New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Ah FLUX, It is what it is Lester. To the trash he goes. It just deteriorate my whole mood as I put a lot of work into to him since back when I thought it wouldn't survive. The transplant, the super cropping, & the topping. At least I can spread the other two closer to the center of the tent to get more side lighting. There's a bright side to every dark side.
Re: New City Grower

Yeah Brit, I think it just took off in growth in the last week & that caused him to show his true colors. I hope we caught him in time. The last couple days I hadn't even opened the tent with company & all here. ...EDIT... wooo, That was close. Thanxx Colorado!!!
Re: New City Grower

Well I threw him in the kitchen for now. Let me complete this Photo Shoot with my GIRLS
Re: New City Grower

Or if it's a hermie that can go back in the tent & just produce seeds but no pollen...[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

Actually BAR, even if it's a hermie it will produce pollen, it just will also have the pistils on the same plant to self-fertilize as well as mess up any females in the vicinity. Unless you want seed production, remove all males, if it's a hermie, you can attempt to remove all of the stamens prior to meturity but you always run the risk of missing one and all it takes is one mature stamen to screw-up your entire grow.
Re: New City Grower

Taking no chances Colorado!
Re: New City Grower

Sorry about your boy plant man
Happy Freeweed day BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Long time creeper first time poster. Glad you got that male out my friend, if you hadn't I'd be sending you my address for some seeds :phew:
A grow I assisted with a while back got a male smack dab in the middle of the crop and made 2/3 of our crop preggo. Unless you are looking to take the pollen and get some seeds I would light a candle in honor of the plant and then kick that candle over and let that sucker burn :laughtwo:

They are looking fat and sassy keep up the good work! Sub'd.
Re: New City Grower

Reg, was that seed a feminized seed, or regular?
Re: New City Grower

damn dude, that plant has such a beautiful structure. I'm sorry it's a male :(
Re: New City Grower

Heres a question or two....

Was this a feminized seed?
Is this from your same supply as the honey haze seeds?

I know you are the type to call out sponsors if they Flux up,so Ill be waiting for your commentary. :):)

Sorry about the lady boy Reg.
Re: New City Grower

"Flux up" I see what you did there Spimp xD
Re: New City Grower

damn dude, that plant has such a beautiful structure. I'm sorry it's a male :(
You're sorry! Shoot B how do you think I feel? RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) had turned into my favorite in the last couple of weeks.

Heres a question or two....

Was this a feminized seed?
Is this from your same supply as the honey haze seeds?

I know you are the type to call out sponsors if they Flux up,so Ill be waiting for your commentary. :):)

Sorry about the lady boy Reg.
Yes Spimp, Its from the same supplier & from the same order. Though it wasn't feminized & it was a freebie I'm still tight!

"Flux up" I see what you did there Spimp xD
Welcome aboard Mr. Fun.


Dec. 27, 2013

KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) Day 20

Still growing, Still weird...



(Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 90 / Flower Day 12

RainStacks, Your God-daughter is the only new edition to the family tree that hasn't tested my patience in one way or another.







LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 79 / Flower Day 12

Ol Reliable...









Now let me go see what type of dish I can cook-up with RACHEL SUAVAY's leafs.
Re: New City Grower

Now let me go see what type of dish I can cook-up with RACHEL SUAVAY's leafs.

might I suggest spinach rolls... substitute spinach with your leaves :cheesygrinsmiley:
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