New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Think of this PG. If you top the plant it creates a "Bottleneck" when multiple cola are produced. The plant will try to grow like more plants but still needs time for main stem to grow big enough to support the new colas with enough water for rapid growth. Since most people are in a hurry most people grow "Stunted plants" if plants are allowed time to bulk up the main stem and root system then the stunted colas can potentially be just as large as a non topped plant. I hope I made sense or w/e lol still half asleep!
Re: New City Grower

Think of this PG. If you top the plant it creates a "Bottleneck" when multiple cola are produced. The plant will try to grow like more plants but still needs time for main stem to grow big enough to support the new colas with enough water for rapid growth. Since most people are in a hurry most people grow "Stunted plants" if plants are allowed time to bulk up the main stem and root system then the stunted colas can potentially be just as large as a non topped plant. I hope I made sense or w/e lol still half asleep!
Now that sounds extremely logical. I was thinking if it vegged long enough, it would make many large colas. But now the question is, do we lose any potency? I totally respect Jorge, I just want to understand it myself.
Re: New City Grower

Now that sounds extremely logical. I was thinking if it vegged long enough, it would make many large colas. But now the question is, do we lose any potency? I totally respect Jorge, I just want to understand it myself.

LOL, we can all respect Jorge.....I respect him more for his work with education and legalization....I don't agree with him on everything....and I know people who have 20 years experience on him!
Re: New City Grower

That's a great idea. I don't really know the answer, but I would love to! Like you said, we all want the BIG POTENT BUDS!! :cheer:

Time is all I can recommend... But these guys above me make the big potent buds haha they know more than I do ;)
Re: New City Grower

LOL, we can all respect Jorge.....I respect him more for his work with education and legalization....I don't agree with him on everything....and I know people who have 20 years experience on him!
That's why I am here mcloadie!! To pick your brain! :clap::green_heart:
Re: New City Grower

I mainly run my bubba untopped and the top buds are definitely a kick to the head above the rest.

Thanks shotta for the feedback! I topped my bubba.....but at some point I will run it natural. I would recommend to everyone to grow plants and not manipulate least try it.....they are so lovely like that......I need weed...and I like it too, but I love plants!! All kinds of plants!
Re: New City Grower

Thanks shotta for the feedback! I topped my bubba.....but at some point I will run it natural. I would recommend to everyone to grow plants and not manipulate least try it.....they are so lovely like that......I need weed...and I like it too, but I love plants!! All kinds of plants!

I love all of them too tall and lanky short and wide topped and untopped trees and little popsicle stick plants. Fruit or no fruit cactus spike or smooth. Sticky or stinky. hahaha thanks mcloadie I needed to unload.
Re: New City Grower

I love all of them too tall and lanky short and wide topped and untopped trees and little popsicle stick plants. Fruit or no fruit cactus spike or smooth. Sticky or stinky. hahaha thanks mcloadie I needed to unload.

I have a mind to start a greenhouse operation shotta.......the damn startup costs are so huge though. Myself....I could never participate enough physically....but I would like to run critical personnel and grow ornamentals, organic vegetables......and seasonal ornamentals. I know how to do it from the business plan, to the loans, to the harvest. Maybe at some point one of my kids will get interested enough to give it a go and make some money. farming is good, honest work.........very fulfilling and rewarding. The plants are a direct reflection of the grower. If you look at my current grow you can see the impatience and anxiety that I've had to deal with getting back on track after getting ripped off.....the plants reflect it all!
Re: New City Grower

I must be missing something. Surely by the logic of decreased potency and size of top-bud, you would have to grow only from seed because each generation of clone would result in a deceased top-bud size and decreased potency, which is not my limited experience. Time between cutting and flowering seems to be the key.

It could of course be one of those occasions that however many times you measure something and commit to cutting when you are over-medicated it is an obvious glaring mistake when it comes back into real focus?

Re: New City Grower

I must be missing something. Surely by the logic of decreased potency and size of top-bud, you would have to grow only from seed because each generation of clone would result in a deceased top-bud size and decreased potency, which is not my limited experience. Time between cutting and flowering seems to be the key.

It could of course be one of those occasions that however many times you measure something and commit to cutting when you are over-medicated it is an obvious glaring mistake when it comes back into real focus?


I have never noticed ANY change in potential of a cutting......a cutting is a genetic duplicate of the cultivar.....with scientific data showing no decrease of potency at least all the way to c-20...that's as far as the study went. I have had better results with f-1' far! The c generations will retain the genetic age of the cultivar also. I HAVE found this; cuttings taken lower on a plant root faster, and cuttings taken nearer the top of the plant grow faster.
Re: New City Grower

I have never noticed ANY change in potential of a cutting......a cutting is a genetic duplicate of the cultivar.....with scientific data showing no decrease of potency at least all the way to c-20...that's as far as the study went. I have had better results with f-1' far! The c generations will retain the genetic age of the cultivar also. I HAVE found this; cuttings taken lower on a plant root faster, and cuttings taken nearer the top of the plant grow faster.

From that I suggest that as long as there is enough time after cutting then the resulting ‘tops’ will be the same in terms of size and potency?
Re: New City Grower

I have a mind to start a greenhouse operation shotta.......the damn startup costs are so huge though. Myself....I could never participate enough physically....but I would like to run critical personnel and grow ornamentals, organic vegetables......and seasonal ornamentals. I know how to do it from the business plan, to the loans, to the harvest. Maybe at some point one of my kids will get interested enough to give it a go and make some money. farming is good, honest work.........very fulfilling and rewarding. The plants are a direct reflection of the grower. If you look at my current grow you can see the impatience and anxiety that I've had to deal with getting back on track after getting ripped off.....the plants reflect it all!

Let me know when you start the greenhouse I would love to participate in some honest gardening work with ya.

Your plants now will turn around. Not to worry bro. keep fighting the good fight
Re: New City Grower

From that I suggest that as long as there is enough time after cutting then the resulting 'tops' will be the same in terms of size and potency?

The same as the cultivar....yes....I believe they least to c-20, I myself have gone all the way to c-5...before I get sick of the mother and kill or flower her. I hate growing and keeping plants that won't give me #1's.....that's what I call top shelf products in smoke able form. I call concentrates #2's because they require processing. the # 1's are the most commonly consumed forms of the cannabis....and therefore....If I'm supplying patients I want to keep my products in the form of the most likely form they will be consumed.
Re: New City Grower

Let me know when you start the greenhouse I would love to participate in some honest gardening work with ya.

Your plants now will turn around. Not to worry bro. keep fighting the good fight

Thanks shotta.....I love doin Christmas runs of poinsettas.............that's some quick dough! you can google poinsettia cuttings....and you tell me how lucrative it is! We were putting 40-50K in the school program every Christmas...and they were almost all pre sold at 30 bucks a pop! Now, if a guy was to get his ducks lined up with vendors...and grow say 10,000....payday baby! When you care for plants like we do, these plants grown with care and love are the most lovely thing you ever blemishes! And you don't have to be organic! Keep it simple and only grow like six varieties..........
Re: New City Grower

Hi Broke Ass! A fella posted on my journal wanting some info that I have no answer for. Go figure!!!!! Would you please see if you can help him out???

Quote Originally Posted by DEEW GO View Post
Hi guys nd gals I know this maj not be the right thread but!!!!

I am currently running 6 x 1200 lumens cfl in a bar fridge, now I have heard a few things about using just Christmas led light stings,
And I have heard that they are crap for use n their own too few with but I was thinking of just lining my walls in the LEDs for a little extra,

Ideas or thoughts would be appreciated cheers.
I was over by your place Lady Dee & I seen Princess DIY had already helped Mr. Deew Go.

Me too reg. Since I killed my WW clones, I now have to reveg. One. Can you help?:high-five::circle-of-love::thanks:
Here's where DP started me off with the steps needed to send LAVERNE into re-veg Mick. New City Grower 1.0

And while your at it make us a lasagna :thumb:

....and dont even try to pull that " I don't know how" shit...we've all seen the photos

LOL That was my sister's lasagna, in my opinion; the best in the world. Now I can make a pan for you guys & it'll be good but nowheres near the taste of hers Jay.
Question 2

How many times can a plant be topped without an adverse reaction? (You want to flower the plant after a veg time of 2-3 months.) What can topping a plant several times (7, 8, 9, 10+) do to the plant? (besides creating more tops)
Quote Originally Posted by alex801 View Post
I read it can lower potency

Maybe a little study and you can explain your theory...or what you gathered from the study and your opinion on the matter pinky. I would be interested to hear what you think! It's all so good, The differences between even popcorn buds and main me is indistinguishable!
LAVERNE was my first & only harvest so far but I also couldn't distinguish the potency between the top buds & the lower buds Mack.

I must be missing something. Surely by the logic of decreased potency and size of top-bud, you would have to grow only from seed because each generation of clone would result in a deceased top-bud size and decreased potency, which is not my limited experience. Time between cutting and flowering seems to be the key.

It could of course be one of those occasions that however many times you measure something and commit to cutting when you are over-medicated it is an obvious glaring mistake when it comes back into real focus?


From that I suggest that as long as there is enough time after cutting then the resulting 'tops' will be the same in terms of size and potency?
OK , I've taken into consideration what everyone has posted on this matter & I tend to agree with Mack & AJ [& the rest of you]. It seems to me that topping or any other manipulation can have an effect on potency; That's only if you don't give the plant time to recover. I know already from personal experience that no matter what you do to a cannabis plant it's going to take time & only time to get back on track.
Thanxx everyone. As usual: When in doubt ask the 420 community. :love:
Re: New City Grower

Don't top, tie down the main and watch it get bushy!

Less stress for multiple tops!
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