New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I know I am just being lazy but how long have these been in dirt???? Am I even close to ya????? :thumb:
Last complete update was Post #2125
Re: New City Grower

Nicely done with the cloning reg :high-five:

For next time I would make sure that you don't re-dip into the actual bottle of rooting hormones, only to prevent bacteria and disease form spreading from one plant to another. I would use a separate, smaller container for this.

And I don't know if you did this or not, but I saw you mentioned trying to give as little 'time exposed to air' as possible. Well with my method, I just cut a little more than what I would need for a cutting, then I dip the end into a tall container of water. While submerged, I make another cut, preventing any oxygen from cauterizing the stem.

Other than that, everything is on point bro!
Re: New City Grower

exactly lol
you mighta seen it in my update this past sunday where I show the bucket of water where I made my second cut under the water
Re: New City Grower

Nicely done with the cloning reg :high-five:

For next time I would make sure that you don't re-dip into the actual bottle of rooting hormones, only to prevent bacteria and disease form spreading from one plant to another. I would use a separate, smaller container for this.

And I don't know if you did this or not, but I saw you mentioned trying to give as little 'time exposed to air' as possible. Well with my method, I just cut a little more than what I would need for a cutting, then I dip the end into a tall container of water. While submerged, I make another cut, preventing any oxygen from cauterizing the stem.

Other than that, everything is on point bro!

exactly lol
you mighta seen it in my update this past sunday where I show the bucket of water where I made my second cut under the water

Yup, great points here guys. I also cover this in my recent cloning guide. Maybe I should have stressed these points a bit more. especially the one about putting a small amount of your rooting compound in a separate container, and importantly DISPOSING of that after use, DO NOT be tempted to put it back in the bottle.

Reg, just how big is Stack A. Dollar ? I think we'll be hitting 12/12 about the same time as the largest of my 3 + 3 look a similar size. I want to avoid the issues you raised the other day about large plants not maturing evenly, we can make some comparisons.
Re: New City Grower

I just use my measuring shotglass
when I do have some lol
Re: New City Grower

Wow Broke Ass that was beautiful....:circle-of-love:

Indisputably the 420 post of the month by none other than The Spimpster...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I'm thankful for each and every member here at 420.
I'm thankful for the old school guys who are willing to help us noob's and share information here.
I'm thankful for Mrs. Spimp and the Spimp'lets.
I'm thankful for my family. Even though you are crazy as shit.
I'm thankful for the mods who spend thankless hours cleaning this place up and allowing us to basically loose our minds from time to time.
I'm thankful for everyone here who has ever helped another person enjoy the benifits of Cannabis.
I'm thankful for 420 for having a vision and making this place what it is 20 years later.

But mostly I'm thankful this year for finding this place. I have found a brotherhood and kindship that I hold dear to my heart. You here have made my life a better one. Not only have you guided me in my pursuit of self-reliance of medication, you have welcomed me in as one of your own. And for that, Im eternally Thankful.
Don't tell that to me, tell it to Spimp. He wrote it, I just recognized it. He's somewhat of a modern day poet anyway.

This morning I was mildly busy. I got all SuperJayCronicyCropping on STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) and I think she enjoyed it!


Then after examining the humidity dome I found my last White Widow X Skunk bean popping her head out trying to see what all the commotion was.


And after a closer investigation I spotted her side kick, that Honey Haze bean trying to peek & see why it was so humid in the dome.

Re: New City Grower

Very nice Reg :thumb:...your gonna have to tie the branches down when you super crop them...imho...they will straighten right out in no time

....I was thinking super crop 1/3 of the plant if she got too tall....PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS THOUGH...I could never live with myself if she snapped in half based on something I wrote.

I have supercropped large portions of the plant when needed because of height issues with excellent results...but this was done out of necessity was just a thought as an option if you run out of room
Re: New City Grower

congrats on the sprouts.

the fan leaves are the not the parts of the plant that stretches as you'll see soon lol. you're going to have to supercrop those two tops if you want to do it right
Re: New City Grower

congrats on the sprouts.

the fan leaves are the not the parts of the plant that stretches as you'll see soon lol. you're going to have to supercrop those two tops if you want to do it right

Exactly.....make sure you let those tops grow more first if that's what you decide to do Reg
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