New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I don't even know. My lady brought over a plastic shopping bag full of medium that her mother uses to grow tomatoes & peppers in. The NYC Compost is finished. I figure it's a safer bet right now than the SCIENTIFIC SOILS.
Re: New City Grower

I know one thing that works; The light fixture... LOL
Re: New City Grower

I don't even know. My lady brought over a plastic shopping bag full of medium that her mother uses to grow tomatoes & peppers in. The NYC Compost is finished. I figure it's a safer bet right now than the SCIENTIFIC SOILS.

What is scientific soils?
Re: New City Grower

Oo err

That was a mighty fine piece of skilled transplanting there Reg. Excellent close ups. I think you nailed it this time. The coco (if it is) is a great medium to work with, she will thank you for it. As mentioned there are no nutes in it so something to think about later. Great light position just mind she doesn't wilt from the heat. :goodjob:
Re: New City Grower

What is scientific soils?
It's soil that you win as part of the prize package with POTM. Mind you I didn't win, LA donated it to me this past august.

Re: New City Grower

keep in mind I was using flouro tubes
t-8's to boot
only 25 watts each tube

All Greenies,
What is the difference between a T5 and a T8? What about between a flour. and a T5? I know I can find the written explanation, but I was hoping for a more hands on description. Thanks!:reading420magazine::bigtoke:
Re: New City Grower

Those long hair looking thing's,look like coco husk.There is no fertilizer in coco.I am just curious of what it is.We'll find out soon enough how it work's,I guess.

As far as I know,
Coco mix is coconut husk's all ground up.
Re: New City Grower

He woke up in a panic telling his wife to save the honey haze! Priceless :)
Re: New City Grower

He woke up in a panic telling his wife to save the honey haze! Priceless :)
WHOA There Big Fella! Let's not start using word's like wife & marriage & what not. In my life those are always the beginnings of the end.
Re: New City Grower

WHOA There Big Fella! Let's not start using word's like wife & marriage & what not. In my life those are always the beginnings of the end.

Aint that the truth !

I love a good wedding though...
Re: New City Grower

Good morning everyone. I woke up in nightmarish sweat thinking I was out of Honey Haze beans without one surviving plant. My lady was like; "Why are you getting up so early, it's Saturday". I told her I had to save the Honey Haze!


And yes Mr. Suavay, Those were definitely roots on the surface.
I am so glad you replanted. Even I noticed that one and I was getting scared for her. Yea! :bravo:
So here's a quick pictorial of what transpired this morning...
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