New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

:passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft: Let's get this party started! (or should I say party continued)
Re: New City Grower

im liking this questions idea. would be great if it could have its own section so it could be started at page 1 each time it was started,
plus we could also add the question and answer to the frequently asked questions part of the site, this would then give people a point of reference for any future problems.
Re: New City Grower

THE REPS ARE RIGHT returns this Sunday with it's long awaited 4th episode! Look below in my SIGNATURE for details. Be there or be square...
Re: New City Grower

B, I'd like to thank you for asking for an update. If not for that I wouldn't have taken these shots this morning.

RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 84 / Flower Day 13

Tall & Lovely















Tell me he hasn't matured enough to release any pollen in the tent... Or if it's a hermie that can go back in the tent & just produce seeds but no pollen...
Re: New City Grower

First of all, whenever I see males like this, I throw them in the trash immediately, mainly because I gave up on breeding, nor do I have the space, and with my legal limit, not worth it to me. I personally would throw it in the trash immediately, but not sure what you plan on doing. It could open up and release pollen any night, probably between 1-5 days, I'm guessing you'll get one that will try and pop sooner than later based off the looks of it. Of course if you want pollen that's good but, I don't even give males a chance at my place, I use a microscope to see the pollen sacks and then into the trash they go, one time I saw one still growing inside the trash can, with no light, or anything for multiple days, gotta be careful with them hardy males.

EDIT -- Sorry for coming off "harsh", and the bearer of bad news. It is a beautiful plant that I know you have enjoyed watching grow, it is hard to see them go often.... but I developed a thick skin for males because I want nothing to do with seeded bud, or hermies. Anyway, sorry again, and if anyone feels differently feel free to shout. :tokin:
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg :ciao:


We'll do the Xmas thing in a bit. "She" looks most definitely a full on He.

What I can't get my head around is how He missed our almost daily scrutiny. It's a bit like a S E Asian Ladyboy infiltrating a biker gang for two plus months :laugh: :hmmmm:

They're so darn good at hiding their nuts until you've taken things a little too far :)

Well, I'd like confirmation from the gang, but I vote she/he gets kicked out now.

He looks all male to me and will produce a ton of fertile pollen given some time.
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