New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Curtain #2...Yes help the new member KAKA
Re: New City Grower

On top of what shottafire said, maybe spin your heat mat so it doesn't heat the whole thing. I'm thinking your temps will stay down and the steam would still occur.
Re: New City Grower

The game show starts on post #2143, one page back. For all you Johnnys come Latelys there's still reps & prizes to be won. Dres walked away with reps & an all expenses paid Vacation.

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...
Re: New City Grower

Curtain #2 is a little tricky; you must actually help her.
Re: New City Grower

she should start a journal and ask in there for help lots of 420ers will be there im sure
good guys on here always willing to help
always good to do it in their own journal tho
is that the only nutes available there? hydro? soil?
im guessing soil but I don't want to assume
she im assuming by the nail polish
lol there it is an assumption lol
cant she order any online or is it hard to import nutrients there'
not sure what shes working with but id say go organic as much as possible
like bat guano fish emulsion etc. etc.
Re: New City Grower

To our behind the scenes panel judges, do we have a winner? Is it Cronic?
Re: New City Grower

She has the nutrients already, so telling her to order some online is not really helping :scratchinghead:

Hi! Could anyone help me plss.//

I am first time grower and live in Vietnam, the temperature is between 26-33o (Oc-Feb)), 33-44d rest.

I couldnt get the Fox Farm Nutrient in Vietname so the shop gave me this.

My plants are 1 of AK 49 Vission 10 days old and 1 suppercheese 5 days old.

As I read the post that I have to feed them first time nutrient on the 14th of the grow but dont really know those nutrients are the right choices and can I mix them up together.

The white one said need to mix with 1 more nutrient called Bloom & Fruit 16-9-0 (for flower period) and the green one for vegie period.

Pls help me! Would be appreciated much.

Thank u



I would feed with the green one first, as it contains humic acid and less phosphate,

using the white one later on, in preparation for flower.

"Bloom and fruit" sounds like a bloom booster. not needed.

Do I get a car now?

Vroomm :partyboy:
Re: New City Grower

Cronic, you are now the proud owner of a 2014 cherry red imaginary Lamborghini that you can drive around 420 magazine-land & do drive-bys on any journal you choose. Also your a proud recipient of the reps I'm about to endorse to you...

From LAVERNE & all her sponsors, GOOD NIGHT & we'll see you all here next week, same time, same thread on "The Reps Are Right"
Re: New City Grower

Dag Rico, this just isn't your weekend! LOL

But seeing that your help was very genuine in it's efforts you'll be receiving a consolation prize behind the scenes.
Re: New City Grower

well I did say in the beginning the 420 people would help lol
I know it doesn't help her to say order stuff online when she already has nutes to use
but unless someone here has already used those nutes we all don't know how effective or how ineffective the one she has is
going organic is always good and you can find some of the organic stuff free]especially if she isn't in the city or is close to farm areas
besides the knowing to flush the salts etc.. that build up
when I was a youngster many moons ago the only thing I bought was fish emulsion
everything else was either collected in my own yard or somewhere on the side of the road lol
it is possible to go organic without spending a lot of money
I used to throw earthworms in my pots too everything organic will allow that cause nothing in there to kill the worms
and there was mulched soil in there that could feed the worms
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