New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...

Hint: Behind curtain #2 could be a new member that needs help.
Re: New City Grower

I find that too much heat will do this to my cuts as well. I place my heat pad on a 15 minute on/off schedule which helps. It also is important that the plant is mature and healthy you take cuts from. the healthiest plants will provide the healthiest clones. Keep humidity high do not mist the plants only the inside of the dome for the first couple days. then start opening the the vents slowly. I am about to take some cuts tonight. The last round I took looked like hell.

try. I used to keep my cuts in wet soil with plastic wrap over the cup with holes in it, place it by the windowsill and they stood up nice! LOL some tip from a vet on grass-city I think maybe it was garrilagrower or something. been a while lol

never did get em to root..always plucked em out too soon :)

acid/diesel cut. just gotta get humidity and heat right to stand em up. they like it overly wet I guess

very skunky looking cause it was in stretch/puberty
Re: New City Grower

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...

Hint: Behind curtain #1 the scenario involves a tree.
Re: New City Grower

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...

The time frame to win the free reps & car will expire in 420 mins.

B, Your allowed to take curtain #2 & help the new member KAKA
But it will have to be someone else to pick curtain #1 as you can't answer your own Question...

Laverne looks like a skunk cross. Do you know the genetics?
Re: New City Grower

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...
Re: New City Grower

I missed your picture update. Laverne looks like a skunk cross. Do you know the genetics?

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...

He found her cold and lonely under an NYC tree, abandoned by anyone who loved her. He took her in, the kind soul that he is, and doesn't know her heritage!

This tree, to be exact!


But I believe that is actually Shirley, aka Steve(?), in a dress.
Re: New City Grower


And the prizes go to Dres!!! Not only did she answer the question, but showed us the tree & the other plant that was found there. Ok here's your reps. NOW; you can either keep the car (which carries a few stipulations)
Take what's behind curtain #3....

By the way folks, the question behind curtain #2 from KAKA is still worth free reps---Tick-tock, Tick-tock...
Re: New City Grower

you found her? that's awesome. its nice that you're growing much better this time around.

when I first saw that picture I thought you planted him there lol
Re: New City Grower

LOL OK Dres, Your going to love this.

It's a one day/one night all expenses paid by you SMOKE OUT with your favorite strain provided by you!
You'll be flown from your bedroom to your luxurious living room where you'll be greeted by your adoring kitten. The two of you will smoke to your hearts content or until the weed is gone, which ever comes first.
Later on that evening you'll be our guest to the 420's famous Dresney's First Grow Show where you can sit & enjoy watching your own plants grow. All this is yours & the imaginary car will be donated to the next winner!!!
Re: New City Grower

you found her? that's awesome. its nice that you're growing much better this time around.

when I first saw that picture I thought you planted him there lol
That's a New York City sidewalk, please. I still find it hard to believe I found a plant there not once but twice.
Re: New City Grower

LOL OK Dres, Your going to love this.

It's a one day/one night all expenses paid by you SMOKE OUT with your favorite strain provided by you!
You'll be flown from your bedroom to your luxurious living room where you'll be greeted by your adoring kitten. The two of you will smoke to your hearts content or until the weed is gone, which ever comes first.
Later on that evening you'll be our guest to the 420's famous Dresney's First Grow Show where you can sit & enjoy watching your own plants grow. All this is yours & the imaginary car will be donated to the next winner!!!

omg!! It's everything I ever dreamed of! Really, it's like you've been reading a diary of mine or something and tailored this prize just for me!


I'd like to thank my mom, my kitty, my cousin Vinny, B. Real and one Broke Ass Reg for making this all possible!


PS - I also would have been okay with a goat. I heard they can scream like humans. :geek:
Re: New City Grower

LOL racecar
Re: New City Grower

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...
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