New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

ColoradoHigh, you gave it up 5 years ok? :peace:

Yeah, kind of had to as I lost contact with my supplier early in 2009, my last time smoking was February 18, 2009. I didn't really start up again until after my first harvest a few weeks ago. I'm only vaping now and I use the mulch to make brownies. I've never really had a hard time stopping cannabis but it is harder when it is forced upon you rather than coming from your own decision.
Re: New City Grower

I took a break in '09 when I went to work on a ship and my livelihood depended on that one job but other than that I haven't gone maybe 8 months with out a smoke in 12 years. It's the only thing that quiets my brain.
Re: New City Grower

I've been smoking since freshman year in college, 37 years ago!! This last drought was by far my longest ever since I started, the next longest one was around a year or so. I figured that was it for me until last year when it became legal here.
Re: New City Grower

All of you are damn good. I've been able to drop anything from relationships to over indulgence in alcohol at the drop of a dime (including those party D__gs from my early 20's) but have not once ever stopped smoking cannabis nor have I tried.
Re: New City Grower

about 30 yrs or so
most of it daily smoking maybe an oz a week for years
no i cant do that anymore or i wouldnt be able to to the
physical things i like to do but then again the cigs never helped
longest not smoking maybe 6 months or so weed that is
just to make sure i can get work lol
Re: New City Grower

Can't seem to find any reason to stop :rollit:

That's my mind set as well. Now I need to shuffle along to a green state :bong:
Re: New City Grower

Are you far from Rock City Music Hall? My mother used to dance there when I was a little girl.........
Nothing is far away in the city. The whole island of Manhattan is only a few miles long.
Re: New City Grower

I do splurge on sweets now & then

It amazes me that more people don’t eat properly, (well no it doesn’t actually) I am almost a vegetarian for financial reasons, and so I can afford my real weakness, real Bacon Sandwiches! Just the smell of bacon fat has me drooling! :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Quick side story---

When I have been in spots where the Green is weak and I have no other connection, Ill buy a bag and not smoke more than one bowl a day for a week. Then my tolerance gets a little weak so I can roll a J and get where I want to be. :high-five:

"I got mind control on Debo..... when he leaves, I be talking again..." :):)
Re: New City Grower

She had to be great to be a Radio City Music hall dancer Lady Dee. The competition is fierce.
Re: New City Grower

hello my friends, not good with getting the male B A R, but its one of them things, i know most growers will throw them in the bin but using the pollen means you can have hundreds of seeds for future grows, if im breeding then when the males show sex i put them in the spare room with just the light from a window shining on them and that keep them in flower and produces the pollen for breeding,

if im not breeding and ive only got 1 seed from a good strain and it turns out male then again ill use the pollen, but instead of letting the whole plant produce pollen ill just leave the main stem growing, all the side branches and node growth gets removed, all i leave on the male is the top couple of nodes the rest goes in the bin, doing this ensures i only get a small amount of pollen and i can then use that to produce between 10 and 20 seeds, but i know some growers dont mess with males but i find as long as you spray everything down with water after messing around with pollen then their wont be any risk of it getting on other females, plus at room temp pollen is only viable for 2 or 3 days at the max, ive heard grower say pollen from a previous grow has turned the latest grow to seed, well id have to say this is impossible, pollen is viable for 2 or 3 days at room temp, 4 to 7 days stored in rice in dark place at cool temp, in the fridge it stays viable for a couple of months.

ill speak with you via pm about what i wrote, sorry buddy
Re: New City Grower

Well DP, I would like to get a few other things under my belt B4 attempting any breeding; such as cloning, the perfect combo of plant manipulation for my idea of the perfect plant, & exactly when to harvest for the type of high I prefer. Once I've leaped those hurdles with pinpoint accuracy then I'll be looking into breeding.
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