New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

It's okay, Jay. Immediate apologies indicate that your heart is pure... mischievous maybe, but pure nonetheless. :high-five:

Thanks plan for the rest of the nite is to cook instead of post so I should be well behaved

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could make out of tomatoes, Mexican cheese, potatoes, hamburger, frozen French fries, crackers, eggs, jelly, ketchup, pickles and bacon bits....any help is much appreciated :ciao:
Re: New City Grower

got a couple cans of cambells vegetable beef soup?
you could make hunters stew
hunt seek and find and throw it in the pot don't forget to adjust for taste or add or delete items that wont work lol
Re: New City Grower

oh yea also noted the green bottle has no N
which you need in veg more than in bloom
white bottle shows N green doesn't
also noted that bloom booster she mentioned high in N
or am I mistaken?
Re: New City Grower

A little belated, but I'd cut th potatoes and frozen fries into 1" cubes, and fry them up in canna butter or canna oil to make a good medium browned home fries, then toss that into the hunter stew and of course crackers with each serving. Damn, now my stomach is growling.
Re: New City Grower

A little belated, but I'd cut th potatoes and frozen fries into 1" cubes, and fry them up in canna butter or canna oil to make a good medium browned home fries, then toss that into the hunter stew and of course crackers with each serving. Damn, now my stomach is growling.

ohh he has a light bulb poppin
Re: New City Grower

Wow I missed a lot. Congrats on Laverne's smoke helping to make you and your lady friend an item. I am very happy for you! She is a very very lucky woman! I am so proud of Stack A. Dollar, It was time to cut her hair before she beasted her way through your roof and into your neighbors living room. Rachael's recovery was amazing! I think it is pretty cool that Cron won the Lambo, I heard he is going to paint it green?

Over 10k likes, wow my friend you have created such a fun place to learn here in your journal. I don't think think our friendships are imaginary at all, we do what friends do, we just can't see one another!
Re: New City Grower

Cronic, Jay, & Sky; You guys have that real hardy meal munchies thing going on... Forget about snacks.

Thanxx so much Stacks. Your God-daughter is the star of the show here; the cream da la cream of the crop. & I guess your right, it's pretty much the same with the friends I can see; Joshing & jiving & what not but instead of talking weed we're smoking it.
Re: New City Grower

Hi Reg :ciao:

oh yea also noted the green bottle has no N
which you need in veg more than in bloom
white bottle shows N green doesn't



No Nitrogen?

Look at the picture again. Not the nails....The numbers...


I read N-P2O3-K2O : 5-3-4 %

ie N-P-K : 5-3-4

ie 5 % Nitrogen

As for her Blooombooster that she doesn't have.

It does not sound like a bloombooster unless she got the NPK values mixed up

The white one said need to mix with 1 more nutrient called Bloom & Fruit 16-9-0 (for flower period) and the green one for vegie period.

Plus, the white bottle does not mention "the green bottle"

There is no way that the white bottle even knows that the green bottle exists.

I'm Confused and hungry.


Now move over - I want to drive.


Re: New City Grower

Now move over - I want to drive.

:rofl: Don't worry "Ringmaster Yut, Mr. Rico Suavay PhD. AKA Ricorico Ricardo/Donnie Brassco, the purple people weeder from Updown the Valleymountaintop in the desert by the sea, Da GODDAMN Man who wants his own Lamborghini but less plants & most likely grew the best bud he ever smoked". As the Donnie in you likes to say, Fagettaboutit! We'll be giving out more reps & prizes next Sunday around 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time on 420 magazine's new & exciting game show The Reps Are Right.

I'll be joined by my new Assistant, the lovely and always charming Vanna "Dres" White. By following your fellow members journals instead of just looking at the Weed Porn Pictures you'll be prepared for the show. All questions will be cannabis related and we'll also have a segment at the end of the show where guest can ask their own questions about any problems they may be having with their own grow.
Re: New City Grower

hmm im not used to the way that bottle reads
confusion on my part all my bottles are clearly labeled
well what I mean is this is what im used to reading



shoulda just noticed the end where it says 534 but
I looked and noticed the n with a dash the p with a little 2 below it the o which looks like a 3 next to it etc...
you get the idea
im used to reading plain simple bottles with all the other info on the back
Re: New City Grower

Hi! Could anyone help me plss.//

I am first time grower and live in Vietnam, the temperature is between 26-33o (Oc-Feb)), 33-44d rest.

I couldnt get the Fox Farm Nutrient in Vietname so the shop gave me this.

My plants are 1 of AK 49 Vission 10 days old and 1 suppercheese 5 days old.

As I read the post that I have to feed them first time nutrient on the 14th of the grow but dont really know those nutrients are the right choices and can I mix them up together.

The white one said need to mix with 1 more nutrient called Bloom & Fruit 16-9-0 (for flower period) and the green one for vegie period.

Pls help me! Would be appreciated much.

Thank u



the green bottle is for vegetative growth, the super NPK in the white bottle with red lettering is for flowering. when your cannabis plants are 4-5 inches tall and have 5 nodes of growth start with 1/4 recommended strength and progressively over several waterings slowly increase the dosage until you are at full recommended strength. switch to the super NPK in the white bottle with the red lettering when you switch your lighting schedule to 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness for flowering.
Re: New City Grower

when you germinate your next seeds I recommend you place the seeds in a cup with pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until the first tap roots emerge then place the seeds in the Rapid Rooters mat cut into individual squares and soaked in pH adjusted water under a light. I have had my best germination rate using this method.
Re: New City Grower

OHHH! Wow KJC, that's how I always started them before (by tap-rooting the beans 1st) but I thought you had started the BRAINSTORM HAZE in your thread "KingJohnC's and Labexperiment's Brainstorm Haze" by just placing the beans directly into the Rapid Rooter pads. As a matter of fact I chose R. R. over the Rockwool because the 3 R. R. beans you had survived and the Rockwools didn't. I need to start paying more attention to detail.
Re: New City Grower

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Is just getting to damn tall! For this reason & also to give LAVERNE (Re-Veg) & RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) a chance to catch up, I decided to do some more chopping.
It should slow her down for a couple of days & I was able to drop her lights a little.

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 65

Here's where I cut with the Rapid Rooter pad & Rooting Compound ready.


After cutting & scrapping I quickly dipped & dropped trying to do this as fast as possible as Cronic suggested not to let in too much air.


That's that. I may be flipping to 12/12 as soon as the end of this week. She's nearly standing half the height of the tent. I wanted to grow a tall plant. From now on I'll be careful of what I wish for.

Re: New City Grower

I'm starting a Cotton Candy this weekend - nice to have yours to keep an eye on.

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