New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

So far I'm having good results with the soil after stopping the air injection system and adding most of the bag of the soil to fill up the smart (grocery) bag/pot she has turned green again and grown an inch in less than 2 days, I'm lucky my tap water is on average 120-150 ppm and Ph 6.7-7.0 but right now it's 50ppm due to the recent heavy precip it taste better than most bottled water,running it thru a Brita adds 10ppm most of the time, so I just drink it by the gallon and feed it to my girls as is I wish everybody had water like mine. I had a place that had bad water it was on a well and ran 500+ ppm and smelled like farts and vomit, we carried water from my moms to drink & cook with so I can relate to the ppl with bad water
Re: New City Grower

Biggie, I'll slide over to see exactly what's going on.
Re: New City Grower

About the bubble cloner, do you immerse the stems in the water, or hover above the waterline to catch a spritz from exploding air bubbles?

should be just above the water but ive had them slightly in the water and still works
it kinda works like an aero cloner without buying all the extra stuff
it stays in the air yet it keeps getting wet from the bubble splashes
Re: New City Grower

I almost forgot.

LAVERNE's Smoke Report from her Original Harvest

As you know, yesterday was Thanksgiving so I pulled out the stash. On Oct. 15, 2013 I gave the following Smoke Report:
Smoke's very smooth (no coughing) & has still yet to be cured. The high is a laid back relaxed Wanna watch a real good Blu-ray Action movie type high & long lasting. Would be great for book reading.
As you light it up it doesn't really smell intruding, the high hits you slowly but by the time the joint's 1/2 way done you're like YEEAAHH! mellow.
On a scale from 1-10; I would rate it a 6. But I'll still place it in my SPECIAL stash for times when I want to just mellow out.
Then it was left to cure.


Then on Nov. 9, 2013 I posted this Smoke report:

I had the lady-friend that I met in Mexico during vacation this summer over again last night. I think it's getting a little serious.
We smoked one joint and then this was as far as we got on the second one.


On comes the serious deep conversations. The high is so relaxing it let's all guards down; definitely something you wouldn't want to smoke in public! The aroma is as mellow as the high & the high is long lasting. It's the same type high as before just a lot more intense.
It's been upgraded from a 6 to a 7 on a scale from 1-10...

By the way, the lady friend & I are an Item now which I basically credit to LAVERNE.

The smoke was pretty much the same high; just more relaxing, smoother & longer lasting. It put all the Smokers that were in my apt. in such a relaxed mode they forgot they were guest. Everyone felt right at home. 4 out of the 7 Smokers that were here asked could I cop some of that for them. 2 out of the 7 were my sister & lady who happen to be the only two people other than my daughter who know I grow. You can't imagine how hard it was to keep from fist pounding my chest roaring "I GREW THIS"!!!
All & all it rounded out to a good 7 on the 1 to 10 scale but as a bias judge I'll give it a 9 due to the extra push with my lady & the great time we all had yesterday. And folks, this is what was left:

Re: New City Grower

And I'm enjoying it. It's giving me time to catch up on my 420 special readings without all my subscribed threads getting backed up.
Edit... Oh, you meant the jar looks empty. I thought you meant the 420 site looks empty. LOL
Re: New City Grower

Great news about your lady friend and you and laverne :circle-of-love:

It's like a fairytale ending and a sitcom beginning.

Reg, his girlfriend and his plants in a bizzare love triangle...

In the battle for appartment space, Who's the boss? :scratchinghead:
Re: New City Grower

My lady has her own place in the Bronx. Here the plants win hands down. They have me trying to figure out a way to arrange my bedroom to fit another tent without it taking up too much space. :morenutes::dreamy:

Actually Mr. Suavay I was thinking of putting a 2nd smaller tent for vegging on top of the tent I have now. Do you think that would be to much weight with the plants & soil for the 1st tent with those little metal poles to support? I'm sure they weren't designed to support anything more than the tent material & light fixtures.
Re: New City Grower

you saw what I did in my journal made a simple frame with joists 16 center
I can climb in that thing now
if I added a 5/8 or 3/4 panel on top of my frame I could get 4 guys sitting on that thing
as it is now with just the frame it still supports a lot of weight
Re: New City Grower

Tent stacking lol. Now that would be fun. I reckon your right on the weight being an issue. Unless you get some second hand bunkbed frame to adapt?
you saw what I did in my journal made a simple frame with joists 16 center
I can climb in that thing now
A little too much ingenuity for me. LOL

I have a noobie question; STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) is growing with nine points on each leaf instead of seven.


Is this abnormal & is there any need for concern?
Re: New City Grower

I wouldn't worry about it I had plants with 10-11 points
Re: New City Grower

glad you and your guests like the smoke.

when the leaves tips stand up like that I call them over the top healthy. I wish my girls stood up like that. mine curl downward in sadness LOL

if you notice the leaves "tacoing" (curling up excessively like a taco shell) its heat stress and she may just be thirsty.

I can't see your room causing heat stress as I used to run 95f with my hid LOL
Re: New City Grower

Congrats on such a great day with a very special lady friend that helped you seal the deal on another very special lady friend! About stacking, even if you could address the structural issue, what about the heat the flower tent would produce, aren't you afraid it might cook anything up top? Actually, if you have a bit of time, you can learn from my grow as I have a veg over flower cabinet and if I am fortunate enough to be blessed with a female, I will have her clones vegging up top with the HPS down low.
Re: New City Grower

Indisputably the 420 post of the month by none other than The Spimpster...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I'm thankful for each and every member here at 420.
I'm thankful for the old school guys who are willing to help us noob's and share information here.
I'm thankful for Mrs. Spimp and the Spimp'lets.
I'm thankful for my family. Even though you are crazy as shit.
I'm thankful for the mods who spend thankless hours cleaning this place up and allowing us to basically loose our minds from time to time.
I'm thankful for everyone here who has ever helped another person enjoy the benifits of Cannabis.
I'm thankful for 420 for having a vision and making this place what it is 20 years later.

But mostly I'm thankful this year for finding this place. I have found a brotherhood and kindship that I hold dear to my heart. You here have made my life a better one. Not only have you guided me in my pursuit of self-reliance of medication, you have welcomed me in as one of your own. And for that, Im eternally Thankful.
Re: New City Grower

Home alone smoking late on a Friday night will have you doing things like this:

I have one more White Widow X Skunk & two more Honey Haze beans left. Let's see what happens in the Germination Station.

Re: New City Grower

sweet. lets see if that haze opens and how she looks.

already love the whites skunk look :)

they make a white diesel too
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