.
Re: New City Grower

Diabetes killed my mom and my aunt. My mom suffered for many years...with many different conditions...all from the diabetes, finally dying of a massive heart attack after a surgery to relieve the pressure from a bleed on her brain. My aunt on the other hand....had lived blind for many years....again from the diabetes, was on vacation in England at my cousins and the doctors at an air force base didn't handle the treatment correctly when she "crashed" and they basically killed her. I have many diabetic friends, and I'm educated to handle diabetic issues. I never know when I may be the only person who recognizes what is happening, and more importantly how to treat them, most often under less than optimal conditions.
Re: New City Grower

I tried the vinegar trick to control blood sugar but couldn't stomach it at all. What I have found that does work is cinnamon, I take one 500 mg cinnamon capsule twice a day. Prior to taking cinnamon, I was diagnosed pre-diabetic by my doctor with my fasting glucose approaching 125, now, with no other dietary changes, it comes in below 90. BTW, it may be coincidence but I only started having blood sugar issues after I stopped smoking cannabis nearly 5 years ago.
Re: New City Grower

I tried the vinegar trick to control blood sugar but couldn't stomach it at all. What I have found that does work is cinnamon, I take one 500 mg cinnamon capsule twice a day. Prior to taking cinnamon, I was diagnosed pre-diabetic by my doctor with my fasting glucose approaching 125, now, with no other dietary changes, it comes in below 90.

That's great that you can control it with diet.....and probably exercise too!
Re: New City Grower

I have had type 1 diabetes (juvenile) for so long I don't think I would know how to survive without it. It just is a fact of my life and one of the easier things from my past to live with. My mom had diabetes too but it was type 2 and has nothing to do with type 1. Tried to blame her for years but she wouldn't let me......:lot-o-toke:
Re: New City Grower

I don't even eat red meat, drink fat free milk, & eat plenty of veggys & salads. Once you start eating healthy you can't stand the taste nor smell of fatty or heavy foods. They make you nauseous. I've been eating healthy for over 20yrs. I do splurge on sweets now & then and indulge in a lot of cheeses but even in lasagna we use ground turkey or chicken.
Re: New City Grower

I don't even eat red meat, drink fat free milk, & eat plenty of veggys & salads. Once you start eating healthy you can't stand the taste nor smell of fatty or heavy foods. They make you nauseous. I've been eating healthy for over 20yrs. I do splurge on sweets now & then and indulge in a lot of cheeses but even in lasagna we use ground turkey or chicken.

LOL....that's true about the nausea....LOL!
Re: New City Grower

I don't even eat red meat, drink fat free milk, & eat plenty of veggys & salads. Once you start eating healthy you can't stand the taste nor smell of fatty or heavy foods. They make you nauseous. I've been eating healthy for over 20yrs. I do splurge on sweets now & then and indulge in a lot of cheeses but even in lasagna we use ground turkey or chicken.

All kidding aside... I do eat mostly chicken, very little red meat but I do love my other white meat (pork). I try not to eat many processed foods and cook with fresh veggies as much as possible. I walk the property most every day and work out in the house every day. I have had a heart attack and stroke but it was caused by an assault 9 years ago which caused my brain problems. This was intentionally done to me not caused by the diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled and hopefully the pharmaceutical companies will allow the cure to be released in my life time..........:high-five:
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